
Chapter 30

Ares blinked surprised but then quickly shook it off. “Of course.” He said.

He went ahead to adjust the bed for her, removing the covers so she could get in. Unashamed, Ravina got into his bed and he gently covered her. He looked unsure of what to do next.

“I don’t mean to take your bed for myself.” She told him.

He looked surprised again but then chuckled. “You are something else.”

“Something good or bad?” She asked turning to follow him with her gaze as he walked around the bed to lay on the other side.

He flinched a little as he lay down on his back. “I haven’t decided yet.” He teased.

Ravina watched the side of his face in the dim light.

“You didn’t tell me that you had more impressive inventions.”

He smiled. “I didn’t want to brag too much early on.”

“Those are worth bragging about.” She said.

“Thank you.”

“I wonder how father came to trust you being a pirate.”

He chuckled and then looked thoughtful. “Your father was a special man. He knew how to win people’s hearts and trust. How to motivate them and make them burn for something. Live and die for a cause. Then there was me. I had no purpose, no long-term goal. He didn’t trust me. He made me worthy of his trust.”

That sounded just like her father. He had a way of conducting and articulating himself. He also had an instinct of who to trust and not trust. He seemed very good at picking people to work for him.

“My uncle wants me gone from here.” She said. “Soon.”

“You scared him today. He is being a little more emotional than usual.”

“Are you close with my uncle as well?” She asked.


“He is pushing me away because he is on a dangerous mission.” This was also her way of seeing how much Ares would tell her.

“He is.” He said simply.

“What is his mission?”

“The same as yours.” He replied. “You are afraid he will die?”

“Of course.”

Ares remained silent for a moment. “Stopping wouldn’t save his life. We are at war.”

“I know.” She sighed and then remembered what her uncle said about Ares and him dying. She had seen his inventions today and her uncle gave her the key to save herself if she needed to. “Are you going to die?”

He frowned and his jaw tensed. “Maybe.”

She pushed herself up on her elbow. “What do you mean?”

He turned his head to look at her. “I am a realistic person, Ravina. We are not getting married out of love. You are looking for a specific someone and so am I. We have the same goals, so I know you will understand if I chose to risk my life to achieve this goal. My aim is of course not to die. I will do my best to survive.”

She frowned having mixed emotions. A part of her was happy that he had the same mission as her but another part felt sad. Scared.

She lay down again with a sigh and Ares turned to face her.

“But I am not only mission-focused. I enjoy the life I live because I know I could die any day. Even before I took on the mission, living as a pirate, not knowing what dangers I could face the next day I made sure to live my life. I wish for you to do the same.”

She gazed into his green eyes, looking for something she didn’t know.

“Have you changed your mind?” He asked her when she said nothing.

“About what?”

“Marrying me?”

“If I change my mind, it wouldn’t be because of your goals. But because of your secrets.”

“The secret to my youth?” He raised a brow.

“No. The one you keep with uncle.”

He narrowed his eyes. “That is a secret mission.”

“And why can’t I know?”

“Because it won’t be a secret anymore.”

She frowned and he chuckled. “You are not funny.”

He became serious. “You will already know a few things once we get married. By observing of course but I can’t tell you anything. That would disqualify me from the mission… and other things.” He sighed.

She studied him. He seemed to be telling the truth.

She was really stuck in this. She couldn’t stay in the castle forever even if her uncle wasn’t pushing her away then there was Andrew who would take control of her as soon as something happened to her uncle. So she would have to leave the castle, if not with Ares then with someone else and she certainly didn’t want to leave with anyone else.

She liked Ares for some odd reason. It wasn’t as difficult to be with him as she expected and she didn’t have to pretend to be courteous or virtuous or warm. She could speak her mind with him. He also agreed to take care of her sister which was very important to her, he would give her the protection necessary and he would allow her to continue with her inventions. That was also very important to her. Without it… she felt like she would die.

No. She knew she would.

It was only after she began burying herself in her father’s notes that her bad habit of cutting herself and almost causing her own death decreased.

Suddenly she felt his hand grabbing her wrist. “Don’t do that.” He said and she realized she was doing it again.

Her heart began to beat fast and her breathing increased. She felt like she had to do it. She had to.

“Ravina?” He shook her slightly managing to get her attention despite her heart beating in her ears. She looked into his concerned eyes as he held her wrist firmly away. “What is wrong?”

She focused on his eyes, trying to suppress whatever images that tried to come to mind. Then she didn’t know what got into her. She leaned in and tried to kiss him but he grabbed her arms to stop her.

“I know you are not a gentleman.” She said.

“No, I am not.”

“Then why?”

He frowned. “I don’t know.”

Slowly she began to hyperventilate again, feeling both angry, embarrassed, and frustrated with herself. She was about to push herself away when he gently drew her close and into his arms.

“It is alright.” He whispered stroking her back gently.

Ravina stiffened at first and then felt the tears choke her and burn her eyes. She couldn’t hold them back anymore and let them fall in silence. The warmth of his embrace was overwhelming and she hated that she found comfort in it.

The tears streamed down her face like rivers and she couldn’t stop them. She kpet cursing and blaming herself at first but then she gave in and let go. Pouring her feelings out left her exhausted and she eventually fell asleep.

When she began to wake up again, she felt a soft touch on her fingers. She kept her eyes shut and realized someone was gently putting something onto her wounds.


He was ever so careful as if to not wake her up and she pretended to continue sleeping. He put the paste on the wounds on her wrist as well and then she felt the mattress rise when he left the bed. The sound of a drawer opening and closing was followed by a knock on the door.

Ares went to answer the door. “I would like to have breakfast served in my room. Just knock and leave it here.” He said. Something was said on the other side and then he closed the door.

Ravina opened her eyes slowly and found him picking up a shirt from the chest. She watched his back as he tried to put the sleeve through his injured arm first before putting it in the other and slipping it over his head.

This reminded her of last night, of how she tried to kiss him and then fell asleep crying against his bare chest. Oh lord! Her head throbbed.

As he turned around she flinched.

“Good morning.” He greeted when he locked eyes with her.

“Good morning.” She replied sitting up.

“I ordered breakfast for you.” He said.

“Uh… thank you.” She said running her fingers through her hair.

Just then there was a knock on the door. He hurried to bring in the tray with breakfast.

Ravina bent her legs and he put it right in front of her on the bed. “I won’t nag you. Eat or be eaten.” He said and then went to grab his jacket from the chair.

“Where are you going?”

“I am joining those boring court meetings.” He said as he slipped on his jacket. “I can’t be late.” He adjusted his hair and as he walked over to her.

“Do you have a maid you can trust?”

“Yes. Ester.”

“Ester.” He nodded. “I will send her your way to bring some clothes so you can sneak out.”

“Thank you.” She said looking up at him.

Gently he cupped her cheek and then strolled toward the door and left.

Ravina’s heart fluttered. What was that?



Bonus dedicated to my gifters 3. Thank you for spoiling me.

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