
Chapter 351 Memories Pt 6

There was something about this that sounded like what we were doing wasn\'t quite legal, but my interest was piqued. Whatever was on the other side of this door was important, and now I just had to see it.

"I want to see it, whatever it is," I told Jill, and she nodded solemnly.

"Just know there is no turning back after this. You will be part of the team, no matter what happens," Jill told me and then turned around to press a button that made the doors start moving.

I really wasn’t too sure what I was going to see on the other side of the door, but I knew that it had to be something to do with the Megatron Pulses. What was on the other side of the massive blast door confirmed my greatest fear.

The concept that I had been working on was a theoretical pulse that would roll across the planet, touch all humans. When contacted, if the pulse was charged enough and in perfect sync with all humans, it would give us the boost to reach an energy state.

With this idea came many problems, and even more dangers. The main one is that it would be done without the consensus of everyone that would be touched.

The thing was, if we could make it safe, it would only serve to make everything better, but that was only my opinion. In order to do something like this we would have to hold a world council, and everyone would have to decide.

That was a minor problem though.

Even with how impossible that task seemed, that actual danger of what was before me in this gargantuan room was immeasurable. The destructive power of this machine was enough to wipe us off earth, and not in a pretty way.

“This is your Megatron Pulse, well it’s your concept. What do you think?” Jill asked as she turned around, but got a shocked look on her face when she saw the horror on mine.

“What have you guys done?!” I asked in horror.

“I didn’t do this. Mr. Zero had a specialized team build this four months ago! What is wrong?!” Jill asked me, but another voice spoke up from inside the chamber.

“That is good, thank you Jill for showing our nice young guest around, but I will take things from here. I\'ll bring him back up after, and you can show him to his new office area,” Helsin Zero said as he walked from behind one of the six massive capacitors.

“Oh, umm, okay! I will see you up top! Come find me in my room, number three!” Jilly called as she jogged back to the elevator.

Once the door closed, I turned back to the room where Helsin was standing on the walkway.

As much as I didn’t want to get near the machine, if this was real, then there wasn’t a safe place to hide if this malfunctioned. I still couldn\'t wrap my head around the fact that this was actually real.

The room was a large open cavern that had six giant capacitors to hold power, and in the center of the room was a massive cylinder. I knew that the actual area inside of there was mostly a control room that would surround the core.

“Why did you build it?” I asked flatly.

I was still a kid, so there might be reasons that I just didn’t get yet, but this was very premature. All I could do was think about what might happen to everyone if this ran short of power.

“I know, this is dangerous, but we need time to feed the Pulse more energy. It will take ten years, maybe less to acquire even close to what you estimate it will take, and you need to study it. Would you like to go closer? Or are you worried about it?” Zero asked as I walked over to join him.

I looked over to the side of the walkway, but I couldn’t see the bottom, just darkness. This place did look very well set up, and the titan capacitors should be able to hold the stream at the same speed.

“Sure, I want to see. You and I both know that if there was a leak, or this does explode, there isn’t anywhere to go. I have one question, how were you able to take my crude drawings, and turn them into a working model?!” I asked, and Helsin laughed as we started walking to the center.

“Well, you are very smart, but I have a lot of money. Once I saw your design, I had some specialists look at your work, and they said it was possible. So I hired some to come help me build this in a short amount of time. Don’t worry, nothing was skipped on. I made it very clear money was no object, but safety was. I know what kind of radioactive death I could subject to us all, and so does the government,” Helsin explained as we approached a door in the side of the massive cylinder in the center.

“You have approval from the government for something like this?! Is everyone starking mad?!” I exclaimed, but Helsin just laughed as he placed his hand on a print scanner, and then his eye.

“Well I can honestly say that I do agree with you on how crazy this is, but what it will do for us when you discover the God Frequency out weighs it all. Think about it Zack, no more hunger, death, or anything like that! Wars and fighting will become a thing of the past, and people will be free!” Helsin declared dramatically as the door to the large control room was opened.

Inside was filled with computer stations I would have thought to see inside a NASA launch center. There were also some men and women sitting at the stations, but I couldn\'t tell what they were doing.

Helsin seemed to know what he was doing, and he was right. This was a great chance for me to learn about this, and hopefully unlock the secret of the God Frequency.

I still couldn’t shake that this was a bad idea though, but that ship was long gone.

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