
Chapter 323 Tri-Sexual Dirt Puddle, Become Lunch

"Are you saying that Calabro is a danger?!" I asked, but Nushi shook her head no.

I relaxed, but only slightly.

The severe look that Nushi had on her face said that the story was only getting started.

"As I listened, I tried to peer into Calabro\'s mind, but that\'s when something extremely strange happened. There was an extremely dark demonic presence unlike I had ever felt. Before I knew what was happening, I was sucked into four different dimensions, fracturing my consciousness," Nushi explained as I listened with rapt attention.

I was no longer resting against the wall. Instead, I was sitting cross-legged in front of Nushi.

I had a creeping suspicion of where this story was going, but I didn\'t want to interrupt her again. I would let her continue to explain, but my mind had started to race.

Only one demon could do something as impossible as this sounded. Helsin Zero.

"Unfortunately for him, the mind is, and always has been, one of my specialties. I was able to force all the dimensions into one, and I absorbed a bunch of energy. I fought off Time and pushed him out of Calabro\'s mind, but I don\'t think he is gone," Nushi explained, and my mouth dropped open, and I put my hand up.

That was not the name I expected to hear, but it made sense. Helsin must have given Mark a new ability to try and stop us.

I still had a hard time believing that he would go so far as to hurt one of my girls. Why not attack me?

[Because Mark was and always had been a coward. This isn\'t news to either of us, but you are right that this seems out of character for him, or is it? I feel like we are missing something!]

"That is because you are, and I know what it is. Something is making me forget what I am trying to say every time I do!" Nushi exclaimed, scaring the shit out of me, causing me to jump slightly.

"I thought you can\'t read my thoughts unless I let you?" I asked Nushi, but Harold was the one that answered me.

[Your mind isn\'t locked in your head like everyone else; it is more like another dimension. Nushi isn\'t reading your thoughts, but it looks like she has seen some of them while you slept. There is no harm there, and this is nice to have someone intelligent to talk to.]

Fireden: Oh yeah, you are just the brains of the operation!

Windorf: More like the never-ending sore foot that is always complaining!

Maelstrom: Master… I mean, Harold is brilliant and brave, and…

Blaza: Oh, cram it, you tri-sexual dirt puddle! You are already whipped like a mule! I can\'t believe that you are already bending over backwards for him! You are a pathetic excuse for a Dark Elemental!

"Oh, dear! You seem to have a lot more going on inside your head than I expected!" Nushi said with a smile.

"Well, this conversation seemed to derail, and I agree with Harold. If you can hear him and the others, you can help me make sense of them. Also, the best use of each of their skills and my abilities," I explained to Nushi, and she nodded to me.

"I am sure that I could help you out since you seemed determined to keep me at your side," Nushi said, starting off strong but finishing off in a shy voice.

I smiled at Nushi, and she wasn\'t wrong. Not that I placed favorites, but Nushi was one of the women, like Lidy, that I wanted to keep close to me.

I stood up and reached a hand down to help Nushi up. As I did, Howl hopped out of her lap and did a slight stretch, opening his mouth wide.

After that, Howl sniffed in the air as I helped Nushi up and then looked at me. The look caught me off guard, and I had to hold back a laugh at the disdain Howl was extruding.

"Are you going to feed me? I remember something about you saying you would take care of me! Now, I don\'t think I have ever been this hungry, and this is not how I imagined things!" Howl growled at me like a small dog, and I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, we will go get some food. I am sure that there will be some in the kitchen. I am just as hungry as you are!" I said with a smile and a laugh, but Howl didn\'t look impressed.

"If someone pissed on my leg, it would not make me feel better to know that you were as stupid as I had been!" Howl growled, and I shrugged.

The wolf had a point, which made Nushi laugh as she took my hand. She leaned into my shoulder, and I turned my head to lean down and kiss her blue hair.

"Let\'s go; the food is just over in the other building you probably saw on your flight in-," I started to explain, but then Howl disappeared in a small blue flash of light.

"What just happened?" Nushi asked in shock, but I had no clue.

"I am on the other side of the drop, and I am going to find this place of food you have spoken of!" Howl\'s small voice squeaked out from the other side of the door I had closed.

This was new, but I really hadn\'t had that much time to look over the Character Sheets. I am sure many new surprises were waiting for me to discover.

"Do you think we should go after him? I am not sure how the others will react to a wolf running around the house," Nushi said, and I agreed.

The last thing I needed was Mary or Lizy getting a hold of him. I was sure that the girls would like him after I explained he wasn\'t on the menu!

"Yes, let\'s get going before one of the girls gets a hold of him, or he will become lunch!" I said with a half-serious grin as we headed for the door to follow Howl.

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