
Chapter 507: flag

However, shier had sufficient reason to convince herself to let this demon named Zannas temporarily stay in Frost Wolf City.

After arranging a place for this sin demon and sending a trusted subordinate to monitor the demon, she brought the suitcase given by Zannas back to the Castellan’s residence in Frost Wolf City.

“Marshal Amut, gather the patriarch of the Frost Wolf clan and their elders in this hall! The battle conference is about to begin.”

The moment Shier stepped into the castellan’s mansion, he saw Marshal Amut. Without waiting for this bear-like man to greet shier, shier immediately gave him an order.

“Yes, sir.”

The moment Marshal ARMT heard the words ‘Combat Meeting’, he entered a state of combat readiness. He ran quickly towards the city Lord’s mansion.

Shier turned his gaze towards the suitcase in his hand. The Messenger of fire had given the leaf of the world tree to her so easily. Shier always felt that there was a conspiracy behind it.

But no matter what the conspiracy was, the members of the Frost Wolf family could not wait any longer.

Shier entered the inscription provided by Zenas, and the seal on the surface of the suitcase was instantly removed.

The spirit of Frost appeared beside shier at this moment. If there were any traps in the suitcase, shier would be able to react immediately.

But it turned out that shier was overthinking things. She successfully opened the suitcase, and Shier took a look at the things inside, this feeling was similar to a little girl seeing a candy jar filled with all kinds of sweets.

Two stacks of world tree leaves were neatly placed in a corner of the suitcase. Thick life force overflowed from the leaves, instantly sweeping away the tiredness on Shier’s body.

More space in the suitcase was used to hold the crystals engraved with the terminals of the mana net. These sugar-like crystals filled the entire suitcase.

Shier only wanted two other records, and there was a small note attached to the record.

She took off the note attached to the record and read the words written on it clearly.

‘Tyreen’s autographed record.’

This was the handwriting of the person who transmitted fire? Shier picked up one of the records, feeling a little complicated.

She did not need the Frost Elf’s record for collection, but for use in actual combat.

The Frost Elf’s singing could mitigate the effects of the gray fog. With these records on the battlefield, it was equivalent to having several bards buffing her.

However… Shier suddenly remembered that the person who transmitted the fire had previously mentioned an app that could listen to music on the Mana Net

Shier immediately opened the mana net and logged into the spellcaster forum. As expected, an app called ‘Mana Net Cloud Music’was being promoted on the Spellcaster Forum’s homepage.

She spent less than two minutes to download it, and then immediately opened the app.

What she saw was a silver interface. In the interface, she found the same icon as the voice of Nolan.

That was to pause and play. In addition, there were many new functions and options, such as the singer and song ranking options.

Currently, there were only seven singers in the singer interface, and Miss Tyreen had the most songs.

She clicked on Tyreen’s catalog and browsed through it. There were several songs that she liked to listen to that were not in it. The songs that were recorded in it were all from the first album.

Wait… five copper coins for a song?

Shier’s heart sank when she saw that the songs on it actually needed to be purchased just like the records.

She did not open the magic net savings office. Even if the USDA currency that shier carried could be exchanged for one Nolan gold coin, she would not be able to spend it.


“All songs will be free to listen to for 72 hours on the first day of being online.”

Shier looked at the notice on the Magic Net Cloud Music, and his originally worried heart slightly relaxed.

But this also meant that the time to raid the ruins was only 72 hours!

“Your Majesty, is it finally about to begin?”

At this time, Marshal ARMT also found the Frost Wolf Clan’s patriarch and elders, and they quickly came to the Round Table in the hall.

Shier took out more than 200 leaves of the world tree and placed them on the table.

“The leaves of the world tree… ever since the frost elves disappeared, I haven’t seen such precious alchemy materials for a long time.”

An elder of the Frost Wolf family instantly recognized the origin of these leaves.

“Everyone, the disease spread by the monsters in the ruins is called the gray fog. It will affect the minds of humans, causing their emotions to gradually become violent. This is different from any kind of mental system magic that we know of.”

At this moment, shier returned to the posture that a ruler should have.

“And the method that we know of to suppress the influence of the gray fog is here.”

Shier picked up a leaf from the world tree and a record from Tyreen.

“The aura of the world tree can temporarily suppress the spread of the gray fog, and the songs of the elves have the same effect.”

No one present refuted shier. The patriarch of the Frost Wolf family had personally seen shier use a leaf to suppress the injury of his second son.

“I will tell you the specific method to use and what to do after entering the ruins,”shier said.

… ..

The mineral vein outside the Frost Wolf City.

Ravel sat in the snow, wrapped in a coat made of wolf fur and Wolf Skin.

“Ravel, you should rest at home.”

A middle-aged man slowly walked to Ravel’s side and handed him a cup of hot goat’s milk.

“I saw those monsters tear my men to pieces with my own eyes, uncle… but I couldn’t do anything.”Ravel took the hot goat’s milk and looked at the camp built outside the vein.

“So you know how dangerous the ruins are! You’ve just recovered from your injuries and shouldn’t go in there to explore,”the middle-aged man advised him.

“Isn’t there a great king personally leading his army on this expedition?”

Ravel’s gaze was fixed on the figure who was riding a warhorse and commanding the entire army in the distance.

“And the ‘amulet’that His Majesty the King gave me is very useful.”

He took out the small wooden box hanging on his chest, and there was a leaf of the world tree sealed inside.

“I’ve been studying the usage of this magic net along the way. Although His Majesty only asked us to cycle the song of the singer named Tyreen on that cloud music, there seems to be a lot of interesting things on the magic net… as expected of the magic that was invented by the Nolan Spellcaster.”

“Ravel!”! “His Majesty should have ordered you not to touch other things. This magic is too complicated. If there is any accident during the battle, it won’t be as simple as falling on the ground!”The middle-aged man said in a stern tone.

“I did follow His Majesty’s Order and listened to the song of the Frost Elf. I think the name is ‘star · Sky’. I didn’t expect that the songs sung by those thin elves were quite nice,”Ravel said.

“Ravel, do you like this song too?”

The middle-aged man sat on the wooden stake next to Ravel and asked.

“I don’t like it,”he answered decisively, he drank the hot goat milk in the cup in one gulp. “The voice of the frost elf is too weak. I don’t feel anything at all. There are other people’s songs recorded in this ‘magic’. Maybe…”

“Ravel!”The middle-aged man interrupted the person in front of him in a loud voice.

“Understood, uncle. I’ll loop the single until I die.”Ravel said a sentence that he had just learned on the Spellcaster Forum, that was, ‘after the magic net cloud music comes online, I can finally loop Miss Tyreen’s single until I die.’

“Speaking of which… do I really have a chance of winning this time?”

Ravel suddenly put away his frivolous expression and looked at the mineral vein in the distance.

“I don’t know, but if it weren’t for this accident, you would have married that little girl from the White Frost Deer family.”The middle-aged man sighed.

“Marriage… Let’s talk about it after this exploration of the ruins is over. I don’t want to die there.”

Ravel opened the interface of the weave in front of him again. The Spellcasters’forum popped up with a bunch of news that dazzled his eyes.

“After all, the level of excitement in this world has far exceeded my expectations.”

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