
Chapter 414 The battle of the Royal Palace part 14

This vision had last only a few seconds and after exchanging a knowing look, Kevin and Axel immediately ran towards the two mages leaving Mykael and Colin behind without even an explanation.

Colin would have liked to stay with Mykael to observe them all, because they didn’t need him here to fight anymore, but he was contacted by Iris, Kerry and Kelan at the same time, who urged him to come immediately.

He immediately disappeared, only informing Mykael when he arrived at the Royal Palace that the king’s close guards, who were at least thirty, all had weapons made of Trinium and that they were using them to cause chaos.

Mykael immediately informed Kevin and Axel and told them not to hang around here and that they had to return with Colin to the Royal Palace as soon as possible.

And then he saw Kevin step in between Erik and his opponent and when his short sword, entirely golden this time, hit the Titan’s sword, it exploded and Kevin pierced the Titan’s heart with his blade before disappearing to join Colin.

This poor Titan didn’t have time to react that he was already reduce to ashes by golden flames and as for Axel, he stepped in between Malo and the mage who had targeted him and he grabbed the blade of his sword with his bare hand, on which were small black flames.

The Titan then smirked sure that his black flames would be enough to kill this human who had golden circles around his eyes and a lot of golden tattoos on his skin.

But he was surprised when his black flames instead of disintegrating the human’s body parts seemed to leave only slight burn marks on his skin, and seeing this, even Malo, Erik and the other Titans stopped fighting and they moved away from each other to observe what was going on.

The previously confident Titan began to realize that this man in front of him, still holding his sword in his bare hand, was no ordinary man, and the fear that he suddenly inspired him began to make him sweat.

‘It was impossible’, he kept telling himself, ‘how could this human resist the power of his black flames ?’

At first he wanted to save his Soul force, because after all there were still quite a few humans who had some strength and the black flames were still the most useful weapon to get rid of them.

Even if they were tiny, the black flames once in contact with anything, they would immediately disintegrate it, whether it was flesh or weapons, there was no difference for these black flames.

But since he was in a life or death situation, he finally decided not to save his Soul force and send more and bigger black flames on this human who looked at him as if he was already dead.

He would only have to step away from the battlefield for a while to regain his strength, at least that was his plan.

Unfortunately nothing happened as he had imagined, the human let the black flames run down his arms as if nothing had happened and it was then that he saw his eyes become entirely golden.

Immediately afterwards his tattoos started to shine and the black flames were instantly destroyed by a kind of golden light… It was his aura, this golden light was the aura of this man and it had just dissipated the black flames as if they were insignificant.

The Titan was then paralyzed by this power he could feel, it was even more terrifying than the one he felt earlier and his hands that were still holding his sword started to shake completely uncontrollably.

Mykael then teleported to Axel and he said to him : “Enough Son, don’t use this power too much and go join Kevin.”

Axel’s hand then destroyed this sword and he took this Titan by the throat who died in a few seconds disintegrated by the golden particles.

After that, his aura, eyes and tattoos returned to their normal appearance and Mykael teleported them back to the ridge where he had been earlier and he said to him : “Son, after this battle, you and I should have a talk.”

Axel nodded, he had wanted to test if his body, after having absorbed all those golden particles earlier and after he had felt the changes that had taken place in him, could now resist the black flames.

And he had not been disappointed, only the problem was that even if his body could now resist these black flames they still couldn’t get rid of them and that was why he had wanted to try to call upon the powers of his tattoos.

But when he had focused on his tattoos to see if they could help him get rid of those flames, he felt a colossal power that was even more powerful than the one in his father’s sword, and even his wolf side told him to beware of that power.

Fortunately, he had heard his father’s voice and with the help of his wolf side he had managed to push back the power that had tried to take control over his body.

It had been a really unpleasant experience and he wasn’t going to do it again anytime soon, because if he really lost control and hurt Kevin or his friends, he would never forgive himself.

So he said to his father : “Don’t worry too much, thanks to my wolf side, we managed to repress this power that tried to take over my body, and as long as I don’t try to use the powers of these tattoos again, I’m safe.”

His father then put a hand on his shoulder and he said because he was still worried : “You shouldn’t have tried to use them, at least not until we understand them, it could have been dangerous.”

Axel apologized immediately because he felt that his father had been really worried and Mykael then added : “If you feel good you can go and join your husband now, but don’t use the power of these tattoos anymore, this time you and your wolf side managed to push away what was trying to take possession of your body, but that doesn’t mean that you will succeed next time, understood ?”

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