
Chapter 60 Is Nicholas Really Cured And He Lost His Memories Of Being A Lycan?

The queen\'s heart was in a mess. She bit her lip and looked at Nicholas carefully, trying to see any signs of him transforming, no matter how little.

Still… there was none.

Gosh… maybe he was really cured. He was finally cured, wasn\'t he???

The queen felt her heart suddenly become so light. She took a deep breath. Tears pricked her eyes and she pulled Nicholas into a hug. "Do not worry about it,  son. I will explain it once we return home. Everything is okay now."

Was the reason for her son\'s memory loss was because he was finally cured from lycanthropy? He shared with her that he would be looking for wolfsbane and used it to get rid of the lycanthropy in him.

They knew the plant was poisonous and dangerous for werewolves. However, both steeled their hearts because they knew Nicholas had no other choice. He must return to his old self. Time was running out.

They managed to hide his condition for eight years but it was only a matter of time until he was found out. The queen understood that Nicholas would do whatever it takes to free himself from this curse, or he would die trying.

The queen was feeling so emotional. Nicholas still didn\'t show any signs of transforming. He just didn\'t remember why he was here in Hauntingen.

If the reason for his memory loss was because he was cured, then the queen could accept it and actually move on from that moment.

She would talk to him in private and try to probe what memory did he still retain. If Nicholas was really cured and he didn\'t remember ever being a lycan at one point in his  life, then the queen would keep the secret within herself and carry it with her to her grave.

Those were terrible memories in the first place and perhaps it was time for Nicholas to finally start a new chapter in his life where he was no longer chained to his past.

The queen was sure that someday in the future, her son would thank her for this.


Meanwhile, Sophie was not the type of person who sat down and did nothing.  Even when she met Nicholas and he seemed like someone who could easily save her from her aunt Helga\'s family, she did not beg him for it when they had met.

Back when Aunt Helga refused to have her tutored, Sophie decided to study by herself and she was able to gain help from Katherine because the woman was impressed with her fighting spirit.

If Sophie remembered herself as a child after she lost her parents, even if she lost hope in staying alive, she learned to pick herself up and learned how to become self-sufficient.

Even with Nicholas as a young boy with her, she was the one who first stepped out to help him and not the other way around.

After a month of living together, Nicholas eventually did leave her and Sophie knew that he had his reasons for it. The young Sophie was devastated back then but she still chose to remain strong.

All of these events in her life had contributed greatly to how she grew up as a person. It made Sophie fiercely independent, resourceful but also long-suffering. She learned how to make the best out of everything.

Maybe it was why she tolerated being with Aunt Helga\'s family.

Sophie wanted to bid her time and graduate from Cawden Academy, but also because a part of her always had a small hope that maybe just maybe, there would be some good in their hearts.

Of course, she came to learn that she was wrong.

All of these circumstances shaped Sophie into who she was today. There were times that Sophie felt weak and helpless, but she never let it get through her head. She learned how to be strong because she needed to be strong.

Sophie eventually learned and became the type of person who did not like waiting for another individual to come rescue her or to tell her to stay put at all.

However, Nicholas was the only exception in her life now.

When Nicholas brought her to the inn, there was a worried and frantic look on his face as he grabbed ahold of her shoulders and asked her to stay. The way he pleaded with her was so sincere that it was hard to say no.

He wanted her to wait for him again and Sophie was sure that this time, the young man would keep his promises. The two of them were now adults who now knew the value of keeping their words.

The two of them even vowed to each other.

Sophie and Nicholas were now husband and wife. She loved him and he also loved her and that was something Sophie cherished far more than she might have let Nicholas know.

"You told me that you would come back, Nic. So, where are you?" Sophie looked out the window and bit down on her lip. Everyday, she waited for him like this and fervently waited to see her husband.

Sophie didn\'t realize how much it made her happy to be with him and how much she missed him. For someone who learned how to be independent and tough, Nicholas was the light of her life.

The man was someone who brought a bright ray of sunshine into her dark and even dreary life.

Sophie never thought that it was possible for her to be happy again after everything that happened to her.

A part of her sometimes even wondered if what everybody was whispering about the Blackwoods Forest was true, except it wasn\'t the forest but Sophie who was cursed.

Of course, Sophie knew it was ridiculous to think that way, but she still found herself doing just that every now and then. Sometimes when the night was a little cold, she lay down awake, staring at the ceiling,

So it was for that very reason that Sophie was so happy to meet Nicholas again. She found it a joy to share her life with someone who knew and understood pain like her, the two of them were able to help each other become a little stronger together.

And now he had gone for too long. She had waited for him for over two weeks and he still had not returned.




Oh my god... poor Sophie. She can never catch a break. T_T

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