
Chapter 207: Emissaries of the gods

Chapter 207: Emissaries of the gods

Once Eldrian overcame his shock, he quickly tried to accomplish this again to see if it was a fluke or not. Half an hour later he had managed to learn another of the hybrid spells Myropsis had given him.

This is amazing, it would have certainly taken me at least a day before. Eldrian mumbled as he picked one of the simpler spells, managing to learn it in under ten minutes.

I wonder if I can change a spell after casting it, I had been focused on trying to do this before or as I cast it. But maybe...

Casting Frost Needle, the Tier 1 spell he was most familiar with, Eldrian tried his best to stop it from shooting outward as it always did. He had been stuck at this level since he had learned it, only able to slightly control its flight.

The reason for him being stuck was due to the initial momentum the spell had when cast. This was absolutely necessary to let it do any damage. While he had managed to remove this in a certain experiment, doing so took away all the damage the spell had. He could still move it in that case as he did the Tier 0 spells, but this was not fast enough to pierce into something. Having basically no strength behind it.

Eldrian had received inspiration through the earth wind hybrid spell he had just learned. This one used the wind element to propel it, Frost Needle did not have an element doing this. Rather it was actually magic, after some tries Eldrian managed to figure out how it worked. The failures resulting in a bunch of small holes in his dirt floor.

So magic aligns the mana particles and excites them, sending the spell in a certain direction. Eldrian felt this sounded a bit like magnets, and wanted to talk with Constantin about this later. Once he discovered this it did not take long to actually keep the spell still. Holding off the magic part of the spell, stopping it from doing this alignment and excitation, the spell floated before him waiting for his command.

This is a different approach than fully controlling it, it is also much easier than when I removed this and tried to make it move after though seer willpower. Eldrian thought as he let this one fly and cast the spell again to see if he could replicate it.

[Frost Needle unlocked to Rank 3], prompted a system command that Eldrian only glanced at. Now for the real test, Eldrian thought.

Focusing on both the piece of ice floating in front of him and his mana pathways, Eldrian searched for the link between the two. Having become extremely acquainted with his pathways it did not take him long to find the pathway which was losing a little mana. Focusing on it he soon found the tendril feeding more mana to the spell, and receiving expended mana back.

So if I stop this expended mana from returning I can get a much stronger instant effect. Eldrian thought first, quickly realizing how that would indeed work. Seeing how it still had a slight amount of the specific element it used to carry. I guess doing so would expend the mana itself, not just the elemental energy.

Eldrian did not do this, wary that something unexpected might happen. Such as when he had excitedly played with the feeling that he now knew to be mana. Instead, he focused on the mana replenishing the spell. Floga, Nidia, and the other Tier 0 spells had such little energy requirements that it took a while before this would happen. Tier 1 instead needed a constant supply if kept active as Eldrian had it now.

Focusing on this, Eldrian willed the mana to have more dark elements in it. As he did he kept watching the floating icicle, a mist forming around it as time passed. As the mist formed Eldrian changed the mana to be even more dark elements, almost removing all the water elements. Soon Eldrian even felt the cold air reaching him, not much later a minor headache assaulted him as the spell shattered.

Damn, forgot to keep in mind the mana drain. Eldrian quickly realized as he nursed his headache. Waiting for it to pass before leaving this experimentation to a little later. For now, he continued to study the spells he did not know yet. Wanting to learn all those he had yet to master, hoping for more inspiration.

As night arrived, Eldrian managed this. With this done he quickly set off to Myropsis, wishing to converse on this feeling which is magic itself. Curious if it was something the NPCs knew off.


It\'s been a while. Constantin thought as he woke inside the temple of Skepsi, the goddess of magic. She was the goddess he had conversed with long ago when this world was still relatively young. This was not special though as most of the early game testers had had such a meeting with a certain god.

These gods would from there on be their patron god. All those who had a patron god would only revive, and log in, at their specific god\'s temple. At first it had been a safety measure, as time had passed it had become a custom more than anything else. Strengthening the fact that they were not normal people or even normal Chosen, at this point, but actually emissaries of their god.

Upon his appearance, the clergy inside quickly dropped to their knees in prayer. Ah right, I hate this part. "Please, stay as you were," Constantin said, knowing full well that none inside the temple would dare stand until he said this, or until he had left.

Seeing their fervent gazes he sighed and quickly left the temple before the head priest could arrive and badger him for news of their god. Really now, I just met her once and only have a very small blessing from her. How can they still think of me as so important? Constantin thought, knowing full well that no native has ever met any god in person. At best they would get visions or dreams from them, maybe a very slight blessing but nothing as great as his.

Once out of the temple Constantin quickly called up the system map and headed for the palace. His map having a bit more detail than other players and allowing him to avoid crowded areas where he might quickly be surrounded and praised.

Entering the palace was not an easy thing though, even for him. All those serving as guards were believers in Dioktis and they would not even blink if he was a patron of their god. Their belief being that only the strong have the right to be his patron, it would be a joke if a Tier 4 person claimed to have that honor.

"Let him in," The captain, Gladdeus, said after confirming the aura of Skepsi on Constantin. Hearing the voice Constantin sighed, "What brought you here today, Constantin?"

"I\'ve come to ask a favor of His Imperial Majesty."

"And what pray tell is this favor you wish to ask?" Gladdeus pressed as he followed Constantin. Gladdeus was dressed in the informal dress of the royal guards. Basically, it was mail armor covered in tailored leather with a large blue cape on their back, all having the royal crest engraved by a runesmith.

"That is between me and him."

"Is it now? What do you have to give in return?"

"This does not concern you, now does it? Or are you capable of thinking for His Majesty?"

Hearing the reply Gladdeus refrained from countering, as saying anything more would cause him to belittle his liege. So the two walked into the palace and to the throne room in awkward silence. Upon entering it a voice boomed through the room.

"Oh! If it isn\'t Constantin, my old friend! How have you been?"

Constantin quickly went down on his knee and replied, "I have been well, thanks to your majesty\'s grace."

"Haha," Laughter boomed, "That is great to hear, but why have you not come for so long?"

"I have many things I need to do, and as such, I have been unable. I apologize." As he said this Constantin wished to sigh, he did not like how quickly their positions had been lowered in this world. Once they were the right hand of the kings, who later became emperors. Now generations later, they were only shown moderate respect due to legends more than actual belief.

"Alright, everyone leave." The Emperor said after staring at Constantin for quite some time. A burst of mumbling burst out as the Emperor said this, but none in the room dared complain. Soon it was just the two in the room.

"Now drop this etiquette bullshit and tell me what you want to ask for." The Emperor said, quite unhappy that he actually had to accept that someone so weak had such a great impact on their great nation. So great that his ancestors had made an oath where their bloodline will always remain friends with the emissaries.

"How can you be so mean? I have merel-..."

"You came to ask for something, so ask. While I have to show you courtesy due to the goddess you serve, it does not mean I need to like it."

Constantin sighed and kept his anger in, "I would like to gain access to a Magic Crystal for some experiments, if this would be possible."


"I hope to finally break through my limit."

This reply garnered a bout of laughter. "You think you can do this after being stuck for thousands of years?"

"Will you allow me access or not?" Constantin pressed, not happy with how he was being treated. He knew full well that if not for the oath, the Emperor would never even give him an audience.

"Fine... Just ask Angelica, she will make sure you don\'t break it." The Emperor spat out, knowing that this was not too much to ask, and if he refused the oath would actually take effect and force him to. He did not wish to feel that pain and embarrassment again, once had been enough.

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