
Chapter 169 - Scolded

Yang Dao and Mika broke away after a few moments. The boy realized what he did when he gazed at her blushing face. He did not know what to say. He scolded himself in his mind, \'How can you do that? Why did you give in? What will she think?\'

Mika said, "Thank you." in a soft voice. 

Yang Dao was surprised and asked, "Are you not angry?"

The girl shook her head and said, "Angry about what? The kiss? I will consider that as a pay-up for your advice and teaching. Also, you will now have to go professional with racing. Or at least attend some events. I will try my best to beat you."

Yang Dao was happier to see that the girl did not blame him. Yet some guilt still resided inside his heart. To make up for that he promised her to race again in the future and join more events. Then he drove the car back to the parking area. Mika left after exchanging the numbers with him and Yang Dao came to the party hall. 

The atmosphere was cheery and everyone had fun. Atsuji Kurogame came to him and said, "Young Master, it is good to explore feelings but I only advise you to exercise some restraint."

Yang Dao has been noticing that Feng Yun was slightly cold to him as if she was hurt by something. Now that the eldest had come to him with sermons. Yang Dao figured out what was the reason. 

He agreed with Atsuji and said, "I need to cultivate my thoughts, Eldest. My mind and thoughts are like the wind, I have not yet been able to restraint them. What do I do?"

Atsuji smiled and said, "Do you see Ryu? You can talk to him. He was just like you in the beginning. He can help you. Remember that the familiars exist to help you." his genial and warm tone made Yang Dao calm the storm brewing inside him. 

The party ended, after sending off the guests. Yang Dao and Feng Yun came out with the other three. Feng Yun was about to go and sit down in the car with the others when the boy said, "Sister Yun, can you ride with me? I have something to say."

Feng Yun could sense the guilt glazed in his voice. She did not want him to lose face in front of the others so she nodded with a smile and sat down in his car. The two drove off slowly. None of them spoke up. 

Then Yang Dao said, "You are upset with me?" he asked in a calm voice. He was not a person who was afraid of facing his mistakes. Why should he not confront it?

Feng Yun was also not to lie to him. She nodded and said, "Your impulse today. I did not like it. You need to understand that even if you are a human you carry the responsibilities far greater than a normal human would. I never treated you all high and mighty like a Dao Child should be treated because I understand that being down to earth is your nature and I like that about you. 

Young Master, everything is done in a balance, Dao is the thing that exists out of this scale. Dao governs the heavens and hell. The Dao governs life and death. Yet nothing governs Dao itself. It is omnipotent and autonomous. Let me clarify one thing for you. To become the Dao Child and save this world from facing calamity you need to work a lot harder than you are doing currently. 

I or any other familiar would never push you to do something you don\'t want to but today when I saw you, the Dao Child, who is the representation of Dao, the source of our existence to act impulsively. I felt enraged and ashamed. I hope something like this does not happen."

Yang Dao gazed at the road but this was the first time he was scolded in his whole life. Feng Yun was his closest and most cherished of the people in this world. Today when she said these words to him. He was shaken. He realized that he really did commit a great mistake. 

he has never actually realized the importance of the term THE DAO CHILD. Today only did it became clear to him. He recalled how Feng Yun said told him on their first meeting that the familiars exist for him and from him. 

He closed his eyes and said after he opened them again, "I understand. I apologize and promise that I will never let something like this happen again."

Feng Yun heard his voice, glazing with guilt. She raised her hand and placed it on his head. She said with a soft tone. "Dao, mistakes are natural. I only hope that you try to minimalize them. We don\'t know what sort of a person the other party is. You only met her yesterday. I am not against you having a companion, you can have anyone in the world but remember to take it slow. Rushing things will make you vulnerable."

Yang Dao had red eyes and nodded to her. He said, "I will pay attention to it. To be honest, I did not know what came over me when I gazed into her eyes. At that moment, she was so vulnerable and weak that I could not control myself."

Feng Yun nodded, the boy was not lying. It was his motive to console her but when the weakness was paired with Mika\'s beauty. The boy gave in. It has been said that beauties can make nations fall to their knees, then Yang Dao was a boy who had never been observant about beauty. His time was dedicated to hard work to make his life better.

Now that he has got a better life and is more interactive with the world around him. His urges have grown strong. The charm of beauty was also not unknown to him. This is why he was impulsive today. After all, he has been surrounded by beautiful women, so how long can he turn blind a blind eye to it? 

Feng Yun consoled him for a bit and only after his mood stabilized did the two return to the Dao Courtyard. 

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