
Chapter 20

Ares dipped his head and took her lips with his. Again the light touch shocked her, and made her stiffen in fear of the feeling before slowly melting at the tug of his lips. His hands came to rest at her hips as he continued to kiss her, first softly and then slowly intensifying.

Ravina gave into the intoxicating feeling. It felt even more intense than before. Maybe because they were in a dark hall all alone, and he had his whole body pressed against hers. Her hands went to rest on his shoulders as their lips played together in a fiery game.

A low moan escaped her mouth and his hands tightened on her hips. What was this? She told herself she would avoid anything that would make her feel such intense emotions. Anything that would make her lose her mind.

But then, this couldn’t hurt. Would she be innocent all her life? Would she never let herself at least enjoy one thing?

Unfortunately, her body was already making that decision for her. Her hands went into his thick soft hair and he deepened the kiss, causing a strange tingling low in her belly.

His hands traveled up over the curve of her hips and came to rest on her waist instead. Oh, Lord! She wanted him to touch her more but instead, his kissing slowed and then he pulled his lips away.

Ravina was flushed and breathing heavily. Her lips and body still tingling strangely.

“There is still a lot left to explore.” He said removing the hair from her shoulder. He leaned down and planted a kiss on the crook of her neck. Ravina shivered. “But we will be late for dinner.”

He stepped back taking her hand in his. “Shall we.”

Still flushed and with unsteady legs, she allowed him to walk her through the halls. It took her the whole walk to the dining room to calm down her beating heart and get her skin to cool down again. Something was wrong with her.

“Are you ready for your family?” He asked outside the dining hall.

“No.” She said.

“I am surprised you haven’t shot the prince yet.”

“I can’t. If I decide to kill him, I will make it look like a heart attack or another disease.” She said sounding more serious than she intended to but that didn’t faze Ares.

“Or I could shoot him and make it look like he was shot.”

Ravina almost smiled at his remark.

They went into the dining room and joined the rest. The queen looked her way, eyes widening and widening until they looked like they would fall out. “Oh, my dear.” She said dramatically, placing one hand over her chest. “I thought you were someone else for a moment.”

The rest looked at her surprised as well. Her uncle who was usually the nonchalant one, now blinked several times.

“What has gotten into you?” Yvaine asked.

“Well, you told me I lacked shine. I think you meant color.” Ravina said as she went to sit down. Ares smoothly pulled out the chair for her and then went to sit down across from her.

Her uncle chuckled looking happy. “You look beautiful.” He told her.

“Thank you, Your Majesty.”

As the servant served her food, she looked across the table at Ares who gave her alluring glances. Her heart did strange things and she tried to avoid his looks but she couldn’t.

Slowly she grew frustrated and wished she had a pistol to shoot him. And why were the annoying queen and prince silent today when she needed them to talk to distract her away from this strange feeling?

After they finished their dinner she was happy to finally get away but Ares decided to walk her back to her room. At least these halls weren’t empty or they would have continued their exploration. The thought made her stomach flutter.

Once they arrived outside her chambers she turned to him to talk about serious matters. “Ares.”


“Don’t keep secrets from me. I am to be your wife. Your ally and you mine. We should be able to trust each other above anyone else.”

He looked at her for a long moment. “I am and will be your only ally Ravina. I know what you want me for and I will still provide it for you. I will be your shield and your weapon.”

But why?

She nodded slowly. “I believe you but the moment I don’t anymore, I will shoot you and make it look like you were shot.”

He smirked.

“Understood, Your Highness.”

She didn’t smile back. “Good night.” She curtsied and then retreated to her room.

She was standing with her back to the closed door. Was she pushing him away? If he left, she would have no other choice but to have Andrew somehow arrange one of his men and tie her to his side so she wouldn’t be a threat.

Still, she couldn’t let Ares do as he pleased just because other choices were much worse.

“My Lady?”

Ravina’s head jerked to the sound of Ester’s voice. She sat near the fire and watched her with questioning eyes. “Is everything alright?”

“Yes. Yes.” Ravina nodded, walking further in.

Ester got up from her seat and came to her. “Did the dress not work?”

“I am not sure.” She said then remembered the bag she left in the hall.

“I am sure it did. Perhaps he is just being a gentleman. He must have at least given you a compliment.”

Yes, she got a compliment just not from the one she dressed for. But he sure looked at her without hostility in the beginning. Maybe he liked her in red or maybe it was all just a pretense so he could laugh at her like he did.

“I can dress alone. Could you just bring me my bag from the hall?” She told Ester where she left the bag.

While she got dressed and braided her hair, Ester had already come back with it.

Ravina thanked her and wished her goodnight.

Once Ester was gone, Ravina took her notebook from the bag to write down the prisoner’s reaction to her dress and scent. Maybe she would find patterns later that she couldn’t see now.

After she was done with her notes, she went to sleep. Usually, nightmares ruined her nights when dragons were brought to the castle, but tonight she had a dream she never had before.

An erotic dream.

She was in bed when the shadow of a man loomed over her. She watched him as he crawled into her bed, slowly slid the covers down her body, and covered her with his body instead.

He was still a shadow, kissing her with soft lips that played across her own and outlined her jaw and neck. She arched against him and he grasped her now suddenly bare hips. They were naked, their bodies pressing and rubbing against each other, her moans increasing and then slowly fading into the distance as she woke up from her slumber.

Ravina opened her eyes but remained still, surprised by the dream she had. Something was definitely wrong with her. She turned in bed feeling hot and bothered and tried to sleep again since it was still dark, but she couldn’t. Frustrated she kept turning back and forth until the sun rose and Ester came to wake her up.

Ravina sat up in bed feeling defeated, while Ester opened the windows. She lingered a little, probably watching the soldier.

“Have you talked to him?” Ravina asked.

“Yes,” Ester said hiding her face as she fumbled with the curtain.

“What did he say?”

“Just some mean things.” She shrugged.

“What did he say?”

“He called me ugly to his friends and laughed.”

“Ugly?” Ravina got out of bed to look at him through the window. “What an unlucky bastard. He couldn’t get a prettier woman than you.”

Ester smiled with a shake of her head but Ravina was being very truthful. Ester was beautiful.

“Don’t worry. I know he doesn’t think I am ugly.” She said.

“Then why would he say that?”

“Because he thinks the opposite.”

“That makes no sense,” Ravina said confused.

Ester chuckled. “It does my lady. It is his way of denying his feelings because he is a knight and I am nothing but a servant.”

Ravina was confused for a moment.

“It is easier to convince yourself you don’t like someone than to admit and still stay away from them.” Ester explained. “He could have just ignored me but he chose to mock me instead. I know men. They can be childish.”

“So he likes you but doesn’t want to admit it so he is being mean on purpose?” Still didn’t make sense. Did men really do that?

“Yes. Just think of what happens to you. To make themselves feel better, most men blame you for being coldhearted when it is only them who don’t have the bravery to come forward and talk to you despite wanting to.”

Ravina nodded thoughtfully. “Well, his cowardice will cost him a beautiful woman like yourself.”

Ester just smiled again.

Once she got ready for the day, Ravina went to the dining room to have breakfast. When she couldn’t see her uncle or Ares at the table despite everyone else being there, she decided to skip the meal.

She went straight to the inventory and took a moment to study the notes she had written about the prisoner.

Mean, was a word she had written. He was mean to her about her dress. Why would he even comment on it? Unless…

If she applied Ester’s logic then Malachi was in denial. Of course. Why didn’t she think of it? He hated humans, hated her kind and so if he found that she was his breedmate he would hate it. He wouldn’t just accept it only because she was his breedmate.

She chuckled darkly to herself, like a mean villain conspiring against the hero. Except there were no heroes in this story. Only villains.

Alright. Now that she had a different view on the reaction, it was time to continue testing her subject.

With Ester’s help, she arranged bathing equipment and went to the cave. Ester handed over the water, cloth, and soap to the guards.

“Give it to the latest prisoner. Tell him to only bathe and not touch his wounds.” Ravina instructed.

The guard gave a nod and took the water and soap from Ester.

Ravina then went to the laboratory to find tools to remove the bullet, disinfectant, and maybe bandages to take care of his wounds.

“What are you doing?” Bram asked.

“Taking care of the new prisoner.”


“Well, you don’t want him dead? In the state he is in, he can’t even be tortured because he could die.”

“And I hope you don’t intend to torture him.”

“I can’t promise anything. It is for my sister.” She said.

“If your uncle finds out you are going down there, he will blame me.”

“Don’t worry. He won’t and if he does, just pretend you didn’t know.” She told him.

He sighed. “Just be careful. Take a guard with you inside.”

“I will.” She lied.

Ravina took her tools and went down to the cave. She could hear the splashing of water as she neared and the stench of sweat and blood being replaced by the aroma of soap.

Walking into the cave, she found the prisoner seated on a rock and turned away. She could see his wet and now clean and healed back. She knew he sensed her presence as she walked further in but he ignored her. He took the bucket of water and poured what was left over his head.

Standing up, he tossed the bucket aside. Such arrogance. Then he turned around while running his fingers through his hair to push it out of his face.

Ravina slowed down, her eyes widening slowly at the sight.


You can thank Sacogun for this bonus chapter. Thank you Sacogun 3!!

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