
Chapter 668 Leader Of The Humans

"Wain! Damn it! You have to stop, right now!" Zero exclaimed with a worried look.

"Hmm? Why? I\'m going to burst right into Gisle\'s office with you in my arms. I\'m sure the look on his face will be unforgettable." Wain smirked as he let out more energy.

The people next to whom he ran were stunned for a moment as things fell out of their hands and their eyes went wide, so this couldn\'t go unnoticed.

"Hey... What is this?" A man with thick black hair asked while looking at the golden flash.

"I don\'t know, someone seems to have decided that the city is a good place to test abilities. Come on, we have to deal with this." The woman said with a serious look before jumping off the city wall.

"Ah... No day without trouble... I\'m so sick of this." The man muttered while shaking his head as he followed her.

They landed in front of the passage from Overion to Merge Island. There was a massive gate that, on the woman\'s command, was already closing.

"All the commoners step aside! It\'s for your own safety!" The woman shouted in a commanding voice as her aura intensified.

"What do you think is going on?" The man asked as he pointed to the golden beam, "Maybe someone had too much to drink again?"

"I don\'t know. It doesn\'t matter, we have to deal with this as quickly as possible or Miss Elsa will reprimand us again..." The woman said as her face darkened as if she remembered something awful.

"Yeah... I don\'t want to go through that again." The man muttered.

"Get ready. It is coming." The woman said with a serious look as she unleashed her aura.

The city could use brute force at will to deal with trespassers, especially if someone was using a powerful skill in the center of the city.


The golden beam sparkled brightly as their eyes opened wide. Meanwhile, time slowed down and they were able to see everything in slow motion.

A man in white armor appeared between them with a girl in a dark cape in his arms. His amber eyes shone brightly while an arrogant grin appeared on his face.


The man\'s foot touched the ground as the tremendous speed created a powerful shockwave that tossed the man and woman aside.

"What the hell!" The woman exclaimed, jumped away from the building regaining her balance, and prepared to fight.

"No way..." The man muttered while in disbelief as he pointed to the gate.

The gate was already closed, but steam was coming from the edges as though from a very high temperature.

"Damn, what was that? Do you know this man?" The woman asked as a magic stone appeared in her hand.

"No..." The man shook his head, "But I have a feeling I\'ve seen him somewhere... More importantly, who was he holding?"

"Never mind. I must report it urgently." The woman said with a serious look and the runes on the stone glowed.

At the same time, the same stones glowed on many people throughout the city. They passed messages to each other until the chain reached the last one.

"Hmm? Alert? What\'s going on?" A woman with short blue hair and gray eyes muttered as she looked at the glowing stone.

She touched the stone and dozens of images from different parts of the city appeared in front of her. On all of them was a golden beam that strode toward Merge Island, the main city of Last Light.

"Well, since it\'s already gone beyond Overion, that\'s Gisle\'s concern now." Elsa muttered, extinguished the stone, and returned to her work.

On her desk were several stacks of papers, these were various documents that she had to sign and some of them were so tall that they swayed slightly from side to side as if they might fall on her at any moment.


At the same time, in a massive castle, at the very top in a spacious office that overlooked all the cities, there was a guy with thick gray hair sitting in an armchair. His feet were on the desk while an open book covered his face.

"Damn... What\'s going on?" Gisle muttered, tossed the book aside, and stepped out onto the balcony.

His spacious gray shirt fluttered in the wind which partially exposed his body and showed the many scars on his back.

"Ah... No matter how many times I look at it, I still enjoy this incredible scenery, every time." Gisle muttered with a slight smile on his face.

In front of Merge Island were four cities with more and more lights on as the sun went down. Behind the cities were mountains and fields and forests as the walls of the largest free city on the continent began hundreds of kilometers in the distance. From the back side of Merge Island came a massive waterfall that led down to Vrifal, the city of the Plants, which became one of the first allies for Last Light.

All towns were connected by a common system of tunnels through which people could reach Terrin, the Vampire City under the mountain to the west. Every day the system grew as well as the hidden influence of the humans on the entire world and Gisle was the one who ran it all.

"Well, well, what is it?" Gisle muttered while holding his chin in a thoughtful manner as he noticed the golden beam.


Suddenly the golden ray shone brightly and as though a flash headed straight for the top of the castle. Several barriers, like mirrors, were instantly shattered into tiny shards, and a man in a long dark coat, with black hair, and emerald eyes landed on the balcony pillar.

The man let the girl out of his arms, straightened as he shoved his hands in his pockets, and with an arrogant smile on his face said, "Hey, Gisle, long time no see, isn\'t it? That\'s one hell of a view from up here."

"Yeah. You are damn right." Gisle nodded as he smiled with glowing eyes.

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