
Chapter 119 - Gaining Control

Vampires, they call them the undead or the undying for a reason which was why David didn't want to risk it and had immediately pierced the heart of the corpse.

If David hadn't done that, the old man's corpse would be completely overtaken by the personality that had developed overtime from the stain in the organ.

From there, the corpse would wake up as a blood thrall. A mindless monster that only knows how to kill and only sees blood.

By then, it would be a nightmare for David and other students present in the location, as a blood thrall surely had enough strength to wipe out the entire students.

And also for the fact that it would only get stronger the more people it kills and the more blood it drank.

Although it had only been David's speculations, he was really glad he had chosen to pierce its hearts with the wood. Moreover, according to the legends, Vampires are weak to silver and wood, he had chosen specifically to use that method.

Relieved, David flopped down to the floor, as his whole body was still in pain and he felt sore everywhere.

But he was really happy to live through these near death experiences. Death was still a scar to him, he would definitely not want to experience such things anymore.

He then remembered that the old man had said somethings about some preparations he had made for himself when he woke up.

David exited the office and he scanned through the surrounding area but he could find anything.

His eyebrows squeezed together into a deep frown. He still couldn't find anything special in the building.

In a flash, something came to his mind. The Cryogenic pod which the old man had been frozen with had emerged from the walls of the office.

Blinking his eyes, David walked straight back into the office and he began to search through the walls like it hid a huge amount of gold hidden within.

Placing his hands flat on the walls, he began to knock every inches of the walls that was in the office.

Ko! Ko! Ko! Kon!

Suddenly, there was a different sound coming a wall a few meters away from the hole the Cryogenic pod had come out from.

David's eyes instantly shone. Using his fingers, he traced the extremely thin and box shaped lamination that had been segregated in the wall.

He had tried using his finger nails but the squared shaped metal wall refused to budge at all.

Frowning slightly, he looked around the room and then took a sharp tool that he had found lying around the corner of the room, using it as an edge, he didn't mind his sore body and used all the strength he could provide as he was too excited to care about that.

He used the whole strength he could pull off at this state which wasn't even half of what he originally used to have.


Instantly, the box sized cover was peeled off after a while. Originally, it would have been impossible for David to pry the metal wall open even with his original strength.

But with the passing of time, the iron cover had decayed, and its half life had reduced by a fair amount.

It didn't even resist against David's weak strength.

Checking what was inside, David saw that it was a type of scanner that was inside. With a small and smooth surface area on a protruding stand.

Squinting his eyes, David tried to remember what it was and after a while, he did in fact remember a lot of information about the scanner.

Suddenly, David walked over to the corpse lying dead on the floor.

He grabbed the old man's hand and placed the old man's imprint on the scanner.

But nothing happened. David frowned at this. Then a light bulb flashed in his head.

He grabbed a piece of clothing from somewhere and then cleaned the old man's wrist thoroughly and after which, he placed the imprint back to the scanner.

This time, something did happen.

An holographic image poped up and an automated voice spoke out as it said "Good evening sir, do you wish to rescind your authority over the facility?"

David sighed in relief. The system was old so, its security level wasn't updated yet and very low. If not, it would have read the life signs or heat signature of the old man.

As long as there was any evidence stating the death of the old man, the system would automatically self destruct of there wasn't any code installed to hand over the command or control to someone else.

Tapping in the option 'Yes' the automated voice spoke out again.

"Accepted. Please place in your imprint to gain control over the facility." smiling broadly, David placed his imprint and soon, it was scanned as the robotic voice spoke out once more.

"Control had been transferred. Welcome David and good day. You can check through your interface to see what this facility has to offer. Please call me if you need any help." and then, the holographic image vanished in that moment.

"Don't worry, I won't need your help. Even the cafeteria's AI is more advance than you. While would I still need you when I have Hazel with me." David muttered in slight disdain.

Although he desperately wished to check everything the Underground facility had to offer, he needed to do something important first.

"Hazel, search through the entire facility and check if you can find an energy tank of some sort, darn red orbs or a uhm serum of any kind that could restore me back to my previous strength or help me recover from this weakness."

"Okay David, scanning now!" Hazel's robotic voice sounded out.

"Scanning complete.. There are Five energy tanks that are in the basement, 12 red orbs, 15 serums of 4 different kinds and a stockpike amount of Gyno points which is estimated to be a total of Two hundred and fifty three thousand five hundred and four(253,504 Gyno points)."

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