
Chapter 636 Making The Memorial Device (7) - A Blooming Flower

"Hmph!" Myropsis turned away and it seemed like she wanted to make a big deal of this. Eldrian just shrugged and got back to work. "Hey! Aren\'t you going to apologize?"

"Apologize? Will you give me your necklace if I do?"

Jumping back and protecting her necklace, Myropsis glared at Eldrian who shrugged again and started drawing the idea he had been thinking of during this debacle. While the storage was still a problem, it plus a way to search the stored data were the only mysteries left. He wasn\'t even sure looking at the dimensional storage would help.

\'Well, even if I understand how to save the data, I have no idea how to add a search function. Dimensional storages work by consciously entering them... Is it possible to simulate that?\'

"Are you really just going to get back to work?" Myropsis asked as she saw Eldrian move from drawing to forging. He knew he didn\'t have time to come up with a plan. Instead, he would simply hope that it worked.

"Yeah, I want this to be done when those from Diades come. Unlike us, they didn\'t even have the chance to say goodbye to their loved ones."

Myropsis stopped, stunned. Shocked that Eldrian was so invested. Like the others, she did not know the details of what had happened, did not know that Eldrian held himself responsible for everything.

\'Since I can\'t make it possible to play select \'memories\', then we will have to have many branches.\' Instead of calling it videos, Eldrian had slowly started thinking of the saved data as memories. After all, it was meant as a place to share just that of your lost loved ones.

\'I\'ll start with the stem of the plant, grounded with roots growing for aesthetic and balance. The Mov Crystal will be installed right at the top. I\'ve no idea if the saving is going to work, but I can finish the rest first.\'

Doing just this, Eldrian used the Mithril to make a sort of metal flower with multiple leaves. For each leaf he then added one of the recording balls, making it appear like the leaves were weighed down by the ball like it was a drop of water falling off the leaves after rain. He started calling these balls memory beads, they almost reminded him of Christmas decorations.

He then added the transportation rune to the leaf and stems, all directed towards the flower at the top where he would add the Mov Crystal. After finishing six leaves and all their connections, he started with the flower.

The flower he decided upon a blooming lotus. While such flowers did not normally have a body like this, he felt like the flower itself would just fit best. At least he liked its design more than any other at the moment.

The Mov Crystal was installed in the center where the pollen of a flower usually was, the crystal the seed. He envisioned that the flower petals opening were all your memories, and the crystal was all the precious moments that you held closest to your heart. Those that made it impossible to simply forget.

Onto the petals of the lotus, he added a myriad of the mirror rune. Wishing to represent it as a collection of all your experiences. As a way to watch your time with the person, you miss so dearly, to hopefully get closure. His idea similar to how one would think of their life flashing before their eyes, only now it would focus on all the time spent with the person you no longer have by your side.

\'Hope it will be able to survive the drain.\' He thought, certain that he was going too far but not caring at this moment.

For now, he left out the audio. After all, it would be insanity to have all the memories play at the same time. However, showing them all at the same time should be quite an amazing sight.

Myropsis of course had jumped in to help once she realized that there was more to this than just Eldrian\'s pride. "What about the sound?" She asked, realizing that Eldrian had not included the rune circuits they had designed for it.

"We should first test if it will save correctly," Eldrian replied.

"But... You didn\'t add any runes to the Mov Crystal."

"I know," Eldrian replied, all in all, the Mithril flower stood almost as tall as Eldrian with a total of six leaves and about twenty mirrors on the petals. Closing his eyes, Eldrian decided that the next part shouldn\'t be done with a plan or by hand.

Stepping forward, he placed his hand on the stem and sent his thoughts into the device. As he did, he could slowly feel himself moving to an out-of-body experience. Going with the flow, Eldrian found a similar situation to when he observed his own mana network. Or more specifically when one entered a dimensional storage.

\'Is this the final step of forging? No, there is so much more I still need to add.\' Eldrian paused, without a plan he simply hoped that it would work as he was imagining. \'Please, store the memories correctly. Please, allow people to connect with you, to draw out those memories...\'

Eldrian couldn\'t help but think of all those lost along the way as he did this. Of all those he had failed. He thought back to Old Sword who had trained him in such a strange manner, of Sabrea who he had quickly grown close to. He thought of Ayden, Aneko, and Kohaku. Friends who he did not even know if they were alive or dead. Forgotten...

Tears freely fell as he lived through those memories, as he thought of his family who he could not contact. A silver lining that they were alive, but the silver lining was around a very dark cloud. He thought of the others besides Sabrea who had almost all died on his quest to save Vivian, of Andreas who had turned out to be a devil. And of how he had betrayed Ceph in his anger.

He even thought of Medion, a young father who had lost his life early in the war. Who had never had the chance to meet his unborn child. Eldrian cried as he realized he had no idea if the mother and child were still alive after the siege.

And he thought of Evale, who had lost her twin brother. Recalling the huge centaur, Eldrian smiled and cried. Wondering just how many others were in a similar situation, his heart broke imaging if he were to lose Jen. If something were happened to her...

\'Please, help us remember and move on...\' Eldrian prayed as he fought to recover from the rush of overwhelming grief hitting him at once. As he realized that in the recent events he had almost lost Vivian and Ceph too. He didn\'t know what he would have done if that had happened.


Myropsis watched in awe, Eldrian had been standing still for a while now. However, the flower had been shining brightly for that same time, illuminating the petals in a soft purple. Slowly, this purple moved through the stem as veins, seemingly pulsing.

As it moved the rest of the flower gained color. The stem gained a glowing light blue color to it, highlighting the light blue silver of the Mithril, the leaves changed to bright green, and the balls of memory turned to a near-transparent purple. Then, all of the sudden, the Mov Crystal shone brightly like a morning star. As it did, multiple memories appeared in the air, floating over the flower. Playing Eldrian\'s memories.

As it did, new patterns unknown to both Eldrian and Myropsis started covering the entire plant. Bringing it to life as it started gathering the surrounding mana.

AN: A big thanks to everyone who continues to support the story by simply reading on Webnovel, voting for the story, or sharing comments. It is all greatly appreciated.

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