
Chapter 769 Art


Wain like a dark flash was heading toward a massive tree with an unusual aura. The tree was indescribably large, much larger than the one in the Forgotten Forest of Elves, so Wain had hundreds of miles to cover before he got there.

'Damn... I thought I could do this on my own, but it looks like I'll need help...' Wain muttered inwardly as he stopped in the middle of the jungle, between several hills.

His aura intensified as a golden spark appeared in his eyes. Wain was ready to use the sixth form, but suddenly his pupils narrowed as a dark sword appeared in his hand.


A shadow appeared in front of him as two massive fists rained down on him from top to bottom, intending to bury him beneath the ground.

Wain blocked the attack and jumped aside as the shadow did the same.

"Well, well, I've only run a few kilometers, but I've already been attacked by someone, it was unexpected." Wain said with a slight smile on his face while shaking his head.


On massive vines between two trees hung a creature that had just attacked Wain. It was a massive monkey with thick brown fur and massive paws like hammers. The monkey looked at Wain with an exciting smile, examining him.

"Monkey, right? I've never had such an adversary, though that's not surprising, since we're in the jungle." Wain shrugged as his aura intensified and energy headed toward his arm.

'Hold on.' Abyss Artist suddenly said as his hand appeared on Wain's shoulder, 'Don't be in such a hurry.'

"Hmm? What are you talking about?" Wain asked with a frowned look as he had no time to talk at all.

'You want to fight this monkey, I understand, it's at the limit of Fourth Chronicle too, but wouldn't you rather use something other than your energy for that?' Abyss Artist asked as a sly smile formed on his face.

'Hah... I think I'm beginning to know what you're talking about...' Wain muttered inwardly while looking at the thick darkness around Abyss Artist.

"Yeah. I opened the portals to Lands of the Gods, but you still haven't really used my powers. Maybe you don't have much skill or a second appearance yet, but... against an opponent like that, it will be more than enough." The Abyss Artist uttered as he glanced at the monkey, then disappeared, turning into clots of darkness.

At the same time, Wain's appearance changed as he became much like the Abyss Artist, but one detail remained unchanged, the long dark sword in his hand.

'Gladius, I respect you immensely, but this is no time at all for you.' Abyss Artist said in a sly way as the sword was covered in a dark mist.

'Fog...? Damn, it looks almost exactly like the fog from my world... Well, the abilities of the Abyss Artist are heavily crossed with darkness, so... it should be interesting.' Wain inwardly muttered while looking at the mist that seemed able to hypnotize him.


The fog dispelled as a dark brush with an eerie aura appeared in his hand.

"Hmm? I roughly understand what your abilities are, but I think you overestimate me..." Wain muttered as he turned the brush in his hand, "I'm terrible at drawing, it would be a shame."

'Hah, you might be right, but you don't need to be an artist to use my power, just concentrate and let the energy take the shapes you want, then it'll go better than you can imagine.' Abyss Artist said before disappearing from Wain's mind. He left him alone as darkness appeared deep in Wain's eyes, very much like fog.


The monkey got tired of waiting as it jumped high up and put its paws together, about to bring them down on Wain again. The monkey's paws were covered in a thick layer of ice, which made them much heavier and stronger.

"Ice, right? Well... Though it's not really my style, but it looks like I have no other choice, I have to try it." Wain muttered as he swung with a brush.

He made just a few strokes that left two streaks of darkness in the air. For a moment they just hovered in the air, then they turned into a thick mist that transformed into two unusual creatures. They looked like imps from hell, with wide mouths and cruel eyes.

Wain raised his hand, pointing at the monkey and the imps immediately understood why they were created.

The imps opened their mouths wide as two massive streams of bright red flame burst forth. The heat made the air ripple and the ground next to the imps charred.

The monkey's eyes went wide as it realized that such powerful flames would burn it to the ground, so the monkey had only one way to survive, to lower the temperature low enough.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

The ice on the monkey's paws increased dramatically as it quickly turned into a massive ice shield that seemed to be able to absorb any amount of flame.


The ice and fire collided with each other and immediately there was a large amount of steam the ice began to melt at a tremendous rate as the water evaporated, but the monkey gradually approached the ground.

'Damn... It wasn't as easy as I thought...' Wain inwardly muttered as he swung with a brush once more.


Behind him, a rift appeared from which several dark hands emerged. They dragged Wain into the gap as he disappeared.

At the same time, the Monkey reached the ground as its massive paws collapsed on the imps.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

The impact caused a powerful jolt as the ground cracked and split into several parts while a powerful shock wave spread for hundreds of meters around, scaring the birds from the trees.


A gape appeared on the branch of one of the trees as Wain stepped out. He looked thoughtfully at the destruction, then at the monkey, and muttered, "I think I'm beginning to understand... I have yet to learn all the possibilities of the seventh form, but I am definitely ready for the battles in Gods of the Lands."

Wain was calm while the monkey, on the other hand, was incredibly angry because of the severe burns on his paws.

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