
Chapter 242 - 242: Paying Back With The Same Currency!

10 minutes later, Eric left the place with a satisfied smile across his face, as he once again covered the clone he just used, and started walking towards another area of the city.

Now that he knew with what and whom he was dealing with, it would be much easier for him to solve this.


Furthermore, he felt that this was going to be the perfect opportunity he had been waiting for, he could finally put on a show of his inexistent Master\'s strength.

According to the information he got from the Motohara Young Master, the guy he was looking for was really skilled with bombs, but his level of strength wasn\'t really high.

An hour later, Eric was back at the slums from where he came from. With Daisuke\'s help, he had been able to easily track the guy he was looking for.

All that Daisuke had found was that this guy was in the area, but with his Soul Imprint of him, that guy had it impossible to escape his spirit sense, so as soon as he entered the area, Eric knew where to find him.

Following the Soul Imprint, he had placed upon him, he took control of the Motohara Young Master clone and entered the striptease club from where the signal was coming from.

Just like expected, inside there was loud music, and blinding colorful lights, the stages were spread all over the place as each of the perverts in there was enjoying their favorites.

There were all kinds of ladies in there, big bo*obies, big bu*tts, lolis, flats, everything a man could ask for, dancing on the poles, while trying to show their charms.

This was the first time after such a long period, that Eric was coming to such a place, so he was a bit nostalgic, and disgusted at first.

After becoming a strong fighter, and ruler who had his own country, he wouldn\'t go to such lowly places after all.

Even if he wanted to go for fun, he would go at the best establishments and have the best they had to offer, which were normally chaste, and pure girls being raised only for that purpose.

Shaking his head, a bit to come out of those thoughts, he took a turn to the right and went towards the table that the bomber guy was sitting.

The one he was watching was a Caucasian lady, with golden hair, and big curves. She seemed so plastic and unreal though, that he felt like he was watching some kind of air balloon in there.

Still, the guy seemed to be enjoying her dance and moves nonetheless, as he even seemed like he was entrapped by her.

He didn\'t react at all when Motohara Young Master sat beside him at the table, but Eric could notice a little startle and a look of surprise in his eyes.

Motohara Young Master seemed to enjoy the scene in front of him for a bit, and then said with a calm and natural voice,

"Was it fun to entrap me!?"

The look of surprise on the guys face expanded a bit, but he still didn\'t let it show much on his face, as he said,

"I wonder what are you talking about Young Master Motohara!?"

"Well, I am talking about the fact that you used me as a board to try and test that guy\'s power. Don\'t you think it\'s a bit too unbecoming?"

"Haha~! Nothing personal kid! But, do you really think that everyone plays by the high society rules!? There is no such thing as unbecoming in this world, Young Master Motohara.

It\'s only survival and rule of the fittest!"

The Young Master Motohara that Eric was controlling seemed to be in deep thinking for a moment, as he then continued with a sight,

"Sigh~! I see, so were you able to achieve your goal!?"

"Yes, I was! That was why I am here celebrating. We now understand that the kid is no one normal and that we have to be more careful next time."

"Aren\'t you worried that you might be chewing more than you can take though!?"

For a moment, the bomber\'s eyes seemed to be going through a check of the person in front of him, as the normal Young Master of the Motohara wasn\'t this wise, and calm.

But he still pretended like it was normal and said,

"Well, that is for us to worry, don\'t you think!?"

Young Master Motohara seemed to have been expecting something like this, so he got up as he said,

"You are right about that! Well, I guess we will have to say goodbye now, I have a plan to catch. I just hope that you don\'t regret your actions when the time comes."

The bomber wasn\'t really startled by the threat as it was something that he expected from the beginning, what surprised him was the calm with which he heard it said.

There was no way a person could change so quickly in such a short time. It seemed like this was the last tile to finally make him come to a conclusion.

With that said, he lied down more comfortably on his chair, and then made a sign to the girl he was watching and the staff as he said,

"Come on, Young Master Motohara, you are leaving this place rather too quickly. Why don\'t you stay for a drink or a private dance?

I think it is really \'unbecoming\' of me, to not show hospitality to my puppet right!?"

The moment he made the sign the music was shut down, as the whole place went silent in a moment, so his words were heard from everyone around him, including the standing up Young Master.

Looking at how quickly the situation changed, one would have to be an idiot to not understand that this was a trap.

Furthermore, each and every one of the people inside the club had a gun on their hands right now, ready to use at the first sign.

None of them seemed to be hesitant to use it either, as they all were looking towards him with killing intent.

They didn\'t even seem like they were waiting for an order, they would immediately pull the trigger as soon as they saw an exaggerated movement from him.

Looking at the scene around him, and the killing intent directed at him, Young Master Motohara seemed to have gotten really angry, as he said in a heavy tone,

"What do you think you are doing!? Are you really prepared to go to war with my Motohara family here in Tokyo!?

No matter how strong a dragon is, it can never win against the local snake in his territory. I don\'t think that you are that stupid to not understand this, right!?"

The bomber was startled for a moment, but then started smiling, as he said with a calm voice,

"Well that is true, I don\'t dare create a fight with the Motohara family in here by killing their Young Master!

But, you aren\'t the Young Master of the Motohara family, are you!?"

When he said those last words, there was a deep pressure coming from his eyes and his whole being. He seemed like he was trying to say that it would be useless to continue the act from now on.

Different from his, and the people in the club\'s expectations though, the Young Master in front of them didn\'t seem scared at all, in fact, he started laughing out loud.

It took him a while to finally recollect himself, as he said,

"Well, I guessed that this would be too much! This idiot would have never been that calm while threatening!

Well now what!?"

The bomber was a bit startled by his reaction, and his fearlessness, but he wasn\'t an amateur either, he knew this guy might have a few tricks up his hand if he dared to come here.

"You are right about that. This trash wouldn\'t be able to control himself like that. It was because of his rashness in the first place that he ended up like this.

As for what happens next, I would like to propose you a deal, Young Master Eric. How about you join our Viper\'s Venom organization!?"

Young Master Motohara\'s face went startled for a moment, but then he quickly recollected himself as he said with a serious face,

"What does the deal include though!?"

"You will be our Vice leader of the organization, and your Master will be our honorable Elder. You won\'t be restricted by the organization, and you can use its strength however you wish, as long as you can dominate them."

Thinking a bit about the proposal, Eric just looked at him, as he continued,

"As long as I am able to bring my products, and my Master to your side that deal is valid right?"

"It\'s a relief that you understand things quickly, Young Master Eric."

"Then what happens if I don\'t!?"

That line was said with a bit of killing intent, which made the situation quite tense, but nobody pulled the trigger.

"Well if you don\'t agree, then we will have to eliminate you, together with the rest of the world. If you don\'t have a shade to hide until you grow, then you will be plucked before you can."

The bomber wasn\'t the everyday man either, he certainly had some position in the organization, as he didn\'t stumble saying those words. It was clear he was no normal person.

Once again Eric fell into a deep thought posture, before looking up and saying with a sigh,

"Sigh~! Perhaps we might have reached an agreement, but you had to go on and test me while bombing my favorite car, and my secretary!

I really don\'t like people who cross my boundaries!"

The next moment, before the crowd could even recollect from his words, the Young Master Motohara in front of them exploded with a big boom, taking the whole place down with him...

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