
Chapter 108 The King's Testing

Surprisingly the King sat down on the ground while one of his knights began setting up a campfire. His other knights all went and got lots of food and drinks and began cooking them over the fire and feeding the people who were all gathered around. King Gravos looked really relaxed as he listened to my ideas. “So besides pens, I was thinking about a few other things as well. For my own company, I was planning on a different kind of carriage that would not require horses. I will not go into full details since I myself don’t know if it will work yet or not but let’s just say it should reduce the time it takes to get between cities without an airship dock. As for progressing the lives of the people of the slums. I also had a few things I wanted to try to implement.

“First, I would need a kind of government official office established with people that understand the laws of the kingdom. From there, I would add in a health care clinic with reduced costs. Half the cost would need to be taken from the funds, but at least the people here would not be suffering if something happened. I was also thinking about implementing a school to teach kids how to read, write and do basic math. I am sure you heard from Adel about my idea for academies for the lower class.” I stopped there to see what the King had to say about my current ideas.

“Yes, Adel did mention your idea, and I do have people working on it, actually. Your health care clinic seems like it would cost a lot to run, would it not, if you are doing things at a reduced cost?” The King made a good point. Health care was not cheap, but there was a thing called healing magic in this world as well.

“It depends. If I had a few healers here to heal people, the cost would not be too high. The main cost would be if they needed surgery of some kind or childbirth. If you do not have someone who is able to do such things, it can be a matter of life or death to give birth. These things can be charged at a reduced price.” As I spoke, another idea came to mind, which I thought would be much better. “Or they can even pay off their debts by working at the clinic when they are better. And if they do not show up, they will need to pay a fine of the cost of what they owe plus a bit more.” I had not thought of it until now. If the people who get reduced health care due to needing surgery or whatnot, they can commit to working at the clinic on a certain day. And if they don’t show, they will be fined.-.

“Hmmm… This could work. And if the clinic does not need them, they can do other kinds of community service that will help the city as a whole. Of course, it would need to be spread out, so they are not disturbing their daily jobs, but as long as it is done, that will work out well….” I watched as King Gravos tapped his chin. He seemed to be pondering the idea over. “Let’s do this. If this plan of yours works well here in the slums, I will also implement it within the city on a wider scale to see how it works. After a few years, if things are still going smoothly, I will expand the idea throughout the entire kingdom.”

“Hmmm… Then… I will be issuing a proof of residence card that will be an ID that will need to be shown before they can use any of these facilities here in the slums. I do not wish for outsiders to suddenly show up and take advantage of these benefits while it is in the testing phase. This ID will be separate and can only be used for medical reasons. The card should have their magic signature imbued into it so no one else can use it as well.” I did not want someone ruining the trial phase of the medical clinic pay system just because they wanted to come in and get some reduced health care and not do their part in the end.

“Yes, that is a good idea. I will be sure to do that as well when the citywide trial starts. Now you said you were going to open a school for just the basics for children?” The King asked.

While I wished I could go a step further and make it so they could learn some trade skills as well, just learning the basics was better than nothing. I do not expect to suddenly run into a bunch of highly qualified teachers to teach a bunch of different subjects, nor would I have the resources for such things. But a small school for the kids to go to to learn how to read, write, and do basic math would at least better their lives a bit. “It might not be the bigger goal I had in mind, but it is still better than nothing.”

“That is true, and if things go smoothly, they will be able to enter the newer academies once I get things prepared.” I glanced at the King and smiled. This man was someone who truly cared about his people. I can see it in his eyes as he looks around. How he could give birth to some idiot prince is beyond me. Speaking of the prince…

“Your Majesty, there is something I would like to say. More than likely, Prince Lance will end up having someone try to take his life now that the slums are being taken over. Since they will think it was him, that spilled the beans. Especially if you start going after those nobles with connections to this place, and as the person who is taking over, they will probably try to pin it on me and probably Sophie as well.” I had a strong feeling this was something that would most likely happen. I could not be one hundred percent sure, but nobles will be nobles. Instead of being ratted out, they would rather do a dirtier deed and then push the blame on someone else to cover it all up, so they do not lose their standings.

“This I am sure of as well. This is why I made sure some of my hidden guards followed him back to the castle. But let me ask you this, Faith. As someone who was able to handle three of the armies from the Norian Kingdom, how would you handle the situation?” I could see a gleam of scheming light in the King’s eyes as he asked this question. I could only sigh inwardly.

This King had been testing me from the moment he showed up here. Why he was so set on testing me I do not know. But I also do not mind. If I can get more merits to raise my rank, I will be happy. It will help me in the future as my noble rank rises.

“If they were to pin the blame on me, then the answer is simple. Hide the prince and have him announced dead. Arrest me and bring me in for a grand trial. Stage fake evidence that starts to point to my innocence and begins to point towards some of the nobles and see who tries to act against me. Have your people watch all the nobles in the trial and see who acts strange. Follow them and try to find out what moves they are making. If someone tries to assassinate me, then let them come. I can always capture them and make them talk myself.” My answer was pretty straightforward. Nobles will act hastily if they think they are in trouble which will cause at least a few to slip up. While we may not be able to get all of them, at least those who survived not being caught in the net would at least stay low profile for a while and not cause any trouble.

“Haha! Interesting. But….” The King laughed but quickly turned serious again. “What if they do not try to blame you or Sophie? Then what? What if they blame someone else, like Adel? Crown successions are always bloody, you know.”

“If they tried to frame Adel? I would hunt every noble in the city down and make the talk until someone fesses up and rats everyone out. As for what happens after that, I am sure I would be on trial then.” I was really trying to stay calm. But the thought of Adel being blamed angered me. I already promised Adel I would be on her side no matter what, so even if all evidence pointed to her, I would still stand on her side because I know Adel would never be able to kill her own family member unless she was in danger of being killed herself.

I watched as the King’s expression turned to one of shock. I lowered my head and apologized. “Sorry, just the thought of someone trying to use Adel for such a thing angers me. She is a good girl who cares a lot for those around her, especially this kingdom.”

“No, it is not that. I just find it amazing because I once asked Adel if you were being brought in for a trial on something, what would she do. And you know what she said?” The King asked.

I looked at him and shook my head. “No, what did she say?”

“She said she would burn every noble house down until you were proven innocent.” The King smiled and reached out his big hand and placed it on my head. “You two were truly meant to meet in this life. I am glad you appeared in my daughter’s life. To have a friend who would walk through the burning flames of hell for you is not something many people have the pleasure of having. To know you are just as protective of her as she is of you makes me feel at ease.”

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