
Chapter 189 New Titan Form: Dread-Shade Titan!

 The grand-envoy's expression was stern but at the same, a hint of excitement could be seen on her face as she walked forwards. The air benesthb her feet exploding with each step as the pressure rippled through the down below, propelling her a kilometer forwards with each step. 

Just as she was about four-thousand kilometers outside the University, she immediately halted step.

Ther tress beneath her shook violently as though they were holding some thing heavy and in the next instant, they exploded into smithereens once the force beneath the War-angel's feet transmitted downwards. 

"A guest from the house of Dark-Matter, to what do we owe the pleasure of your visit?" The Grand-Envoy spoke questioned, her cat-like eyes staring intently at the figure before her. 

The dark mist swirling within the mask of the figure suddenly pulled to a stop, slowly retracting as they gathered within the eyes of the figure. 

As they retracted into the single hole of the mask, a deep darkness emanated from the figures pupil as they locked in on Seraph. 

The grand envoy's expressionless face stiffened. "Not even bothering to speak but going straight for the kill."

But then, the corners of her lips curled into a develish smile. "Hehe. Just the way I like it."

Just as she was speaking those words, a dark matter crept up from within her shadow and then, 


It was fast! So fast it had instantly cut thorough the War-angel, dividing her into two equal pieces.

"Ka-cha!" "Ka-cha!!" "Ka-cha!!!"

In the next instant, the entire environment within a kilometer rippled violently and with a sudden crack, space seen to shatter as though it was a meter illusion as reality disassembled into various fragments of reality! 

The two pieces of the once glorious and gorgeous other-worldly beautiful Grand-Envoy shattered along with space, grinded into various part and fragment, unable to ever return back toiys original from. 

It was then the surrounding area reacted to the action of the slash! 


The entire forest below then within 8000 kilometer radius slashed into two. The Shockwave spreading so fast it had reached the 10,000 meters tall University walls in just a few seconds.

But just as shockwave was about to hit, The old man who was with the other two Grand envoys, The Blood Widow and The Devil-monk raised his walking stick and pointed. 

As though the raging tempest of shockwave was nothing more than a balloon, it popped and then faded into the atmosphere like oxygen. 

Seeing this, the darkness within the single eye of the masked man from the House of Dark-Matter brightened. He was about to take a single step forward when he suddenly raised his head upwards. 

In that pivotal moment, the air crackled with anticipation, and dark storm clouds gathered above the horizon. The heavens seemed to mirror Eren's turmoil as bolts of lightning lanced through the sky, illuminating the encroaching darkness.

In that instant, a roar that shook both heaven and earth shook the entire world that even the ground trembled almost in fear. 


The sheer magnitude of the roar reverberated through the air. It was a primal cry, unlike anything ever heard before—a symphony of rage, arrogance, and unwavering resolve.

The force of this roar alone was enough to send shockwaves cascading through the surrounding forest, causing the living, mindless Titans within the vicinity to stumble and lose their footing.

The instant the lightning faded, a large shadow cascades down on the Masked man. It was actually a fist! 

A fist that was as large as an entire hill smashed downwards, causing crackling sounds as the wind exploded, the fist actually broke through multiple sound barrier as it moved. 

The Masked-Man seem to be shocked by this. As though he wasn't fast enough to react, the fist smashed into him like a falling meteor! 


Like the explosion of numerous a missile, the entire space around 5000 meter radius shattered into smittereens! 

Invisible shockwave overlapped against each other, turning grey in the process as it floated like the waves of a massive tide! 

Anything touched was instantly destroyed by the force from the destructiveness of the shock waves. 

Just as the dust cleared, one could see a large hole about 4000 meters in depth on the ground 5000 meters before the University Gate. 


A majestic figure of a Female Titan was finally revealed. 

As the Female Titan emerged, her presence was a breathtaking sight to behold. Standing tall and proudat 20 meters, she exuded an air of elegance and grace that belied the ferocity that lay beneath her flawless exterior. Her physique was a perfect blend of strength and femininity, with every contour accentuated by the play of light and shadow.

Her skin, smooth and unblemished, possessed an ethereal glow that seemed to radiate from within. It carried a hint of pale porcelain, soft and delicate to the touch, reflecting the moonlight that bathed her form. Each muscle, sculpted to perfection, hinted at the immense power that lay dormant beneath her supple exterior.

The Grand Envoy's eyes, sharp and piercing, held a captivating intensity. They gleamed with a mesmerizing mix of determination and intelligence, the windows to a soul that burned with an unquenchable fire. Within those irises, shades of deep gold swirled, captivating the gaze of those fortunate enough to meet her gaze.

Her flowing tresses cascaded down her back like a cascade of ebony silk, shimmering under the gentlest touch of light. They framed her ethereal features, accentuating her sharp cheekbones and delicate jawline.

Despite all of this, one could see the ferocity within her gaze. Her stance violent and an intense amount of violent radiation surged out of her like water-fall! 

Undoubtedly, the amount of Nuclear- energy her body possess would have at least surpasses 500,000 nuclear points! 

Just the devastation caused by her single fist was more than anough testimony to her strength. 

She didn't make any move as she stared intently into the deep hole. Her gaze solemn and never once changed. 

There was an odd feeling when she struck him that made her uncomfortable. For some reason, it was as though she had struck a block of slimy dark matter instead. 

Just as she was pondering, a sharp crackle rang out of no where. 


The entire world seem to turn dark, crackling with dark lightning within them. 

A s the cloud up in the sky about 10,000 meters swirled violently, they suddenly started surging together, condensing with the intensity of their lightning getting darker and more powerful until they condensed into a single, pure black cloud. 

Heavy lightning as thick as a sky holding pillar rumbled above ground and in the next second, 


The lightning instantly struck downwards at the hole. 

Seraph who was so close to the hole stomped her feet heavily to the ground, vanishing from her previous position two kilometers away. 


This roar was even more powerful! It was one filled with intense sickening darkness that seemed to want to consume all those who heard it.

As the sound waves surged forth, they crashed against the earth like a tidal wave of sonic force. The ground beneath the Female Titan's feet quivered, unable to withstand the overwhelming power of the roar. The very soil cracked and fissured, as if the earth itself was trembling in fear of the unleashed might. And then, in a violent rupture, the ground surrounding the large hole fractured and collapsed, creating a chasm that swallowed anything unfortunate enough to be in its path.

The cataclysmic effects of the roar reverberated outward, causing shockwaves to ripple through the air. Trees bowed and shattered, their branches torn asunder by the invisible force. Dust and debris danced in a frenzied whirlwind, obscuring the battlefield and cloaking it in an eerie haze.

A sense of desolation settled upon the surroundings. The air was heavy with a foreboding silence, broken only by the distant echoes of the collapsing terrain. 

This time, the three Envoy's watching had drastic changes in their expressions. From the roar and the amount of energy emanating and still climbing up, the Masked-man's nuclear energy had also surpassed 500,000 units. 

Although the Masked Man uses a trchnqiuoto change the nature of his nuckesr energy to pure dark matter, the envoy senses had been honed through numerous battles, they could sense the approximate amount of strength the Masked-Man held. 

Heat waves surged out maniacally as the surrounding gases vaporized under the extreme heat of the atmosphere.

The collapsed ground suddenly opened up and a massive demonic hand broke out of the soil. 

In the next second, a massive pure dark titan approximately 25 meters tall leapt out from within the collapsed ground. 

The titan's skin, ashen and charred, seemed to emit an ethereal glow, its very essence tainted by the darkest of malevolence. Jagged, obsidian-like protrusions sprouted from its massive frame, casting eerie shadows that danced upon the ground. The creature's eyes, glowing with a sickly green hue, radiated an unholy intelligence that sent shivers down the spines of those unfortunate enough to lay eyes upon it.

"Thump! Thump! Thump!" 

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