
Chapter 1068 - Snack Heavenly Dao

Ever since Wang Ling started looking for the Heavenly Dao to trade his crispy noodle snacks, the Heavenly Dao little golden men began to suffer bitter days… The main thing was that they were incapable of refusing Wang Ling’s crispy noodle snacks, even if they had already expired; there was something magical about them which the Heavenly Dao little golden men were unable to resist.

The reason why this pitiful little golden man was lying in front of Wang Ling with his stomach rumbling with hunger was that his mates had snatched the crispy noodle snacks he had gotten from Wang Ling in exchange. Wang Ling’s law of unequal exchange all these years had forced the little golden man to develop a habit of eating expired crispy noodle snacks.

His body would start to feel uncomfortable if he went without crispy noodle snacks for one day…

Wang Ling hadn’t looked for him in the last few days to trade crispy noodle snacks, and the little golden man preferred to go hungry since he didn’t feel like eating anything else.

Loopy Toad never expected a Heavenly Dao little golden man to actually become so addicted to crispy noodle snacks – this was a clear demonstration of the magic of Little Master Ling’s crispy noodle snacks.

It couldn’t be helped. Apart from the six main Heavenly Dao, the rest of the little golden men worked under them. Moreover, it was the 996 overtime system: go to work, 996 hours; get off work, ICU. The little golden men used a variety of ways to recharge.

Some absorbed the dark energy of evildoers, which was why so many coma patients around the world had yet to awaken. A lot of them seemed like good people, but the Heavenly Dao little golden men sensed that they had all made mistakes in their youth.

Some little golden men devoured time to replenish themselves, which was why people always felt like time had flown by. Sometimes, they would play on their phones when they were free, and only planned to do so for a bit… in the end, several hours disappeared, just like that! In fact, the Heavenly Dao little golden men had something to do with this.

For those who didn’t cherish their lives, who didn’t do their numbers, or who didn’t work hard or study hard, the Heavenly Dao little golden men would quietly show up and steal their time…

Of course, there were some little golden men who preferred to devour the souls of evildoers. These were people who had engaged in murder, and naturally couldn’t enter the natural cycle of reincarnation after they died. Since they couldn’t be reborn, they could only become food for the Heavenly Dao.

The principle of equivalent exchange was an unchanging law of Heavenly Dao (clients on the white list excluded). Since they had done evil in their youth, they would suffer Heaven’s retribution sooner or later: “If you don’t want people to know what you did, don’t do it.”

There were still a lot of other examples, but the Heavenly Dao little golden men usually boosted their energy by devouring strength, time, space, souls, spirits, or even life and death. They absorbed these powers constantly to get stronger, and finally, at the end of every year, they would run for office as the six Heavenly Dao leaders who symbolized the peak of the power of Heavenly Dao, and who made up the current Heavenly Dao Governing Committee.

Strength Heavenly Dao, Time Heavenly Dao, Space Heavenly Dao, Soul Heavenly Dao, Life And Death Heavenly Dao, and Spirit Heavenly Dao were the current six leaders on the Heavenly Dao Governing Committee, and had been promoted to their positions. Of course, these six leaders might occupy high positions now, but given how Heavenly Dao laws were ever changing, it wasn’t as if they couldn’t drop out of the six Great Heavenly Dao.

There were times over the years when other Heavenly Dao had ascended to be one of the six main leaders, such as Nihility Heavenly Dao, Reality Heavenly Dao, Greed Heavenly Dao and so on.

But the Heavenly Dao Governing Committee had always operated on the principle of survival of the fittest. The current six members of the Heavenly Dao Governing Committee were the most stable ones. They had secured their top positions for many years, and there hadn’t been any changes in the last sixteen years…

But the six Great Heavenly Dao were currently in a panic, because one day sixteen years ago… Wang Ling was born…

They were very worried that a Heavenly Dao called Snack Heavenly Dao would occupy their leadership position in the future… A Heavenly Dao that relied on eating crispy noodle snacks to take the top spot was utterly unprecedented in the history of Heavenly Dao. Nevertheless, it did seem a little difficult to become one of the six main leaders using this method.

But there was one thing which made the Heavenly Dao Governing Committee very uneasy.

And that was when Wang Ling had used the Great Duplication Spell when he was very young, and flung a crispy noodle snack into outer space. There was now a crispy noodle galaxy in space. The six Great Heavenly Dao had already joined hands to seal off this galaxy. If Wang Ling found out about this in the future and removed the seal, they were afraid that they wouldn’t be able to retain their positions.

Although the possibility of Snack Heavenly Dao being promoted was very slight at the moment, the six Great Heavenly Dao didn’t dare relax their guard at all, since their adversary was Wang Ling… Hence, regarding some of Wang Ling’s seemingly unreasonable exchange requests, they would agree to all of it in order to satisfy the young man.

Honestly speaking, Wang Ling was somewhat moved when he saw the little golden man who had collapsed in front of him, the latter’s stomach rumbling with hunger.

This little golden man in front of Wang Ling was the person dispatched by the Heavenly Dao since the beginning to be in charge of the equivalent exchange with Wang Ling. Wang Ling never thought that even the little golden man would be indirectly tempted into falling in love with crispy noodle snacks.

Not bad, not bad.

This time, Wang Ling wasn’t stingy.

He magnanimously took out a collector’s edition crispy noodle snack packet from his reserves. Opening it with great care, he fished out the special pepper seasoning sachet and sprinkled its contents inside the packet.

A familiar scent soon filled the air, and the body of the little golden man on the ground couldn’t help twitching. He actually salivated and came back to life on the spot!


His butt in the air, the little golden man pounced.

What was even scarier was that Wang Ling actually opened his mouth to speak, and his tone was incredibly gentle. “Don’t rush, eat slowly. No one will take this from you.”

As the little golden man ate the collector’s edition crispy noodle snack, he woofed and cried like an obedient puppy, and let Wang Ling pet him as he ate.

Loopy Toad: “???”

A few minutes later, the little golden man, who had finished eating the crispy noodle snack, finally calmed down. When he realized that he had lost control, he climbed out of Wang Ling’s embrace with a red face. Sorting out his emotions, he took a deep breath. “So, why did you summon me…”

Loopy Toad wasn’t sure if it had seen wrong, but it abruptly felt that this little golden man’s face was a little red… the Heavenly Dao golden men didn’t have expressions because they didn’t have facial features; their entire bodies glowed faintly with the golden light of Heavenly Dao, which made them look like a natural human-shaped work of art made of 999 pure gold.

But unexpectedly, Loopy Toad saw a blush on the little golden man’s face…

There might be something wrong with this little golden man’s line of thinking!

Little Master Ling is indeed very charming, but you’re Heavenly Dao!

“I want to track down the whereabouts of several individuals.” Wang Ling stared at the Heavenly Dao with a gentle expression, which baffled Loopy Toad.

Could someone who loved eating crispy noodle snacks gain Little Master Ling’s affections, even if they were Heavenly Dao?

No way!

Loopy Toad would also eat it!

It would eat it tomorrow!

It was Wang Ling’s number one combat pet.

Seeing Wang Ling and the Heavenly Dao exchange looks in that moment, Loopy Toad unexpectedly felt like it had fallen out of favor!

It absolutely wouldn’t let that happen!

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