
Chapter 236 Burning Bees And Molten Wax

Chapter 236  Burning Bees And Molten Wax

"Ki!" Brambles nodded in agreement and moved towards the crevice.


The sound of the Rock Bees could already be heard as they had been alerted due to the footsteps of the large beetle. With its size, it was hard for it to make no noise. And if it tried to fly, it would just create even more noise due to the flapping of its own wings.


And sure enough, the moment Brambles was near the crevice the Rock Bees poured out.

"KIRI II!" Brambles saw the large bees and felt no fear.

Instead it responded with an intimidating wave of its horn.


The large horn created a strong wave of air that brushed away the bees that had just risen up. That gave Brambles enough time to open its mouth and spread its mandibles.


Then in the next moment, a great heat could be felt coming from its mouth and a red ball also formed. The ball only lasted for a moment before exploding with great power.


>Brambles has used Draconid\'s Breath!<

[-100% HP!]

>Brambles has used Draconid\'s Breath!<

[-100% HP!]

>Rock Bee Worker has been ignited!<

[-100% HP!]

>Rock Bee Drone has been ignited!<

[-100% HP!]

>Rock Bee Worker has been ignited!<




[-100% HP!] x 578

>Rock Bee Worker has been ignited!< x 786

[-100% HP!] x 341

>Rock Bee Drone has been ignited!< x 341

It didn\'t take much for the flames to ignite the Rock Bees. Their defenses were abysmal even for newbie players and as such could be killed in a few hits. Though they didn\'t give much experience individually.

But when so many were combined, the experience gain was massive.

>Dragon Horn Beetle has killed Rock Bee Workers!< x 578

>Dragon Horn Beetle has killed Rock Bee Drones!< x 341

>Dragon Horn Beetle has leveled up!<

>Dragon Horn Beetle has reached level 20!<

Seeing the rapid level up, Arthur was happy. With this Brambles had basically caught up to him and would be able to assist him even better.


But the slaughter of the bees did not last long as they started to fly out from the sides.

\'Figures that they had other entrances into the cavern. But this is still good enough.\' Arthur reckoned.

Another reason why he was fine with this was the fact that the bees were now escaping. They had considered their odds and knew there was no chance they would be able to survive the fire.

And as such, their queen choose to abandon the hive.

The Rock Bees didn\'t even look at Arthur or Brambles and simply flew away.

Two large masses flew out from the sides of the crevice, looking like a dark Swarm. If a normal person were to see so many bees at once, they would have been terrified to no extent.

But thankfully none of them were targeting them and flew away. Normally though, this would have been a bad thing as the Rock Bees flying away would have failed the quest if not for the fact that the goal was to obtain the Rock Bee Wax.

"That\'s enough Brambles," Arthur ordered the beetle.

"Ki!" Brambles raised his head and closed his mouth, stopping the constant spray of fire.

<Brambles MP: 40%>

Arthur checked the beast\'s MP and saw that it had used the Draconids Breath three times in a row. For three times, the impact was a lot greater than expected though it was also combined with the topography of the area.

If not for the narrow crevice it would have probably not have such an effect.

"Time to get the wax," Arthur said finally walking to the crevice.

The crevice was still radiating heat with most of becoming pitch black due to the soot covering it. Though there were a few parts that were still burning which was none other than the remaining corpses of the Rock Bees burning.

Most of them had already turned into ashes, but a few final ones that had been hit the last were now burning. Arthur let them all burn down and waited for the crevice to become a bit colder.

Even with the fire resistance he had due to the armor, it would still be too hot for him to be able to go down without problems.

Ten minutes passed, and the place had calmed down by now.

"Wait here Brambles, I\'ll go down." Arthur spoke to the beetle. "Block anything that comes here or just kill them." He instructed.

"Kik!" The beetle responded with affirmation and Arthur climbed down into the crevice.

There were plenty of cracks, holes and outcrops which made it easier for Arthur to climb down. The Rock Bees also tended to make a loot f holes in the rocks that they would use to live in. As such it was basically two walls full of holes.

If it were not this dark, a person with Trypophobia might just end up fainting from the look of thousands of dark holes. It was quite an unsettling scene which also made it easier for one to climb down.

Plus it also helped that Arthur no longer had to carry extra weight on his back as almost everything was in his cape.

Only the Black Tear Short Sword was still hanging off his waist as it could come in handy in other ways. Plus in case Arthur met other players or NPCs, they won\'t find him too suspicious.

An adventurer walking around with no weapons was more suspicious after all. Plus it would also serve as a way for Arthur to surprise others and take advantage.

Not many would expect a player to pull out a long spear and then more weapons one after the other.

"HAAH, at least this one has better footholds." Arthur had his back against the other side of the crevice and had to use all of his body to descend.

Sometimes if a place did not have a direct place to hold, Arthur would just spread his arms and legs around, to climb down vertically like an acrobat.

\'Man, I sure as he wouldn\'t have been able to do this in the real world. Last I remember doing this was when I was 8.\' Arthur ended up recalling some of his old memories from the orphanage.

He remembered the kids having a competition to climb up a narrow hallway that was present in the orphanage. With the low weights and better fitness of the kids, it was something that they found easy enough to do.

Perhaps Arthur might have even been able to do it once his stats improved a bit more in the real world.

Five minutes was what it took to finally hit the bottom of the crevice.


And when he did, the first thing he stepped on was a rather sticky substance.

Arthur\'s eyes faintly glowed in the dark as he looked at the vast swathe of Rock Bee Wax that was spread all over the bottom. It was at least one to two inches thick.

It showed just how much Rock Bee Wax was actually present. Of course a part of it had been burned off after being melted due to the high heat of Draconid\'s breath, but there was still a lot left.

"This\'ll be more than enough to coat my armor a few times and also sell off a part." Arthur smiled widely.

With the limited supply of the Rock Bee Wax, Arthur could always sell off more to get gold coins.

\'I don\'t need to sell most of it, I\'ll just keep it as a backup cash source when needed.\' Arthur reckoned.

Plus if Arthur paced how he sold the Rock Bee Wax, he would be able to get more coins than usual. On the other hand if he sold it all at once, it would flood the market and bring down the prices.

\'Rather than selling, it would also help to keep some amount for quests that require it.\' He thought.

With that in mind, he finally got to gathering the wax.

"Hmm… the soft wax is fine but the bottom one is hardened… gotta use something." Arthur took out the Blood Mane Sickle and used that as a scraper.

He started from one end of the crevice and progressed to the other while pulling chunks of the Rock Bee Wax out.

With how much there was, it ended up taking Arthur nearly an hour to gather most of it. He stored it in the cape at the same time, as it allowed him to regenerate some MP while he continued to gather it.

"That should be the last of it… Phew~" Arthur stored the Blood Mane Sickle back in the cape and checked the stats.

It had taken quite a bit of his MP to store all the Wax.

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