
Chapter 333 King, And Witch

[View of Barbarous, Self-Proclaimed Demon King of the Sea, and Thesta, Clone Spawn of The Witch of Sea]

"What do yer mean we can\'t kill \'em?! The Hero must die, or we will be the ones floating belly up, yer know!" Barbarous raged, shaking two of his five claws at Thesta.

The two of them were inside of a giant clamshell Barbarous\'s Mutalisks had brought. The massive shell was filled with glowing coral that filled the area with light.

The reason that they met inside of the shell was for Barbarous\'s protection, but not from the Hero. Thesta had called a terrible creature from the depths; a Screelix.

For this reason alone, Barbarous did not understand why they shouldn\'t try to attack them. The creature the Sea Witch brought would kill most of the creatures in a two hundred-foot radius.

The Screelix was a small snake-like creature that the clamshell could protect from the mind-shattering screams its body could produce.

Naturally timid and shy, the Screelix has vocal cords on the run along both sides of its body. The Screelix used extra stored oxygen to produce screams that could turn anything that wasn\'t protected with magic into powered or paste.

"I need to try and recover my daughter so I can consume her, and I can\'t do that if she is dead. I would like to try to convince him to hand her over first, and then you can do what you choose with him," Thesta said as she stood in the form of a beautiful woman wearing a jet black dress.

There was a tentacle attached to her dress that led outside of the magically protected clamshell. The female Kraken\'s main body rested a short distance away, but Thesta was using the form to prove her point.

Thesta didn\'t need Barbarous, but having more numbers was always advantageous, even if they were demons. The vile creatures had appeared on this world and started to spread across Gardania and then into Hydrous\'s oceans.

Many Demon lords like Barbarous came to the sea to find easy targets to enslave, but most of them had been killed or turned into enslaved people themselves. Thesta and the other old gods had dealt with most of them, and the remaining ones stayed hidden.

"And ye be thinking that yer be able to do something like this? Do you really think that he be that stupid, Lass? Something tells me this one be different from the others; he is not alone," Barbarous hissed through his deformed mouth.

"No, I don\'t, but I would not like all my time here to be for waste. We will throw everything we have at him and crush the Hero and his friends into food for you soldiers if it comes to it. Though, if I can get him to take me, I will be blessed with another clone, and this one would be much stronger than the rest," Thesta explained as more Mutalisks started to arrive.

"I think that you are wasting your time. You faced the Hero before just like I have, and he is no fool like you seem to think! A single clone can\'t be worth that much to you; I am sure you have many more! Why waste so much effort on this spawn of yours?!" Barbarous asked, throwing his claws up in the air.

Suddenly, the Witch\'s body reverted back to a tentacle and whipped forward to completely wrap up the Demon Lord. Thesta\'s other tentacles pried the shell open and pulled Barbarous close to her massive twenty-foot tall undulating body of tentacles.

"You don\'t make the rules, Demon scum! You will do as I say, nothing more or less! I will not forgive those that stand in my way, and I have been here waiting for the last twenty years, and I will get what I want! I always do!" Thesta screamed in Barbarous\'s mind as she constricted.

"Yes! Your wish is my command!" Barbarous screamed out loud.

The Mutalisk Demon was no fool and knew that he was nothing more than a toy in the Sea Witches\' plans. There was nothing he could do but follow along with whatever Thesta decided, no matter how much it didn\'t make sense.

Barbarous knew that his life was forfeit already, but he wanted a chance to challenge the Hero that had decimated his assault of the beach. That was the only thing that Barbarous had left to look forward to.

There was a very good chance that the Demon Lord and all of his Mutalisk would be killed in this battle, but that wasn\'t the end for them. The Demon souls would head back to the Black Depths of Zero, the true Demon King\'s body.

All Demons were spawned and stored in the great Demon King\'s body to be spewed back out to the universes as he saw fit. Each world had a limit since Helsin Zero\'s Demon Horde was not as endless as it seemed.

Thesta Glared at Barbarous and considered killing him now. The creature was a nuisance, but killing him would just cause the Demons she controlled to go into a frenzy that not even Thesta could control.

"Follow my orders, and there is a chance that you and your misshapen followers will survive to serve me further," Thesta said as she released Barbarous to fall to the ocean\'s floor and then retreated into the darkness of The Drop.

The floor of the ocean traveled on a gentle slope away from the island, but at five hundred feet from every shore on the island, the floor disappeared. It was another thirty thousand feet to the ocean\'s bottom from The Drop, but the ocean was deeper than that.

There were many things and creatures that no Demon had ever seen, and even some the Old Ones were unaware of. There was no beginning on the planet that could know all things, but there were some Old Ones that came very close.

Thesta did not retreat to the bottom; she had a cave she had found fifty feet down past The Drop. While it was essential for her to retrieve Tiga, her survival was first and foremost.

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