
Chapter 711: The rescue is over.

Chapter 711: The rescue is over.

"Countdown to Sudden Landing."

"The ship's speed is at eleven knots, and there is still one minute left before the time for the sudden landing."

"Thirty seconds..."

"Ten seconds..."

"Three, two, one..."

"Boarding," With a roar, the sixteen members of the special police teams each wearing a black mask, like a hawk, advanced towards the yacht.

The cables hissed and slipped, and the yacht under the horizon came closer, and the members of the special police team rushed to the deck of the yacht fearlessly. However, something was faster than them. Two blackbirds crossed the imperceptible posture in the night sky and dived inside the yacht. After a while, the special police team had landed on the bridge.

"Are you done playing?"

The two black strong men looked up and saw a sparrow had left, and two crows had come in front of them. Wait ~ the claws of these two crows seemed to be a bit fake. I can't tell what's wrong; it seems to be too rough. The next moment, the evil claws made a "Puchi" and fired two silver darts that could be uncaught with the naked eye at the two strong men at the door, and there were wires thin attached to the back of the darts.

The two strong men, who were completely focused on the sparrow, suddenly felt a burning pain in their bodies, and their eyes became confused, and their bodies seemed to be attracted to these two light crows. When this hallucination disappeared, they were already lying on the ground, their limbs shaking violently uncontrollably as if they had received electric shocks.


It is not in the traditional sense, relying on the electric shock generated by high voltage electricity; it will release an electric current similar to bioelectrical signals, causing muscle spasms throughout the body, causing severe cramps in the whole body. The stronger your muscles are, the faster you fall to the ground.


Then, out of the corner of their eye, they saw strong men in black uniforms flying toward them.

"Dong dong dong…"

More than a dozen special police jumped onto the deck one by one, one group pressed the strong black men, and the other group rushed to the cabin of the yacht. The captain of the special police team broke the glass door connecting the cabin by one foot.

"Everyone... hold your head with both hands and don't move." The captain leading the team let out a roar.

In the cabin, several hackers with different skin colors at first seemed puzzled, then turned into indescribable anger.

"Check the cockpit."

The other team rushed to the cockpit and also reported the good news in time. It was just two pilots who gave up when the door was kicked in and saw guns. As long as their IQ was above the passing line, they had to be obedient.

"Don't move," the captain of the special police team shouted again, in English.


In the cabin, the atmosphere froze at this moment.

Several members of the special police team armed with assault rifles rushed into the cabin, they pointed guns, except for Yun Shi, the other hackers, these people whoever were sitting on chairs, or hastily got up, were surrounded in the blink of an eye by the group of armed black men, neither sitting nor standing none of them were spared.

The scene only lasted a second, and the captain of the special police team waved his hand and reached over to grab the first hacker's arm. The other team members were also about to sneak in and tie up the other people. Black Knight sitting inside suddenly smiled and asked in English: "Mr. Captain of the Special Police Team, you asked us to hold our heads and you told us again not to move. Is- am I holding my head or am I not moving?"

Black Knight spread his hands, unaware that he was being pointed by the gun: "Hey, Mr. Captain of the Special Police Team, as a foreign citizen, I have a right to know, why are you arresting us?"

"Catch him." Special Police Team Captain won't give this guy time to talk shit. His mate didn't say anything, grabbed Black Knight's arm, twisted it back, and squeezed his head on the computer table.

"Catch him." Special Police Team Captain won't give this guy time to talk shit. His mate didn't say anything, grabbed Black Knight's arm, twisted it back, and squeezed his head on the computer table.

At this time, the bridge monitor image on the computer screen, for some reason, turned into a green screen. Within seconds, this group of hackers went from high-ranking behind-the-scenes hackers to prisoners. Yun Shi stood in her place, dumbfounded, her eyes gradually widening in disbelieving surprise.

Looking at the four people except for Yun Shi, they were all pressed onto the tables. It was only then that the captain of the special police team relaxed a bit, and asked the rest of the team to search the whole ship. While waiting for the local police to take over, he began watching the prey with interest; a man and a woman plus, two Asians and two Europeans. Yo ho, everyone's eyes are pretty unconvincing.

The perfect rescue process, like cloud running and flowing water, made the captain of the special police team feel very good. He approached Black Knight who dared to speak and assaulted him, hit the guy in the face with the muzzle of his rifle, and said condescendingly: "What's your name, where's your passport?"

"What's my name, where's my passport? It's unimportant," Black Knight showed a smiling expression, turned his head, and looked at the captain of the special police team, the important thing is that I have another thing that I put on the boat."

"What?" The captain of the special police team suddenly felt an uneasy feeling in his heart. Premonition, the expression on this guy's face was not unheard of. He had seen similar expressions on the faces of criminals he captured in the past. People with this expression are crazy!

"Captain, can you hear the ticking?~"

"~ You can hear it can't you because it's a self-destructing device with a breath-sensing connection. It only takes me ten seconds to hold my breath, and the whole yacht will sink into the water, and with it, we sink to the bottom together. ~"

"~Haha~ either let's go or see God together."

After speaking, Black Knight pursed his lips and seemed to hold his breath.


The captain of the special police team holding him immediately pulled him towards him, then hit him in the stomach with a hard blow.

"Hold your breath, right? Under the intense pain, can you hold your breath?"

With this fist, the captain of the special police team used his milk supply force to hit the most painful area of the liver. Black Knight's face instantly transformed into Red Knight, as if someone had choked him with a devil's pepper in his stomach, however, this guy had a rough patch and he grudgingly resisted the punch just as he was about to take the second one, the Black Knight slammed into the captain of the special police team with a head that tripped over Yun Shi's back.

All members of the special police team were horrified as if they had been electrocuted. The members of the special police team who already knew the identity of the group in advance did not dare to bet on the authenticity of the device. It is one thing to be brave enough to catch a mobster, but it's another to have the option to run or not run within ten seconds.

"Haha~ run." Binary, which was also pressed on the table, laughed wildly: "If you don't run, you'll be buried with us."

As long as the hostage is rescued, the mission is not a failure.

In no time, the Special Police Captain suddenly remembered that old-fashioned, radio-sized electronic device he had thrown on the deck of the yacht. With all his might, he roared into the helmet: "Interfere, quickly interfere with the yacht."

"Haha~ idiots, you want to interfere with the yacht's electronic equipment, are you planning to move props from a sci-fi movie?" The opportunity was at Binary's fingertips which laughed arrogantly.

No one thought his voice had just dropped.

All the lights on the yacht went out with a bang, and the screens of several monitors instantly turned into meaningless distorted images, and then went out at the same time. Then, all members of the special police team held their ears and ripped off the intercom earphones hanging from their ears.

The whole cabin was completely dark. As if an invisible storm swept over the yacht, destroying everything electronic.

Black Knight took advantage of this stunned for two seconds and tried to free himself from the special policeman in the dark. Too bad the power gap between them was huge. The member of the special police team who reacted right after meeting this act crushed Black Knight's head on the table in front of them with his elbow and Black Knight's eyes rolled as if it was a fish that had been flattened on the ground.

More than ten seconds have passed...

The Special Police Team sensed the darkness and retreated from the living room, and Black Knight's face changed into a Purple Knight.

"Haha ~ the operation is complete."

The captain of the special police team was in a very good mood. He opened his bows from left to right, gave Black Knight two slaps, then laughed and called the team for the orderly stand down.

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