
Chapter 272 Dynasty Of Ioratal

In a place far away from the Gartara forest, where several people seating around a communication device.

Each of those people wore clothing befitting their nobility and status. Each of them represented the higher-ups of the Dynasty of Ioratal.

Otherwise, known as the Great Dynasty.

Alas, they weren´t considered as either one of the new kingdoms or the old kingdoms. If one were to look at their history alone, the length of their history is similar to the Arcana Kingdom and the Berum Kingdom, which were considered the new kingdoms.

But the Ioratal kingdom wasn´t considered a kingdom by the outsiders because of their lack of territories that they held under control. If it weren´t for the few people of the Ioratal Dynasty rising to the 5th-tier and their control of several mineral mines, they would even be conquered by their neighbors, the Berum kingdom.

For years they were suppressed by the two other kingdoms and held no hope of expanding their own territories.

But the people inside the room gathered here to discuss how to change the frustrating situation that their Dynasty was facing.

And among the nobles there, was also the one who held the throne, his majesty.

"Your royal majesty, I have some news to share with the Great Dynasty." A voice came out of the communication device inserted in the middle of the table.

Seating in the middle of the table was a man that looked around his 70 with long gray hair and a crown on top of his head.

Right beside him was a man fully clad in plated armor and holding a spear where its tip was of dark gold metal.

The man was releasing a pressure that was worthy of the 5th-tier, while his spear brought forth an ominous feeling on the nobles seating around the table.

"You are allowed to share your findings, General Lennes Lenoir" The one who wore the crown said.

The aged general, whose name was Lennes Lenoir started telling the recent outcome of Velkir´s deal.

"Sadly, our people who were imprisoned were killed together with the enemies by one of the disciplines of the Archmage."

Once his words fell into the room, the atmosphere inside became much colder.

"This is bad..." of the nobles said with a frown on his face.

"Indeed, among those prisoners were some kin of the lower class nobles. If they come and learn that we could save them, things will become annoying."

"Is that even our fault? That damn necromancer is at fault! He told us that he can save them, but decided not to! He might even kill our men out of spite! Isn´t his actions breaking the contract we had!?"

"You right, if he waited for our decision, we might even have saved them."

"We need to-"

Watching the nobles battling with each other to see who to throw the blame on, the king who had an emotionless face would even like to hit those nobles for their foolishness.

`It´s because of you guys that my father failed to raise the Dynasty into a fully developed kingdom. If you didn´t hesitate to accept Velkir´s condition, such a thing wouldn´t have happend.´

Turning his head towards the armored spearman, the latter nodded his head and tapped his spear to the ground, creating an echo for everyone to hear.

"Stop showing you disgrace in front of his royal majesty!" His voice was loud and overpowering, making the nobles closer their mouths under such pressure.

But their eyes were staring daggers towards the spearman.

Shaking his head internally, the one who wore the crown turned his attention towards the communication device and asked a question that was in his mind.

"General Lennes Lenoir, you said that it was the discipline that killed the enemy and our soldiers. Can you share with us the details of how he did so?"

Hearing the king\'s question, the other nobles frowned as they noticed something weird about what General Lennes said.

According to their information, the new members of the Deathfull Skulls were a swordman of the 4th-tier and two disciplines that were of the 3rd-tier.

If what Lennes said was the truth, then it means that one of the 3rd-tier disciplines killed hundreds of people that had several of 3rd-tier in.

Under logical reasoning, such a feat was impossible.

"...According to Archmage\'s words, that seems to be the case. He told me that the dark armored disciplines used our people to turn into his undead soldiers to slaughter the soldiers of the Arcana. I should get the details of the battle by tomorrow, but for now, that´s what I know."

Hearing such news, made the king close his eyes.

"What!? He defiled our people! That´s unacceptable!"

"Are you telling us that he killed our people and then forced them as his undead to kill his enemy?"

The king knew that such comments would fill the room soon after those words.

He acknowledged those who stayed silent and looked at the other nobles as if they were fools. As they saw what truly was in front of them.

"Though the news of losing our people is regrettable, the knowledge that we gained has much greater value." The king said with a cold tone.

Some of the nobles looked at the king confused, while the others were quite nodding in approvement.

But among those silent ones, one particular noble had a small grin on his face.

`That human is indeed cleft.´ The noble with the green thought to himself.

"The Necromancy school is considered taboo for a reason. And that´s it´s his terrifying war potential and destruction that such magic school holds. Wherever an enemy is felled, a necromancer can turn him into an undead ally. Making them essential a one-man army magic caster."

"The Archmage Velkir, who we managed to contract is such a being, who can increase our army and re-use our brave soldiers. With how the conflict with the Berum and Arcana developed, his necromancy skills are essential."

"But, now that he brought his disciple here, there should be two additional necromancers among our ranks. Though I resent such magic, we can´t ignore their war potential. As long as we manage and use those disciplines effectively, our chances of making our Dynasty raises." The king said.

Hearing their king\'s reasoning, the other nobles started discussing among themselves how to use those two and who to blame.

From the front, the king had an emotionless face but on the other side, he scoffed at those nobles who didn´t realize the situation.

`Those idiots, if we were to blame anyone of the Deathfull Skull group, we might lose their favorite and abandon us. With our resources being strained to the limit, we can´t risk them leaving and joining another of the two kingdoms.´

The Dynasty of Ioratal with their mineral mines could be considered a rich country with rare resources, but what they lacked was the manpower to use their wealth effectively.

The service of the Deathfull Skulls was stupidly expensive, which made all the other nobles have a bitter feeling about sharing such precious resources with outsiders. Alas, spending so many resources on complete 4th-tier combatants that could all be considered man army was well worth it.

With them finally gaining a chance after hundred of years of suppression, it wasn´t the time to cheap about their ways.

Watching those noble fighting who is to get the biggest piece of bread instead of searching for the keys of the chains that bind them frustrated the king the most.

"What about the swordman, General Lennes?" One of the noblest asked.

"Though it\'s early to say, he undoubtedly singles handily finished the arcana soldiers while accompanied by the discipline of the master Archmage." Said Lennes over the communication device before continuing after hesitating for a bit.

"Though this might be my personal guess, the little girl, the discipline of the Necromancer might be related with the swordsman."

"Mhm...there is too little information about those three." The king mumbled under his breath before refocusing at what he had to say.

"Good work, General Lennes, continue keeping a eye towards the new three mercenaries. As of now, we don´t have enough information to effectively use those 3." The king said.

"Yes! I would do my best to follow his royal Majesty\'s command!"

"Alright, with this our current meeting has come to an end"

Standing up from his seat, the king walked towards the door, closely followed by the spearman.

*Closing the door, the spearman turned to look at his king.

"Your majesty...will it be alright to leave the nobles so much time? You saw what happens with the prisoners if a decision wasn\'t met."

While continuing walking, the king answered.

"It was necessary, most of them are still savoring the false peach. They can\'t handle change. I am giving them time to see who among them would be worthy to look after." He said while his guard, the spearman, and he disappeared through a long halfway.


In a matter of a blink of an eye, a whole week passed.

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