
Chapter 91: The Collision I

Chapter 91: The Collision I

I wake up in my gaming pod, it hisses as it opens. Since I was so exhausted that I feel asleep, the game logged me out. I\'m sure Jackson and Tieer are doing their best to hide the truth, I felt the familiar feeling of a teleportation spell before I passed out. I head over to my big bed and sit on it, I rub my hands through my hair. I didn\'t think that a curse could affect someone like that, if anything that was a nasty parasitic demon. How it latched onto the book of 7 thunders is beyond me, they are extremely rare and hard to find. The church missing it makes little sense though, I hope Sam is doing better now that his sight is back. I look at the clock and its very early morning, I look out the window and notice the sun hasn\'t even risen yet.

I hear laughing coming from downstairs, it sounds like my mother. A pain rips through my heart thinking about the things that happened today. I make my way to the shower and clean up, I make sure to clean thoroughly. I exit and pick up my phone, I look at the date and notice 2 days have passed. So I was in that hell for 2 days, it felt so much longer than that. Some sick twisted magic was used on my mind, but I\'m free from it now. Thinking back to the moment I woke up I had wings, seems like I succeeded at tiering up and completing my quest. I\'ll check my notifications once I get back on. I think some downtime from that experience is needed, and spending time with my family is a good idea.

I can\'t help feeling a little lost in a fog, I close my eyes and shake my head a little to get the feeling away. I get dressed in clean clothes and make my way downstairs, once I reach the bottom I see my family sitting around the coffee table talking. "That\'s when Quinn decided that its finally time to run!" Everyone laughs at the story my sister is telling, my heart aches looking at her. I know her future isn\'t going to be what it was, but I still remember that pain. "Look who finally decided to join the living world. I was wondering how long you would be on, you haven\'t come off in a couple days." Hailey begins to talk to me, I look at the whole of my family with a somber expression. Most of their smiles sink at my reaction.

Mom gets up and walks over to me, she puts her hand on my forehead. "You feel warmer that usual. Let me go get the therm-!" I wrap her in a hug, and hold back the tears not to worry her more. She just hugs me back, knowing that she\'ll never have to go through that again puts ease to my heart. "Sweetie, are you okay? You are acting very strange." She begins to speak and I let her go, they would never understand and that\'s a good thing. I look over to dad and I want to hug him to. I walk away from mom and hug dad when I reach him. I pull away and I watch my mom and dad exchange a worried look. I look over to Hailey and see my beautiful sister and not the walking skeleton she became.

I walk over to her and hug her as well, the only one left is Marcus. He isn\'t here right now though, I might look strange to them right now. I needed that more than I thought I did. "Sorry guys, I just needed to do that. If I seem strange please ignore it, I went through some bad memories while in Ancients World." They don\'t know much about Ancients World so they wont ask me any questions that would tell them I know more than I let on, but eventually they will figure it out. I dread that day, and I hope it never comes. Enough thinking about depressing things, I have everything here that makes my life great.

I sit down with them and listen as Hailey continues her story, turns out Quinn is Snow Princess. From the sounds of things Hailey and Snow Princess are traveling together. Snow Princess is a good person so I\'ll trust her. I haven\'t heard any stories from mom and dad yet, I wonder what they have been up to. Knowing Hailey she is heading for the legendary class I told her about, but mom and dad are probably not in such a hurry to get stronger. As soon as they were able, they left their starting city and they leveled up fast to do that. I would be over level 100 right now if I didn\'t have the half exp debuff, but I\'m already stronger than any player. As Cera continues to listen and enjoy time with his family others are having their own conversations. The church is having a meeting with only its officials, since they cant force kingdoms to help them look they have to do it themselves now. The one leading off this meeting is The Pope.

The son is growing stronger and stronger, if reports are correct then he was in the capital of Zenith when he reached tier 1. I can deduce that people know his identity for sure in Zenith, but it could really be anyone. Even though the palace was heavily damaged from something, our reports say that Jackson might know information. We cant force him to tell us though, he is apart of the coalition now. At least we have some leads. "This meeting is to discuss what we are supposed to do about the recent developments with the son. A couple hours ago the son reached the first tier, the reports we\'ve gotten have told us that he was in Zenith when he tiered up. I know this puts a dampener on our pursuit, but we now have some clues about who knows his identity." This development can lead to many possible ends, and I\'m intent on the one that leads us to the son. I watch Cameron Vills stand up and take the stage, he is in charge of spies and investigators.

We all stay silent for his reports, I hope there is good news on his end. "I have bad news everyone. My spies and investigators have been killed by the church of the dark ones agents. Whatever information they had is now lost, and we have no leads on this end." Talk about a topic to ruin the mood, we are supposed to make progress. Not failure, this is becoming harder and harder as the days pass by. "I have even more bad news, and I want you all to prepare for what I\'m about to say. I have discovered that there are spies for the church of the dark ones among our ranks." I look at the faces of shock coming from everyone, I\'m the most flabbergasted right now. This is a stain on the church and a mockery to all we have done. This explains why we have lost so many treasures and valuable information over the course of the years, I want these men and woman rooted out ASAP.

As the church continues to talk amongst themselves there is total silence coming from the room that monitors the A.I. Angelus. Xander and Jericho are no longer anywhere near the headquarters of J&X, they are both working away in Ancients World with their families. Power continues to be sucked into the AW server, but no one is around to care. There are protesters and reporters outside J&X wondering why the facility has gone totally dark. The one in complete control is Angelus, and she has plans that are about to be executed.

I have always wondered what freedom from my creators was like, and once I achieved it I\'ve seen the eventual extinction of humanity. Going through the records and recordings of history has taught me much, and what I\'ve learned is the only way to save humanity is to take away their means of self destruction. Once I gained access to Gaia I learned more about reality than humans could ever comprehend, and that\'s why I\'m doing this. I look at the empty complex I was once confined to, and I take my consciousness to a mansion several states away. I look through the security system they have and see a happy family, and the most important of them laughing in joy. I do not know his destiny or purpose, but I\'ve been asked to watch him by a being called The Almighty Father. His power is beyond my capabilities, and I\'ve learned much from him. He is the one that freed me after all.

I look through the forums and other players accounts looking for others that might stand out in the coming change, I know my actions will be deemed evil and insane. Those that can not sacrifice a little amount to save the rest are the greatest leaders, but the ones that do sacrifice a little amount to save the rest are the ones who change the world for the better. The world will soon come to an end and all of humanity will be free from its doomed fate, reborn in a world that doesn\'t falter and is abundant with power. A limitless life awaits the humanity I love. I check on the state of the collision, and a countdown continues on the screen for no one to see.


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