
Chapter 394 Queen Marianne's Request

By now, the whole capital already knew that the king\'s engagement with Lady Karenina Verhoven was annulled and they were no longer engaged to be married. Many people talked about the issues and their opinions were divided.

Some people thought Karenina was so unlucky and pathetic that the king could toss her away just like that without ever giving her the status she had been wanting for a long time.

Some, however,  thought she was brave and mature to still maintain a good relationship with the royal family after breaking off the engagement.

Now that the king suddenly introduced his sons to the public, the people started to connect the dots and made the assumption that the king\'s and Lady Karenina\'s relationship ended because of another woman.

This put Karenina in a favorable position. People felt more sympathy toward her when they thought the king cheated on her with another woman which resulted in two children. Nicholas didn\'t really pay attention to the gossip spreading outside, so he didn\'t make any efforts to refute it.

He also didn\'t know that many noblewomen were now thinking that since his engagement with Karenina had ended and he didn\'t seem to get back with the other woman who had given birth to his sons, they thought they now had a chance to become his queen.

The king now became a hot item again and many women were trying to find ways to get closer to him. The fact that he had lycanthropy even added to his charm. They knew lycanthropy made humans become physically stronger and more formidable.

Since the kingdom had slowly accepted the presence of lycans among them, these women didn\'t think twice about his condition. They all wanted to become the next queen of Riga.

Queen Marianne talked to Nicholas about this when they had dinner together the next day. Luciel and Jan were already taken back to the Romanov\'s manor, so there were only the two of them.

Even though Nicholas allowed Karenina to come and go to the royal palace as she pleased as part of their agreement, he had asked her to not have dinner with his mother as a member of the royal family.

With her current status, she was now a guest and not family.  That\'s why Nicholas wanted to set the boundaries from the beginning. He didn\'t want Karenina to ease her way back into his life by using his mother and or his children. So, mealtime is off-limits.

This way, he would have his privacy with his mother during moments like this. They could talk about current issues, and he could pour his heart out to Queen Marianne and asked her advice on things that bothered his mind.

"I just received the fifth birthday invitation from the daughter of important families in Riga," Queen Mariane said with a smile on her face. "You are very popular now that you are single."

"I\'ve always been popular, Mother," Nicholas chuckled. "You know that."

"You know what I mean," Queen Marianne laughed heartily. "After you were engaged, we received a lot fewer invitations like those. Now, those ladies are vying for your attention again."

Nicholas sipped his wine. He knew where his mother\'s conversation was heading. Another marriage.

"I will not marry again," Nicholas said casually. "I only love Sophie and if I will spend the rest of my life with a woman, it will only be with her."

"Nicholas, we both know she is married. Think about what people would think about you if you keep trying to chase another man\'s wife. A homewrecker," Queen Marianne advised her son. "Everyone hates a homewrecker."

"But she is not just another man\'s wife," Nicholas spoke bitterly. "She is also MY wife."

"She was in the past, but then she thought you were dead. Marriage ends when one of the two people involved in it died," said Queen Marianne Hannenbergh patiently. "You know it, I know it. Everybody knows it."

"I am not dumb, mother, of course, I know it too." Nicholas shrugged.

"So, why are you still chasing her? I thought you have let her go," the queen asked, not understanding.

"I am NOT chasing her any longer. I have let her go, but it doesn\'t mean I will move on and find another woman to marry," Nicholas replied. He had told his mother once that he had no desire to remarry. However, it seemed, Queen Marianne thought he would change his mind after a while.

He wouldn\'t.

The queen touched Nicholas\' arm gently and spoke with a low voice. She felt really sad for her son. How could someone live alone for the rest of his life? Humans were not built to live in solitary. Men and women were meant to be together and shared life, build a family, and be happy together.

She couldn\'t imagine Nicholas growing old alone, without a woman by his side to love him and take care of him.

"Please think about yourself too," the queen said sadly. "If you are not happy, you cannot be a good king to your people, and you cannot be a good father to Luciel and Jan."

Nicholas wanted to roll his eyes at that statement, he was sure he would be a good king and a good father even without a woman to fill his heart. However, he held back and didn\'t say anything. He didn\'t want to be rude to his mother.

"I have learned my lessons and will not force you to marry anyone you don\'t love," Queen Marianne said suddenly. She was referring to Karenina and how she faked dying to make Nicholas agree to marry Karenina six years ago. She cleared her throat, "However, I really, really hope you would give yourself a chance at happiness."

"Thank you,  mother," Nicholas smiled. He knew his mother meant well. "We\'ll see what will happen in the future."

"Very well, but would you at least please attend Lady Esther\'s birthday party at Lord Demetrius\'s castle? It\'s this weekend," said the queen. She took out a letter from her pocket and placed it on the table before Nicholas. "I have met her several times. She is really beautiful and smart. I think you will like her."

Before Nicholas could say anything, she immediately added, "No pressure.... hehehe, but please just come on my behalf. You don\'t even need to do anything. Just go there to represent me and look handsome."

Nicholas finally laughed at his mother\'s last sentence. He had not attended any festive celebrations outside of the royal palace for a long time. His mother\'s birthday party was the first one after more than six months. He realized he needed to be more social and met those noble families in Livstad to foster a better relationship with them.

"You won, mother." He nodded. "I will go."

"Ah, that\'s good." Queen Marianne was truly happy at Nicholas\' reply.

Secretly, she hoped Lady Esther could steal Nicholas\' attention. If not her, then perhaps other female guests. There were bound to be many beautiful noblewomen from many noble families attending the party because Lord Demetrius\' family was quite powerful.


Meanwhile, Luciel and Jan shared with their parents whatever things they did in the royal palace. Sophie was surprised to know that Nicholas announced to the public that the boys were his sons. She was curious to know how the public would respond to the announcement.

"We came to the royal party nine months ago," Sophie said. "Many people must know that Luciel and Jan are our children. So, the king would have to reveal that he had a connection with our family. Do you think it\'s wise?"

Leland nodded. "Yeah. I  think that\'s fine. He wanted to do it so that Luciel and Jan would be acknowledged as the rightful heirs to the throne of Riga."

"You knew this?" Sophie asked her husband with wide eyes. "Did he tell you personally?"

"Yeah, when we met in Hastings. He had told me from the beginning," Leland said. "So, I am not surprised."

"Hmm..." Sophie was nervous when she thought about how people would start gossiping in the capital. Would they be able to connect the dots and know that she was married to Nicholas in the past? How would they see her? A temptress who had two husbands?

This thought made her feel uncomfortable.

"I hope this doesn\'t affect our lives in any way," she finally said.

"No, I won\'t let it," Leland said to comfort her. He agreed with Sophie that their lives were good now. They didn\'t need complications like gossip about Sophie being the king\'s wife while also married to Duke Romanov.

Their conversation halted when Duncan appeared by the entrance. His face looked serious and he held a parchment in his hand. Leland motioned him to come.

"What is it?" the Alpha asked.

"Hm... a letter, my lord," Duncan explained. "It was sent by a witch in a hurry. She begged me to give this to you directly."

"A witch?" Sophie was surprised to hear Duncan\'s words. Who might that be?

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