
Chapter 267 The Power Of Kindness: Rose's Change Of Heart

Clad in dirt-stained clothing and disheveled hair, the girl seemed a far cry from her usual well-groomed appearance. He took a relieved breath as he recognized the person to be Rose.

Without hesitation, he sprinted toward her, his feet pounding against the ground at a fast pace.

As he drew closer, he could see that the girl appeared to be exhausted and emaciated, her body seeming as though it hadn\'t been nourished in a long time. The presence of a nearby water source suggested that she had been surviving solely on the water to quench her thirst.

Upon reaching her side, Rio swiftly sat down and gently cradled Rose\'s head in his lap. He placed his index finger near her nose, checking for any signs of breath. Relief washed over him as he detected the faint but steady rhythm of her breathing.

"Thank god... She\'s alive," he mumbled softly.

Carefully, Rio patted her cheeks, hoping to rouse her from her unconscious state.

The girl stirred, responding to the gentle touch. Her eyes fluttered open, and in a weak, barely audible voice, she groaned, "Mammaa..."

As Rose\'s eyes struggled to focus, she recognized the crimson-haired boy\'s face hovering above her, filled with concern.

She blinked away the tears that had begun to well up in her eyes. Her voice was shaky and choked with emotion as she spoke, "I... I thought I was going to die here... all alone."

The girl\'s words of raw fear and despair struck Rio, and he could feel her hopelessness towards the situation. The terror etched across her face was evident, and it was clear to him that she had endured unimaginable hardships during her time in the cave.

As Rose\'s emotions threatened to overwhelm her, her eyes filled with tears that began to spill down her cheeks, her body trembling with anguish.

Unsure of how to comfort her, Rio hesitantly reached out, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, murmuring softly, "There... There..."

Feeling Rio\'s comforting touch, Rose couldn\'t hold back her emotions any longer. She suddenly threw herself into his arms, hugging him tightly, her body wracked with uncontrollable sobs that echoed through the cave, revealing the depth of her sorrow and fear.

Surprised by her sudden embrace, Rio hesitated for a moment before he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to his chest.

As she hold on to him, her cries intensified, reflecting the desperation she had been holding back. Gently patting her back, Rio tried to offer some semblance of comfort amidst her distress. Moved by her pain, he held her close, reassuring her with his presence and offering solace in her darkest hour.

Rose clung to him tightly, her body wracked with sobs as her tears soaked his shirt. Rio, though taken aback by her vulnerable state, decided to stay by her side and give her the support she so desperately needed at that moment.

In between her sobs, she managed to utter a plea, "Please don\'t leave me here..."

Rio held Rose even tighter, sensing the depth of her fear and recognizing how much she needed comfort at that moment. Although she was only a year younger than him, Rose\'s relatively sheltered life had left her less mature and ill-prepared to handle adversity.

It was said that those who hadn\'t faced many hardships matured more slowly, and this seemed to be the case with the young girl as she faced such a difficult situation for the first time.

Rio could feel Rose\'s desperation and anguish, and he decided to put the past behind him and do everything in his power to save her and bring her back to safety.

He believed that showing kindness could be more transformative than using force and revenge. Although he wasn\'t a saint who strictly adhered to such morals, both Helia and Rose were special cases due to their connections to his loved ones. One was important to his wifey Lia, and the other was dear to his second mother.

Even though he wouldn\'t allow Helia to treat him poorly again, Rio understood that their relationship had improved significantly due to his kind and patient approach. He recognized that Helia wasn\'t inherently a bad person; she had simply been shaped by her past trauma.

Similarly, Rose\'s mistreatment of him stemmed from her jealousy and fear of losing her mother\'s love. She had grown up as a spoiled child, and her resentment toward Rio was a result of her mother\'s affection being divided between her, her sister, and the newly adopted boy.

With this understanding in mind, Rio chose to show kindness and patience towards these two people who had treated him badly in the past. He believed that by doing so, he could help them grow and heal, ultimately fostering a stronger bond between them and the people who cared for them the most.

"I won\'t leave you here alone. I promise I\'ll get you out of here, no matter what it takes." He whispered softly, his voice firm and resolute.

As Rio\'s words washed over her, Rose felt a small glimmer of hope amidst the darkness of her despair. She knew that with Rio by her side, she was no longer alone in her fight for survival after being lost here.

As Rose continued to cry, the boy held her firmly, allowing her to release the pent-up emotions that had been tormenting her throughout her ordeal. He understood that she needed this moment of catharsis to process the fear and pain she had been through. So, he simply remained by her side, offering his unwavering support.

Minutes passed, and her sobs gradually subsided. Rose gently disentangled herself from Rio\'s embrace, her tear-streaked face turning up to meet his gaze.

"Big brother, I\'m hungry..." she whispered, her voice still trembling slightly.


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Edited By: TheWhiteSnow

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