
Chapter 243: Monster Heavy Factory’s Work

The thickness should be four pieces altogether.

Even if the length is nearly double that of their product, what can it do?

There are too many manufacturers of flood walls in China, but several manufacturers can guarantee that when the flood barrier is immersed for a long time in the water, they can’t prevent the metal from rusting.

Amano Heavy Industries can’t guarantee it.

So, there has to be built an underground maintenance passage so that workers can enter the interior, to remove rust and replace waterproof rubber strips regularly.

Amano Heavy Industry can’t do it, and Zhang Yutian naturally thinks that the Monster Heavy Factory can’t do it.

Thinking of leaving, Zhang Yutian shook his head.

This time, there was really no sense of accomplishment.

Ye Qing got out of the back of the Lagonda and directly ignored Zhang Yutian’s gaze.

"Since Mr. Ye is here too, then our test will begin."

Mayor Qu Kangxin is also confused, as this does not seem to be a high-tech thing.

The first one to be tested was Wuji Metal Building Materials Co., Ltd.

Their products are erected flood-prevention walls.

When the flood control wall is close to the ground, the flood control wall opens like a gate to resist flooding.

The first pressure test, the large sealed water flowed through, the workers from Wuji Jin fixed the vertical flood control wall with a nut on the water flow notch and also fixed the other three flood control walls.

After the flood walls were fixed, the staff of the hydraulics laboratory check it and nod, indicating that the test can begin.

The recording camera is turned on, and the engineer in charge of the test informs the pressurizing room through the intercom:

"The pressure is increased to three megapascals. Please report when the pressurization is completed."

For every ten meters the water level increases, the pressure will increase by about 0.1 MPa, and the water level of the Tianjiang River will certainly not rise over 3 meters.

According to the water level records over the years, the water level of the Tianjiang River in the Liangjiang section was at the highest in 1957, when the water level rose by ten meters.

Haitang Island is at a certain height, so with the flood wall at seven meters high, it does not need to fear any flooding.

However, the Tianjiang River rages, especially when the flood is opened upstream.

The impact of the river is not to be dismissed.

The importance of Haitang Island should not be underestimated.

The test is naturally done with the most demanding targets.

The pressure of three megapascals was quickly loaded.

After the engineer had heard the situation, he said in his walkie-talkie:

"No. 01 flood wall, the begin test."

With his voice, the sound of the rushing water immediately sounded in the sealed water flow tank.

When the turbulent water flowed out of the water trough, the flood control wall built by Wuji Jin also sounded:

"Crunch - crunch".

As it slowly closed toward the water trough under the lifting of the hydraulic struts.

Under the pressure of three megapascals, the water hits the floodwall that rises slowly, like a waterfall that flies along the river, splashing the waves and filling the waters of the laboratory.

With a bang, the three-sided flood wall was tightly closed at the water flow notch.

Wuji Jin’s boss, holding his lips, stood nervously outside the security line.

Three megapascals under pressure, he wondered if the installed metal deflector could support without problems, but the central seal and the lower seal closed...

The pressurization test will last for five minutes.

The boss of Wuji Jin, who was looking at his watch, was planning to time the test.

An unexpected thing happened, the sealing strips of the second and third passages of the flood control walls enclosed in the flume suddenly burst apart with a "Pop."

The pressure of the urban water supply network is only 0.3 MPa, and the water flow at ten times the pressure is just like a continuous water arrow.

The water arrow hit the porous artificial stone plate at the rear and was quickly absorbed and infiltrated.

"The seal is not complete; this can be improved. Ha ~ ha ~."

Wuji Jin’s boss Wang embarrassingly smiled.

Who wants to lose self-confidence?

No one does.

Then the second leakage appeared.

The leakage point was located at the bottom, arrow-like water flow directly hit the hydraulic pole.

Wang’s face turned green.

Leakage in this area means that the hydraulic struts and hydraulic pumps have flooded.

The boss’s expression has clearly told everyone that their company has not designed these two mechanical parts to be a waterproof structure.

“No. 01 flood wall test failed!”

The engineer announced the result with no expression.

The first level test failed, so naturally, there was no need to continue to test the product.

Wuji Jin’s boss said he was helpless:

“Our company predicts that the pressure of one megapascal is enough. This test is too strict by directly raising the standard up by three times.”

“Haitang Island is too important on the two rivers. We naturally have to test it with the most stringent standards.”

The engineer patted Boss Wang’s shoulder:

“It doesn’t matter, it’s not that difficult to solve the seal.”

Twenty minutes later, the products of the Hailuo Door Industry were installed on the test bench.

Their bolder products are the same as the rolling shutters, which requires manual support at multiple points.

The first pressure test was barely passed, and their seal design was quite reasonable, but it fell on the second wave of water resistance.

After successive waves, when the wave level reached five successive waves, the wave height was 5 meters, the product of the Hailuo Door Industry was slightly distorted by the waves.


The engineer shook his head.

Finally, it was Amano Heavy Industries turn to go.

Zhang Yutian felt that competing with the other two companies was completely insulting to their product.

Their products have been subjected to metal fatigue tests as early as the finalization, which was dynamic high and low cycle fatigue tests.

The power of the test instruments was much greater than the power of water.

So, this test, Zhang Yutian did not have any concerns.

When their product was installed on the test bench. Ye Qing also asked two giants to work hard to untie the cables on the heavy trucks and use the forklifts in the laboratory to carry the four flood walls.

Zhang Yutian quietly turned his gaze over, and Mayor Qu Kangxin also looked at the flood walls with unrelenting attention.

It is a 12 meter-long, three meters wide, shield shape streamline body.

At the bottom of it, the two arcs merged into a sharp pointed corner.

During the handling process, the sharp corner of the shield-shaped flood wall accidentally scratched onto the canvas, and the canvas was torn open with a huge cut.

"You have an anti-flood wall?"

Zhang Yutian was completely confused:

"Twelve meters high, how can it not even have a pedestal? Do you intend to nail this iron plate directly into the gate when the water level of the Tianjiang River is raised? Directly on the rocky beach?"

"You can conclude this."

Ye Qing spread his hands.

"Insane, you must be crazy."

Zhang Yutian felt that the Monster Heavy Factory was hilarious.

This flood wall is clearly an elliptical shield.

The shape is beautiful, but it can only be used as a fart.

It doesn’t even have a little bit of automated mechanical structure, even if there is no base.

They are solid iron shields.

Looking at China, there are 90,000 to 100,000 factories that can make it.

This is not funny, is it?

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