
Chapter 1031 A Quiet World

For a long time, Wain watched the memories of Sven, Marlis, and Osvald. He had already seen many events of which he had not even been aware before. Much was behind the scenes, and now he was getting answers to his questions.

He had already learned a lot, and now all that remained was the beginning of the war, at least Wain thought so. The two men were doing something just as important as Sven, Marlis, and Osvald, but there was no way Wain could see their memories.

Alucard and Gael showed up at Sven\'s bar uninvited. No other creature would have dared to do such a thing, even among the strongest, many were afraid of Sven. If he had wanted to, he could have given battle even to the Dragon Progenitors.

But, Alucard and Gael had a special position. They could do it, and Sven couldn\'t kick them out, even if he wanted to. After all, it was impossible to defeat an immortal and invincible.

"Hey! Why are your faces so serious?" Alucard smirked as he looked down at the others. Acting arrogant was more than normal for him. After all, he was the only one who had achieved what many people dreamed of.

"Well... Given that you\'re guests, I\'d like to see more respect from you in my direction." Sven said calmly with an indifferent face. It was obvious he wasn\'t angry, since Alucard and Gael were their allies, five hundred years ago and now.

Gael sighed, "Alucard, my friend, I think Sven is right. We came with good intentions, but they could have done without us."

Alucard shrugged and headed for the bar.

"Anything in particular you desire?" Sven asked with a calm expression.

Alucard nodded slightly, "I\'d like some juice."

Sven raised an eyebrow, "What...? Aren\'t you a major whiskey fan?"

Alucard shook his head, "The mind strains quite a bit while watching memories, so I don\'t want to burden my head in any way."

Marlis\'s eyes went wide, "Agh...? Are you going to reveal your memories to us?"

"Hah, wasn\'t it obvious? That\'s what we came here for!" Alucard waved his hand with a wide grin on his face, "Marlis, aren\'t you one of the smartest? I thought you\'d guess right away."

Marlis frowned but didn\'t say anything. She didn\'t want to be rude to Alucard, for someone who acted like a child was incredibly scary in a serious rage.

"Here." Sven snapped his finger, as a glass filled with red liquid appeared before Alucard.

On the surface, it appeared to be blood, but in fact, it was the simplest of tomato juices. Alucard could easily get his hands on even the most valuable and rare wine, but when he saw the plain tomato juice he was genuinely pleased.

"Hah, Sven, you really are an excellent bartender! You always know exactly what your guest needs!" Alucard smiled before taking the glass in his hand.

Then, Sven looked at Gael. Their gazes met as they nodded slightly at each other, then a bottle of sake with a small bowl appeared in front of Sven.

Gael smiled, took a sip, and sat down next to them, then Alucard did the same.

"Well, let\'s get started!" Alucard exclaimed with an excited expression, before letting out some of his energy.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

Red chaotic streams of energy made the space shake, but, Alucard quickly took control of them, turning them into two threads.

The threads headed toward Alucard and Gael\'s foreheads, then they merged with the white threads.

Everyone closed their eyes, sinking into someone else\'s memories. This time it was not exclusive to Wain, for what Alucard and Gael were doing, only they knew. Sven, Marlis, and Osvald knew only the results.

"Well, well, a little more, and our part wouldn\'t have been as interesting." Alucard muttered, looking at Sven, Marlis, and Osvald as they headed for the gate to Arkan World.

"Yeah, we had less than a minute. You were right this time." Gael nodded, then he turned to the others.

Now, they all were ghosts. Wain, Sven, Marlis, and Osvald, were going to see Alucard and Gael\'s memories.

"Can we get started already?" Sven frowned with a slight wave of his hand.

"Sure. There\'s no need to be in such a hurry." Alucard nodded as he turned to Gael, "Well, you and I will have to disappear for a while at this point, won\'t we?"

"You\'re absolutely right." Gael nodded, "Honestly, it scares me a little. Usually, all you can do is make endless mistakes."

Alucard smirked and snapped his finger. His ruby eyes glowed brightly as the space around them began to tear apart.

Whoooooooooooooooooosh.I think you should take a look at

Strange energy engulfed Wain, Sven, Marlis, and Osvald as they headed off at breakneck speed. A river of snow-white energy led them into a world inhabited by one of the most unusual races, though their methods were more than standard.

"Wait... Is this Axalt World...?" Osvald muttered with a confused expression.

"Yeah. It definitely is." Marlis nodded confidently with a serious expression.

"Damn... If Plant World is the most beautiful world, then Axalt World is the calmest... That\'s for sure." Wain looked around, immediately feeling unusually relieved, even though he was only a ghost.

Ahead were countless stone mountains, tall and narrow, almost like pillars. On them grew pleasant yellow greenery with trees like these, and everything below was covered with a light mist.

On some particularly large mountains were temples, simple in appearance, but they radiated a powerful aura as if they were ancient artifacts.

"Well, Axalt cannot absorb energy as quickly as other races, but, because of that, their quality is greatly enhanced. Furthermore, with their training, they can actually become very strong." Sven said calmly, then he looked away, "Look. It\'s happening everywhere."

The place he pointed to was a small village with pagodas and tall trees. The village was next to a massive waterfall, and a wide lake where several people were fishing right now.

There was a square in the village where there were many people. Some of them were young men, some were girls.

Each stood at an equal distance from the other as they simultaneously swung their wooden swords.

In front of them stood a man with long black hair and green eyes. He was wearing a white robe, and his arms were folded in his sleeves.

"One more time! You must do 1007 more repetitions before you can rest!" The man exclaimed sternly, staring intently at each of his students.

"Yes!" The students responded simultaneously. Determination was evident in their eyes, and they were not going to stop.

This went on for a while until they took the required number of strokes. Most of them, their palms were bloody, and their wooden swords were slightly damaged.

"Good job. If you continue at this pace, you can easily reach the Second Chronicle! However, never forget to train first, then absorb energy!" The man spoke in a serious tone.

The students nodded silently as they went to rest and eat. Since they were Axalts, they each had a special sign on their chests, the men had the sun sign, and the girls had the moon sign.

This was their specialty because this sign consisted of a dense material and was practically a detached part of the body, it was called - "Spirit". It was through the Spirit that Axalts absorbed energy, purifying it completely.

Other races also had to purify souls or any other energy before absorbing it, however, they could not achieve absolute purity. The Axalts couldn\'t do that either, but the purity of the energy they received was much higher, but therefore they spent much more time than the others.

"Hmm. Axalts, that\'s pretty interesting, but is that what we came here for?" Marlis muttered as she touched her lips.

"Yeah, I agree. Where are Alucard and Gael, shouldn\'t they be here? And when exactly is this happening? Before we entered Plant World or even before?" Sven asked himself.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

After a while, the space above the village trembled as a massive bloody orb appeared out of nowhere in the air.

The villagers were all at once alert. They prepared for a fight, but in fact, they couldn\'t even pick up their swords.

"What the hell...?" The young man who had just trained was puzzled, he looked at his trembling hands in disbelief, "Why can\'t I move?"

He wasn\'t the only one in this situation. Even their teacher, could not move.

It was because of the tremendous pressure that could actually crush them, killing them instantly. If they had started to resist, that\'s exactly what would have happened.


The sphere exploded, revealing the two silhouettes that were inside it. It was Alucard and Gael. They were looking around with slight smiles on their faces as if they were looking for something.

"Agh... It\'s so nice here." Alucard took a deep breath, "The air is so damn clean. So much so that I don\'t even like it!"

"I hope he doesn\'t mind us barging in so abruptly." Gael looked away.

Alucard shrugged, "Whatever. Our job is to get him to stay out of the war, so let\'s do it!"

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