
Chapter 438 Hunger

"Immobilize the beast, quickly!" Osvald shouted as he jumped on the beast\'s head and pressed it firmly to the ground.

Keith\'s men nodded and grabbed the beast by its front paws. Keith pierced the hind paws with daggers, and the beast could not move even a millimeter.

Wain smiled wickedly and approached the beast. An eerie aura emanated from him. The beast felt this was the end.


Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

Suddenly something shuddered, but not in the world, but in Wain\'s Soul Altar. It was a dark crown hovering over the platform in the castle.

\'Wow, looks like something interesting is starting to happen.\' Blind Sorcerer smiled.

\'Didn\'t it become active too soon?\' Black Sun Aristocrat asked.

\'No... it\'s fine... it\'s only a fraction...\' Cursed Swordsman muttered.

\'Well... I see you\'re wondering what happens next, but I don\'t like it at all.\' Code of Light and Darkness frowned, \'It could disrupt such a delicate harmony of darkness and light.\'



Wain grabbed the beast by the horns, and his eyes sparkled. The white energy emanating from the armor turned into a stream. It connected with the beast and began to absorb it.

\'Ah, what a great feeling, it\'s so much better than absorbing souls...\' Wain inwardly muttered, suddenly something strange happened to his armor.

Several cracks appeared on the armor from them, emanating gray energy and Wain\'s heart began to beat faster. He felt more and more pleasure with every second and wanted to devour the beast as quickly as possible and not stop at it.


\'Do you still think it\'s okay?\' Code of Light and Darkness worried.

\'It\'s okay. It had to happen sooner or later. It\'s his power and no one else\'s. Let him do it, it still can\'t fully unfold yet, and you can\'t stop the urge to want it.\' Knight of the Bloody Rose said seriously.

\'It\'s not as easy as you think... I spend too much energy maintaining balance, and I won\'t last long.\'


The beast roared in pain and hopelessness. Wain was literally sucking the life out of it, and the beast could not resist it.

"Ahahahaha, good, Wain, keep it up!" Osvald exclaimed.

Wain said nothing, he didn\'t even hear Osvald, he was completely focused on the process.

\'Even though this beast is composed entirely of energy, it\'s a living thing anyway... Maybe I should keep doing this? Shouldn\'t life be more valuable than the soul?\' Wain smiled and opened his mouth wide.

Suddenly streams of gray energy erupted from the ground, and the silhouette of a huge jaw appeared above him.

\'What is that? Keith and his partners thought at the same time. Their eyes went wide, they were shocked by what they saw. Wain and his abilities had changed dramatically, and he was now a real threat to everyone.

\'How interesting... I\'ve heard of this kind of ability, but didn\'t the last possessor die a long time ago?\' Osvald thought as he jumped off the beast\'s head. He stepped aside and watched Wain\'s actions intently.

Wain looked intently into the beast\'s eyes, and the silhouette of his jaw closed over him. The beast\'s head shattered into pieces, and Wain took a deep breath. He absorbed it all, and he wasn\'t going to stop there.

The cracks in its armor grew larger, as did the silhouette of its jaws. They pounced on the beast\'s body like piranhas.

Gradually there was nothing left of the beast, Wain absorbed all the energy and canceled the effect of the first form. The cracked white armor disappeared, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

[You absorbed a large amount of pure energy.]

[You absorbed a large amount of pure energy.]

[You absorbed a large amount of pure energy.]

[Your Majesty has been raised to 4.]

"Great, just a little more, and I\'ll move on to the next stage.

"Wain, are you okay? How are you feeling?" Osvald worried.

"I\'m fine, no, even good. I\'ve never felt better, and I\'m closer to my goal. All I have to do is absorb them." Wain looked at the pearls in the sphere.

Osvald smiled and said, "Great, then go ahead, that was a great performance!"

Osvald walked over to the barrier and lightly pounded on it as if knocking on a door. The barrier cracked and disintegrated into small pieces.

The five brightly shining pearls mesmerized and attracted like jewels. Every Peal Hunter dreamed of finding such a place and possessing at least one pearl of that size.

"Mr. Osvald, I hope you will keep your word." Keith muttered.

"Of course, you have nothing to worry about. If I said the two pearls are yours, then so be it. Catch." Osvald pulled the pearls from the core and threw them to Keith.

He caught them and bowed slightly.

"Too bad this short journey is ending, but I\'m glad I got the chance to fight alongside you."

"Huh, you can stop by my Void anytime, and we\'ll spar, feel free. Recently, I started training again because of someone, and I need an opponent." Osvald looked at Wain and handed Keith the coin, the key to the zone.

Keith was silent for a while. He was flattered and had no idea Osvald would offer him something like that. He didn\'t know Osvald would have offered it to Zariel, too, had he not flown away, for they were both excellent fighters. Osvald needed someone strong and capable to withstand training with him.

"Mr. Osvald, please take this." Keith handed Osvald an amulet on a pendant depicting a blue moon.

"Oh, isn\'t that the way to your Order?"

"Yes, it is. The other members of the Moon Order and I will be glad to see you at any time. We will welcome you as a most distinguished guest."

"Good, I will certainly take advantage of that offer." Osvald looked at Wain, "Isn\'t it time for you to pick up your pearls? It\'s time to leave this place."

"Yeah, you\'re right." Wain walked over to the core and grabbed a pearl.

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