
Chapter 903: , whereabouts

That was to teach adventurers how to hunt all kinds of monsters commonly seen by the sea.

It was the afternoon now. The mercenaries of the snake of Yevilk had finished hunting for the whole day and were preparing dinner in the camp.

Their dinner today was a giant octopus that they had killed in the morning.

“I heard on the magic web that the Farosians have made a food show. Rona, don’t you want to consider applying to our employer?”

The Archer sat next to the big pot in the camp and looked at Rona who was throwing ingredients into the big pot.

Rona did not know how to cook. This job was done by his lover and also by the healers in the mercenary group.

“I’m already recording.”

The camera wandered around the big pot. The last part of this issue of the world of monsters might come with a cooking method for hunting monsters.

“The taste of the black rock octopus, we haven’t tasted it for a long time!”

The fragrance of the big pot spread around the entire camp, and the other mercenaries of the Jefferk snake were all ready to make a move.

However, at this moment, the pleasant smiles on the faces of all the members of the yevilk snake instantly disappeared. They put down the wine glasses and the protocrystal mouse in their hands and took out their weapons.

“Enemy attack? Damn it… I just pulled two monsters.”

The archers immediately paused their activities in the characters in “World Crack”and took out the bows and arrows on their backs to look around vigilantly.

They chose to set up camp on the beach outside the cave. The view here was very wide, and it was impossible for humans to sneak attack them.

“Calm down, we are not the enemy.”

Reyerk’s voice rang in the ears of every member. The Archers immediately came to the side of their regiment commander and followed him to the other side of the camp.

At the end of the camp, the archer saw three soldiers in the Navy uniform of the country near the sea coming to the vicinity of the snake of yevilk camp.

The soldier in the lead among the three soldiers, the archer, looked very familiar, but he did not think that he had seen him there before.

“Reyerk… in order to find you, I ran all over the three cities.”

The soldier or general walked quickly to Reyek. His body was almost as strong as Reyek’s.

He was about to open his arms to hug his old friend, but Reyek’s serious eyes made him realize that their relationship was not good enough to greet each other with a hug.

“What’s the matter?”Reyek stared at the general and asked.

“The situation here has been a little chaotic recently. Reyerk… There have been riots among the civilians in many cities,”the general said.

“This has nothing to do with me.”

Reyerk continued to answer him coldly and glanced at the two soldiers brought by the general. When Reyerk looked at them, they clearly showed fear on their faces.

“It really has nothing to do with you. This is a headache for the local nobles. The problem is that the king has assigned us a mission.”

The general was not afraid of Reyerk, nor was he afraid of the group of ferocious ‘snakes’behind Reyerk. He took out a rolled tobacco from his clothes and lit it up.

“This mission was given a long time ago.”The general pointed at the distant horizon with the lit cigarette and said, “But we haven’t made any progress because we don’t have enough manpower.”

“You are the commander of this country’s navy fleet. Do you think you don’t have enough people?”

Reyek still said this with a straight face. If he had any sense of humor, he might have mocked the general at this time.

“Not Enough.”The general shook his head and said, “Our mission is to attack an island surrounded by gray fog, which is a moving island… There are a group of humanoid creatures lurking on the island. Half of my soldiers were killed less than a day after they came ashore, and a small part of them went insane.”

“An island that can move? That sounds like something from the legends,”Reyerk said.

“Behimont… I knew you’d be interested. Rumor has it that there’s an endless treasure buried on the back of that giant beast.”The general saw Reyerk bring up this matter, a smile finally appeared on his face. “How about it? Even if the treasure can’t be found, if your mercenary group can help us eliminate the monsters on the island, His Majesty’s reward won’t let you down.”

“I don’t trust your king, this country.”Reyerk told him his view of this country straightforwardly.

“I know, but Reyerk, this is a big deal.”

The general glanced at the members behind Reyerk. The life of a mercenary was far more difficult than he had imagined. This kind of living in the open was very normal.

However, after the snake of Yevelk had an employer and a stable salary, their life began to become comfortable.

“Tell me the location of that island,”Reyerk said after a moment of silence.

“The nautical chart is in the tower of the military port! If you agree, we will organize another attack.”The general’s face revealed a happy expression.

“Tomorrow, I will go over.”

Reyerk’s reply made the general feel slightly relieved. He and Reyerk agreed on a specific time and left the base together with the other two soldiers.

“Regiment commander, we are going over to act as shields for those people.”

When the archer saw the three soldiers leave, he complained in dissatisfaction.

Like Reyerk, he did not have a good impression of the military, especially the soldiers raised by the nobles.

“Keya, you fool! Have you forgotten the request from the higher-ups?”

His sister knocked the Archer on the head. This hit reminded the archer of a new request from his recent employer.

“I remember now, looking for information related to beimonte! Speaking of which, the employer should not be short of money. Could it be that the beast has some divine equipment on its back? Legendary Equipment?”The Archer said.

But no one answered him. Reyerk had already returned to the camp and was discussing something with Rona.

‘is Mr. Joshua Here?’

This time, it was Rona who sent a message to Joshua.

‘The new issue of the world of monsters is completed?’

The reason Rona contacted Joshua was to send him the world of monsters that he had just filmed, and then Joshua would send the buyout of this issue to his mana net account.

‘No, this time it’s about the information you entrusted to us about beimonte.’

‘have you found out where the turtle is?’

‘We just found some clues and are preparing to leave tomorrow to investigate. Before that, we would like to ask Mr. Joshua, what do you want from Beimonte? Is it some kind of treasure?’

Rona dutifully did what he was doing. The snake of Yevelk and Joshua were just hired. The reward for finding information was part of it, and the reward for finding something on the giant beast was another part.

However, the reason why the snake of Yevilk was willing to work together for a long time was that Joshua would never be stingy with the reward.

‘I’m not interested in the treasure. You just need to find the turtle and shoot a video for me. The more detailed the information about the turtle, the better.’


Rona finished this communication and looked up at Reyerk who was sitting in front of him.

“Don’t want the treasure? Then why is the employer looking for that legendary giant beast?”The Archer was a little confused.

“Let’s not try to figure out what Mr. Jose is thinking…”the healer who had just finished cooking sat down beside Rona and said.

“Leader? What should we do… That’s a target that even the army of the country by the sea can’t take down.”

Rona still supported the Archer’s view, which was that this army hired them as a powerful shield.

No matter how generous the promised reward was, as long as these mercenaries were all dead… the reward didn’t exist.

“We’re only going to scout. Tomorrow, we’ll stop filming the military fortresses heading to this area.”

Reyerk looked at the distant horizon. Perhaps it was his illusion, but he felt that a layer of gray fog was slowly approaching the land.

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