
Chapter 567.2: The Six Calamities (2)

Chapter 567.2: The Six Calamities (2)

Meanwhile, in Dragon’s Gorge, the most dreadful battle since the commencement of the war was currently unfolding.

Even typical phrases like ‘mountains of carcasses’ and ‘rivers of blood’ proved to be insufficient to describe the horrors on the battlefield. It felt as if someone was tirelessly dumping bodies into a meat grinder, spraying flesh, bones, and all sorts of bodily fluids around.

If one thing was clear amidst this chaos, it was that the Mother Goddess’ faction was fighting a desperate battle.

First and foremost, the aerial space over Dragon’s Gorge had been completely dominated by the dragons and the wingmen, whose sheer number covered the sky. This forced the Mother Goddess’ faction to fight on the ground.

On the frontlines, armored giants had just begun their third charge. The agile beastmen followed closely behind to pick off lone enemies scattered from their allies. The wingmen unceasingly bombarded the enemy with spells. From time to time, spiriteers could be spotted flitting across the battlefield.

Things had gone awry right from the start.

The neutral races that had previously submitted to the Mother Goddess suddenly turned their claws on their allies, causing a great deal of internal disturbance. The bone dragons, gargoyles, and blood clansmen were too shaken by the rebellion and failed to get into their formation in time, resulting in their quickly losing aerial supremacy to the dragons and the wingmen.

This led to a vicious cycle on the battlefield.

The dragons and the wingmen furiously bombarded the Mother Goddess’ faction, not giving them any breathing space to regroup and launch a counterattack. Casualties quickly piled up.

And that was still not the most dispiriting thing of all.

What truly chilled the hearts of those from the Mother Goddess’ faction was the situation over at the western horizon.

Hours had already passed since sunset, but the evening sun refused to descend beyond the horizon. It obstinately hung by the horizon and even showed hints of slowly rising back up. Without the enhancement of nightfall, the nocturnal races of the Mother Goddess’ faction were unable to exert their true prowess.

Furthermore, the silver moon in the sky was at its dimmest ever.

At the very start of the battle, Dragon’s Gorge had emanated a brilliant golden light that came not from the sun but from the ground itself. Yes, the ground itself was infused with the Savior’s power. There was a simple reason behind this phenomenon.

Dragon’s Gorge was the Savior’s birthplace.

During a time when the solar and lunar cycles fell into disarray, when starvation and death plagued the world, when all beings were confused by the abrupt disappearance of their creator, the Savior rose from this land and cast His light upon the world.

This was the land of His birth, as well as His Divine Domain.

The Savior had kept this secret hidden in order to plot this scheme. It was only on such advantageous terrain that He could turn the tables on the Mother Goddess.

The Mother Goddess was dragged into an empty world as soon as She stepped onto this field. It was a completely silent Dragon’s Gorge, with the only ones here being Her and a young man who radiated light.



Unlike the Savior’s meeting with Roel, the two supreme beings in this empty world simply stared at each other, displaying no inclination to communicate whatsoever. There was no need to when They knew each inside out.

Both the Savior and the Mother Goddess descended from Genesis Goddess Sia. Even though They were now divided into two extremes, They did share the same consciousness at one point in time, which allowed Them to fathom each other’s thoughts.

Yet, the Savior took the initiative to speak today.

“Give up. You have already lost.”


“You trusted the Kingmaker. It’s a shame, but he’s My ally.”


The Mother Goddess’ composure shattered as soon as those words were spoken. Her face darkened as Her crimson eyes gleamed dangerously. Overwhelming mana surged from Her. However, the reason behind Her outburst was different from what the Savior expected.

“You wretched impostor. Who permitted you to insult My child?”


“There’s no way he’d betray Me. Don’t bother resorting to such meaningless tricks.”

Faced with the infuriated Mother Goddess, the Savior revealed a contemptuous smile.

“There’s no way he’d betray you? Are you really saying that? You should have noticed that it’s a trap by now. He has been on My side all along.”

“That might have been the case in the past, but he’s My child now. I trust him. Of course… I don’t expect someone like you to understand that.”

“…You can’t be reasoned with.”

The Savior was annoyed to see how much the Mother Goddess trusted the Kingmaker despite being deprived of information here. Knowing that His psychological warfare was not working out, He began His attack.

A searing miniature sun appeared in the sky and released a blinding wave of light that sought to incinerate everything. With this, the fight between the two supreme beings finally commenced. Even though this battle only involved two people, its importance outweighed even the battle outside, where thousands were dying by the second.

Mana pulsations rippled like tsunamis, tearing down everything in their path. Even the Savior’s Divine Domain struggled to withstand the devastation caused by the clash of the two supreme beings.

However, as the battle progressed, the Mother Goddess soon noticed that something was amiss. At some point in time, the Savior had vanished amidst the light, whereas She remained trapped inside the center of this world of light.

Is He stalling for time? the Mother Goddess wondered with a frown.

Even before stepping onto this land, She had already noticed that something was amiss, which was why She had ordered that the God’s Envoys be awakened. Yet, despite having fought for quite some time now, She still didn’t sense any of them closing in.

This stoked Her concern.

She had spent too much time in this Divine Domain. With the sun refusing to give way to the moon, both the Mother Goddess and Her warriors fighting outside would remain in a disadvantageous situation. Should one side fall, this war would be over.

I have to leave this place to turn the tables, the Mother Goddess thought as She turned to the sky.

Outside the Divine Domain, the dimmed moon began to regain its luster, resulting in the sun and the moon concurrently illuminating the land.

But unlike the unchanging sun, the moon had split into two: one silver and one black.

The Silver Moon had a dreamlike beauty that drew admiration; the Black Moon symbolized the power of judgment. Not even beings like the Death God could escape its judgment.

Invoking the Black Moon came with a heavy price. The Mother Goddess would enter a period of weakness as a result, but She had no other choice here. Even across the Divine Domain, She could sense a sudden proliferation of killing intent on the battlefield.

The Angels.

A race once known to be Sia’s oracle had defected to the enemy. The Mother Goddess’ heart sank at that realization.

Withstanding the pain that penetrated Her soul, the Mother Goddess raised Her palm to guide the Black Moon to destroy the Divine Domain imprisoning Her. Far away, the Savior’s lips curled up as He patiently waited for the Mother Goddess to enter Her period of weakness.

It was then that the tides of the battle suddenly changed.

Everyone on the battlefield suddenly felt a tremendous pressure crushing their soul, as if heralding the arrival of beings that wielded immeasurable power.

Inside the Divine Domain, the Mother Goddess widened Her eyes. In the sky, the Savior’s expression turned grim. In Dragon’s Gorge, the countless soldiers clashing against one another halted their movements to gaze at the distant western horizon.

There, they saw a black cloud, a white fog, a yellow wind, and an aurora.

Distant as they were, their sheer expanse engulfed the sky.

The world might not be familiar with them right now, but in the near future, their names would invoke boundless despair in all. Civilizations would desperately struggle against their tyranny, pitting their entire strength and wisdom against them, only to have their hope extinguished as they finally realized that these were unstoppable forces of nature.

Their name: the Six Calamities.

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