
Chapter 505 - Sofiera’s gift

Chapter 505: Sofiera\'s gift

"Limiting you by requiring you to buy spells is beyond stupid and it is a resource I can give you quite freely." Sofiera continued.

"We normally limit the spread of spells and skills to ensure that the people who can reach a level of significance are reliable. Or at the very least; not a danger. Hence why they must also be part of some organization, which is their choice but there is no way to learn Tier 5 spells without being part of one."

"A simple way for us to confirm their reasons for seeking strength if you will," Sofiera concluded and then continued on to her next point.

"In war times we do loosen the grip we hold over spells, but not enough. Granted, anyone can gain access to spells and skills by joining the army, but many do not wish to be bound to the kingdom so strictly wherein they can be called to the front and called upon to die for others."

"This is understandable, I personally also never wished to join the army and still haven\'t. But your situation isn\'t the same as ours. You have already done much for us, and I feel the rewards you have been given are lacking."

"As such," Taking out a small badge, the appearance of which was a book with a staff lying across it. The metal, a light silverfish blue reminiscent of Mithril, the pages a dark golden of Rikolium gold, and the crystal of the staff a dark purple of a Mov Crystal.

Sofiera smiled and said, "With this, the resources of the mage association will be open to you."

"You can access any tome of knowledge we have, you will have the same clearance level as Pelaros and I. There will be no cost nor any rank limitations, at least not within this branch of the association. You will also be able to gain an audience with any other association manager if you use this token."

Eldrian took the badge with shaking hands, knowing just how great a gift this truly was and feeling even so that he was simplifying what it truly meant. If he had a choice of having Sofier teach him or receiving the badge, he would choose the badge a hundred percent of the time.

"You can find Epignosi in the library focused on observations spells and skills. Including the advanced variation normally only shared with the elites of the army. I, unfortunately, can\'t give you access to the noble variations as they are not included in our collection."

"I am going to speak with Pelaros on this matter. As the head of a new noble house, you certainly are entitled to at least one variation even if you aren\'t a centaur."

"Right, I also heard of your last test with your retainers. I assume you are curious about magic barriers."

Eldrian nodded, unable to form words as he was still simply reeling from the gift he just received. What she had said after that had only half registered.

"I\'m not going to try and explain anything, as I fear that might just give you the same biases as I have. However, if you are going to try and understand and learn them, I recommend you start with the books written by Argon, specifically his summarization of cancelation barrier techniques."

Eldrian nodded again, completely forgetting all about manners and about to rush to get started researching. Sofiera called to him before he could get lost in his thoughts even more.

"You are also free to go through my personal collection. Though, I don\'t recommend you try that before going through the sources on basic spells. As none of these books have any spells in them, they are just theories and discussions on magic and the elements."

Eldrian nodded, finally managing to catch up. "Thank you! Thank you sooo much! Is there a section one souls, or auras?"

"Right, Pelaros did share that you have a special talent in accessing your soul. And you have two auras, correct?" Waiting for Eldrian\'s nod, Sofier pondered for a bit.

"Those topics aren\'t common nor are there many of them in the normal library. But I do have a few books on them. But..." She paused and pondered the question for a bit, "What constitutes something being connected to souls?"

"I am not sure what you mean?"

"Do you consider the undead to be part of the discussion of souls? What about religion and divinity?"

"Yes, of course..." Eldrian paused and looked at Sofiera questioningly, however, he felt she wouldn\'t know about Creation since not even Ayden really understood what Eldrian had managed back then. Even after Eldrian tried his best to explain it.

"Then I have a few that might be of interest to you. I think the best place to start is this one," Sofiera moved to the back of the room where a collection of pristinely kept books with ages far older than even Sofiera was kept.

Their age was hard to see thanks to how well they were kept, but nothing could truly keep age from affecting anything. Not even magic.

"This here is a collection of notes from an exploration party into The Encroaching a few thousand years ago..." Sofiera paused again as she wondered if Eldrian even knew what year it was.

It was such a basic thing that almost everyone knew, but, it would be easy for someone from another world to never even question it.

"You will find that the notes are dated around the twelve hundred ACT, which stands for after the creation of Taurus, our kingdom. I thought I\'d mention that the current date is 5276 ACT. Also, Taurus was founded a couple of thousand years after the last invasion."

Eldrian nearly stumbled upon hearing this, shocked by the sheer number of years that meant Taurus has existed for. Compared to Earth, it was simply overwhelming.

Eldrian also felt he understood whose notes these were, which made his heart race with anticipation. If it was Ilpas Elpine\'s, the insights he might gain were endless.

Sofiera didn\'t miss that glint in Eldrian\'s eyes, coughing to bring him out of his thoughts, she handed him the book along with a warning Eldrian had gotten before.

"Anything to do with souls isn\'t a safe topic. There is a reason why few people dare try become an undead to prolong their life, outside of the simple requirements that are near impossible to meet."

"What do you mean?" Eldrian asked, while having dealt plenty with the undead. He has yet to delve into much of the theory of undeath, especially in the area of becoming one.

"It is an outlawed subject, but nearly everyone knows the basic requirement. A drive to survive, driven by extreme emotions..." Sofiera paused as she saw the change in Eldrian\'s expression.

\'Emotions again, and this isn\'t the first time I am hearing of it. I had thought the descriptions of the undead were just that... But if emotions are also linked to willing undead\'s...\'

"I can\'t read your mind... Unless you don\'t want to share." Sofiera teased, curious but not overly so.

"It is..." Eldrian paused, thought about it, nodded, and continued. "It seems that the core of magic is emotions and one\'s perception of things."

"I\'m not following. Using spells requires focus and control, how are emotions involved?"

"I\'m not talking about normal spells."

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