
Chapter 197 - Devil Of Azu'rah

At the same time when Danzel walked back.

Isamu together with his group finished their preparations for their revenge.

From equipped to necessary rations, they were now prepared.

Together with their new allies.

Waiting outside the town, the four of them soon enough saw a group of Explorers being led by a most familiar face.

"Yo, did we make you guys wait?" The man who wore full body armor said with an all similar grin that when they first meet in the tavern.

"It´s fine, we just arrive like you..." Isamu said while making a handshake with the man before tilting his head slightly to see the impressive numbers that this guy brought together with him.

"Are those your people?" Isamu couldn´t help but ask.

"Hahaha! Didn´t I tell you that I know some people? Do you take me for a year?"

Taking a step back, the man pointed at all the people behind him.

"Though I originally planned to bring some more. Because of the distance of that tower is, I only managed to bring 22 warriors and 3 magic casters."

Hearing that, Sean who was heard by the side rise his eyes wide from surprise.

"Wait, you actually got some magic caster to join us too?"

Hearing that from the side, one of the magic casters who wore glasses and had a fairly young look stepped up.

"Magic caster from the Arcana kingdom if I may correct you. Sigh, under normal circumstances we wouldn´t join the likes of you, but the request of facing a necromancer did appeal to us. So be grateful for having us in your presence" The young man said with a hint of arrogance in his voice.

"Huh!?" Taking a step towards the young man, Sean looked at him extremely pissed at him.

"What did you just say you pri-" 

As he was about to spill the bins, Isamu quickly covered his mouth before looking at the magic caster.

"We are grateful for helping us." Isamu said with a friendly tone.

"Hmpf, lowlives." The young man scoffed and turned to his other magic caster colleges.

"Hey, Isamu! Are you just going to-"

"Sean, I know how you feel. But we need those guys if we are going to face another magic caster that we know little about." Isamu whispered to Sean.

Although he had his own kind of pride in himself and was confident that he could win against those youngsters. He knew how to focus on his priorities.

Not only was magic caster great at giving the necessary support in time of bench, but their sense of mana was much greater than a warrior as himself.

If back them the necromancer guided his mana a few meters away from his position, he wouldn´t be able to save their priestess.

Sean together with the other explorer and would have been trapped facing the onslaught of the undead and a magic caster supporting them from the back.

Only Sylva would have remained untouched, but he doubted she would survive it either if the necromancer were to raise his comrades and him as undead to chase after her.

With her limited arrows and stamina, sooner or later she would have died.

Having someone who is more associated with mana in their group would lessen the chances of such a reality to come if he were to be able to sense the mana in the ground.

Seeing the interactions between the young man and Isamu, the man with the armor scratches the back of his head.

"Sorry for that, though they aren´t as experienced as the others, they graduated from one of the academies in the arcana kingdom, so they have the skill, is just..."

"There personality, huh?" Sylva finished the sentences for the man.

"And a really bad one at that." Sean added from the side.

"Sean!" Isamu said as he gave him a look, who in response only shook his shoulders.

"Sigh...I hope you forgive my guys too, Herald. Let´s have a nice cooperation with each other."

Nodding to each other, the armored man, Herald turned around his group.

"Mhm...I guess we should start going then..." He mutters to himself.

"Everyone! Pack your stuff together! We march towards the Towe-"

As Herald with his loud voice was about to finish his sentence, from the other side of the town, 5 beams of blue light shot out of the ground while making thundering sounds echo through the whole pace.






Soon the beams of light together with the deafening sound disappeared through the sky.

It came so suddenly as it had gone away, leaving no traces of the light remaining.

To some, it would like some divine punishment had gone wrong and came reversed from the ground instead of the heaves. 

But to those who were familiar in the deserts of Azur´rah, such a sight wasn´t that rare to see.

"What the hell was that!?" The young magic caster yelled and looked together with the other two dumbfounded towards where the light was.

But for those who weren´t, such a sight was a once of per lifetime event.

"Look at them going at it again... They sure don´t like to give up, huh?" Herald said aimlessly as he stared at the shocked young man.

"Everyone we set out! That includes you, kids, too! come to your senses already or we are going to leave you behind!"

Hearing that, the young man turned his head 90 degrees at Herald, with a face similar to one of someone insulting the god of a priest.

"How can you all stay calm like this!? Didn´t you the light! Do you have any idea what that was!? This was-"

Gulping his own saliva down the throat, the young man pointed his finger in the direction of the lights.

"Teleportation magic!"

Seeing the young man making a big deal of it, Herald sighted as he responded with a solemn look.

"Yeah, we know. They are those guys who arrive around 1 year ago with their leader using that spell to travel through the desert. An annoying bunch to say the less, using such a damn loud spell. And before you get any ideas, don´t involve yourself with them." Patting the back of the young man, Herald gave him a bag and headed out with the others out.

"Now move one! We got the lair of a necromancer to claim!"


Few minutes before they head out, in the deserts of Azu´rah.

One of the most developed towns named Hershamal´rah was on the far east side of the desert.

The town was on the tracks of becoming a fully developed city.

More than a hundred people were walking to the streets doing their usual business to bring some bread to the table for either their family or themselves.

Others in wooden boats caught fish from the sea and brought them to sell them into the bazaar.

Though the life of the desert was harsh to the point living there was torturing yourself.

In Hershamal\'rah, living there was bearable.

Thanks to the nearby sea, the surroundings of the town were much cooler than any other place in the desert.

Some even though maybe in a few hundred years, the town that is now Hershamal\'rah would become a prosperous kingdom no less worry that the two new kingdoms.

"Haaah~ to believe I would see such a sight in does dreadful deserts." An old man resting outside his shop said while glancing at the people around him.

It was indeed peaceful.

"Hey mama, what is this?" A small boy pulled at his mother\'s skirt.

"Hmm? What is it, sweety? What is over there?" The mother of the boy said with a sweet voice as she glanced where her kid was pointing at.

"Huh? Is there a sandstorm coming?" She muttered confused.

She and the boy wasn\'t the only one who saw this sight.

"Ah, common! Did a sandstorm really have to appear today?"

"Hurry and gather the fish! A sandstorm is coming!"

While everyone else was preparing for the incoming sandstorm, the old man sitting outside his shop had his eyes glued at the sandstorm.

And not long ago, he noticed something.

"That sandstorm...it looks to be coming at quite fast."

He first doubted his eyes, but the longer he stared, the closer the massive sandstorm was closing in.

And as soon as it got closer, he saw a massive shadow hiding in that sandstorm.

"I-Impossible!!!" Shooting out from his seat, seemingly forgetting his fragile body, he began shouting like a madman.

"Everyone! Run! This isn\'t a sandstorm! It\'s the-"

Before being able to warn all the others, like a tsunami hitting the town.

The sandstorm covered the whole town is like an instant with so much sand in the air that one couldn\'t see any longer than 1meter in front of him and neither speak without having a mouth full of sand down their throats.

The people tried fast to move into their house, but before they could, everyone in the town heard a deep pitching voice that brought fear into their hearts.


Before the people understand what was going on, the buildings were swept to the side together with the people trying to run away.

Others died from being dragged high into the air before they were able to be seen again, while others were being cut into pieces by the sand itself that some of hardened in shapes of blades.




The cries of help and pain we\'re endless.

None knew what was happening.

Except for an old man who was laying in front of the massive shadow responsibly of this.

At first, he thought it was a dragon.

But taking a better look at it, the backside of his legs was replaced by a huge tail from a leviathan that moved left and right though the buildings.

Sweeping everything that went his way away.

Similar to a dragon though, it had his two front legs and a pair of large wings.

The most blizzard the old man was to observe was the head or rather heads.

In the middle of his body, the being had some slender and tall necks, taking similarity of that of a Hydra.

But the most terrifying of it all was that the head themselves were messing.

Instead of them, the two necks had two large lizard-like hands fused with their neck itself, with the mouth being in the middle of the hands.

Those hand mouths were gripping the people and directly eating them while still having them in the arm.

An alchemist who was to witness such a beast would put it in the categorize of chimera going wrong.

But that couldn\'t be further than the truth.

As he identify was only one.

"The Devil of Azu\'rah" The old man muttered before being trumpeted to death. 

"Feast!!! Not enough! Feast!!! not enough!" The devil two \'heads\' we\'re continuously changing, one of each saying the other did \'t.

While the devil of Azu\'rah was blooding the streets with blood and dead bodies. 

A sudden light appeared not far in front of him, pushing away the dust itself.

With the light fading away, 5 cloaked figures appeared.

"Enemy! Feast." The devils \'heads\' screamed out of poot rage.

Without letting it continue, the leader of the cloaked figure raised his staff and prepared his spell.

The other four of them instead rushed towards the devil at a speed that Danzel could never achieve as of how he was now.

"Mere food! You will pay!" Raising up into the sky with his massive wings.. the town of Hershamal\'rah was no more.

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