
Chapter 351: Medussa's Grave Part7

Chapter 351: Medussa’s Grave Part7

“Little Plum, you have to hold on! I can see another 5 silver apes mixed in the crowd.” 

Tang Yue panted as she quickly sprinted towards the beasts with sparkling fur.

They had been fighting the ape horde for a while now and everyone was running low in their mana reserves and stamina.

Piles and piles of corpses were littered on the ground and the insane numbers of the apes had finally started thinning down.

But just as the numbers started slowing, stronger beasts were now coming at them.

“Hmmm…” Tang Yue pondered as she dealt killing blows to another silver ape. “This formation almost looks like an army.”

“If the white apes are the soldiers and the silver apes are the Generals, does this mean there is a stronger one out there which is commanding all these beasts?”

Tang Yue shook her head. Whatever might be the case, it probably wouldn’t affect her decision.

Her strategy right now was extremely simple and straightforward. Kill everything in sight!

If she tried anything else, they would only get overrun by the horde.

Heaven’s Path arcane sword techniques: First Move – Thunderous Slash

Heaven’s Path arcane sword techniques: Second Move – Triple Slash

Heaven’s Path arcane sword techniques: Third Move – Fire slash

Heaven’s Path arcane sword techniques: Fourth Move – Spinning Fire

Tang Yue had currently mastered these first four moves of the swordplay and she used these to hack away the flesh and bones of the silver apes one after the other.

She was now able to focus more freely on her battles without worrying about Little Plum, Little Blue, and the harpy because the white apes had almost been entirely taken care of.

However, dealing with the silver apes by herself was in no way an easy task.

They tended to gang up and they also coordinated their attacks, unlike the white apes.

Their wind elemental attacks also gave them an advantage as Tang Yue was not able to easily dodge those.

While she slashed at the ape in front of her with her soul sword, three other silver apes leaped up and landed near her with loud thuds.

Oooh! Ooooh! Aaaah!

Ooooh! Ooooo! Ooooo!

They roared and the three of them started combining their attack behind Tang Yue’s back as she was busy dealing with the one in front of her.

Strong gusts of winds responded to their roars and a small tornado started forming ready to tear away Tang Yue’s footing and her body along with it.

However, Tang Yue was not a fool.

Her eyes flickered as she quickly paid attention to what the three apes were doing behind her back.

She jumped up and used her long legs to kick the ape she was currently fighting with and used it as a wall to bounce back, somersaulting and landing behind the three apes.

She then slashed her sword at them, blazing fire elemental energy mixed in with her swordplay sending out several powerful sword beams one after the other.

The apes were in the middle of a spell casting and did not have time to respond and the sword beams easily landed on their thick bodies, leaving deep bloody injuries.

Ahhhhh! They screamed in pain and with their concentration lost, the tornado diffused quickly.

The four apes then together turned around and tried to pummel Tang Yue to death with wind elemental energy wrapped around their fists.

Tang Yue smirked and jumped up again, landing directly on one of the ape’s heads.

She used her raw physical strength to twist the beast’s neck and used its body as a shield to block the attacks from the other apes.

She then tossed the dead body onto a bunch of white apes attacking Little Plum, bowling them over like marbles.

“Scram.” Tang Yue hissed as she quickly turned around to deal with the other three silver apes.

She managed to dodge two punches but received one punch directly in her gut, making her cough up a mouthful of blood.

Huff. Huff. Huff. She panted, trying to catch her breath.

The attacks from the apes were perfectly tailored against her elemental immune body.

If they had used any other elemental magic, it would have played more to her advantage and she wouldn’t be at such a drawback.

But these silver apes were using wind elemental energy to augment their physical strength and pummeled her with their bare fists wrapped with shearing winds.

Arghhh! Tang Yue hissed and quickly downed a healing elixir before slashing at the apes with her sword again.

Even with the copper tinge on their body, she was able to penetrate their strong defense by continuously hacking at them.

So Tang Yue did not lose heart and kept fighting back, dodging as many blows as she could.

These blows were considerably more powerful than the backlashes from the Kirrion ore chunks and her body was able to withstand them to a certain extent.

At the same time, Tang Yue could also feel her body getting more and more accustomed to these heavy punches thrown by the apes.

With every beating she took, her muscles were becoming stronger, this in itself acting as a form of physical tempering.

Training through actual combat was far more efficient than training in the confines of a safe zone using controlled factors.

So Tang Yue greedily used this chance that presented in front of her and tempered herself every now and then by receiving the direct blows from the beasts.

This fight went on for a few more minutes and luckily the silver apes were only about a dozen or two.

So she managed to smoothly behead the last of the silver apes without any issues.

Huff. Huff. Huff. Tang Yue panted, her body fully drenched in sweat. 

“These bastards really did a number on me.” She dunked in a couple more mana recovery and health recovery potions.

But before she could catch a breath and return to help out Little Plum and Little Blue in clearing out the last of the white apes, heavy thundering footsteps echoed nearby.

Tang Yue did not have to turn around to guess what might be coming her way.

Bulldozing through an array of gigantic trees was a humongous ape with thick splendid golden fur.

Tang Yue felt the hair on her back stand up and looked at the beast which had once terrorized her so much that she had to use a lucky sticker, the Golden Titan Ape!

“Hello, old friend!” She smirked. 

This time she was not in the least intimidated by its ferocious appearance and gigantic proportions.

The ape’s silver round eyes fixated on Tang Yue and it let out a loud roar, stomping over to her in huge strides.

Tang Yue immediately looked at Little Plum, signaling it to get out of the danger zone and away from her as much as possible.

Tang Yue knew that this was going to be a nasty battle to the death and she was not confident that she would still be able to protect them in the midst of this fight.

However, before either Little Plum or Tang Yue could make a move, the gigantic golden ape banged its chest with its huge paws letting out loud howls.


It didn’t stop with that and bent its head down to almost place it on the ground and sent out powerful gales along with its sound waves.

The wind roared everywhere and Tang Yue felt as if she was in the eye of a storm.

Little Plum, Little Blue, and the harpy had been long since flung backward like dirt.

Trees were getting uprooted and the ground itself was quaking violently.

Tang Yue had to dig her sword deep into the ground in order to get a foothold and withstand this monstrous wind pressure. 

She then grit her teeth and summoned the full strength of her cultivation base to erect a dozen rocky barriers on the ground in front of her. 


These broke the torrential flow of the wind and Tang Yue zoomed towards the golden ape hiding behind one barrier after another.

She only had a couple of seconds because even these barriers couldn’t hold out and they were being blown away one by one by the sheer force of the loud wind howls.

But they managed to buy enough time for Tang Yue and she dashed towards the huge beast using these earthen shields.


Tang Yue allowed her body to be swept up by the wind and when she neared the ape for that split second before she would be inevitably flung afar just like her pets, she used the full strength that she could muster and slashed at the ape.

A loud roar echoed as her magnificent sword attack, which used the power of the opponent’s wind attack along with its own arcane power, landed on the gigantic beast, her sword clashing against the thick golden fur.


Tang Yue’s hands felt numb and her eyes flew wide.

The sword in her hand and her body were trembling from the whiplash of the attack she had just landed.

But the beast in front of her roared proudly without having suffered even a single scratch from her full-throttle attack.

What incredible physical defense! It felt like she had just hit herself against an impenetrable wall!

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