
Chapter 101 - Creepy Tunnels

These four were fully aware that this entire experience wasn\'t going to be a walk in the park but the deeper they went into the dark tunnels the bigger the urge to walk back up the stairs.

The only light coming through was from the door they had left open bringing to light the horrific conditions within these tunnels. The empress dowager\'s pavilion was a gorgeous structure, a grand palace reflecting the prestige of Hyesong nobility but in truth, it was like a golden peach with rotten insides. No one could have imagined that this beautiful structure could house such a horrible place.

The tunnel walls were made of stone and the ground wasn\'t plastered which meant it was basically soil with wet patches in various places. The stench was even more unbearable. It was a mix of rotten flesh, mould and plenty of other indistinguishable things.

Of the four of them, it was Lady Ching Sei and Zhang Li who couldn\'t bear with it the most so much so that they had to say something. "If this person is dead then it must be the stench that killed him," whispered Zhang Li in a muffled voice while covering his nose and mouth with his hand.

Lady Ching Sei rummaged through her storage bag with puffed up cheeks like she was holding her breath. She was boorish when it came to fighting but was still a lady after all. How could she let herself suffer such grievance?

Because she was in a hurry her movements were a little clumsy. She threw out a few things while she was at it drawing everyone\'s attention. All three men looked at her taking out a scythe, a black cloak and rouge all from the same storage pouch. She only stopped littering the ground when she took out a white jade bottle with a red flower pattern on its edges.

She hurriedly opened the bottle and tilted it at the tip of her fingers before applying the clear liquid on her nostrils. It was when she looked up that she saw everyone gawking at her.

Her actions paused as she asked, "What? You think I am going to let myself suffer?" with the emerald ring on her finger shimmering under the dim light.

"I don\'t think there is any perfume concoction on this planet that can conquer this smell," said Lan Wu.

Lady Ching Sei ignored him and passed the bottle to Ji Yao as she continued rubbing the liquid on her nostrils. Ji Yao accepted it and lifted the bottle to the tip of his nose to take a whiff. It was an unfamiliar sweet fruity scent that surprisingly stave off the stench from the tunnels.

Ji Yao helped himself generously too. He might have kept a straight face throughout the whole ordeal but his senses were screaming at him asking, \'Why! What did I ever do to you to deserve such a punishment?\'

"What is this?" he asked as he handed the bottle to Zhang Li.

Lady Ching Sei put on a proud smile and said, "Nocru secret my mother taught me. I used a flower from Niuq." This plant\'s aroma was so potent that a single petal when crushed could make an elephant dizzy before passing out. Her mother\'s clan were said to use it to protect themselves from wild animals breaking into the camps.

She was from an all-female clan that only went out to mate to birth a child and if it was a boy they won\'t return to the tribe till the boy came of age. If it\'s a girl then they would return with the baby girl and the child automatically becomes part of the clan.

They were one of the isolated clans in Niuq but because they were strong female Nocru outsiders clambered to mate with them and produce powerful heirs. That was why her crew was comprised of women and one transitioning man.

That\'s enough of the history lesson now let\'s go back to current events. While the sceptical Lan Wu applied the liquid on his nostrils, Zhang Li eyed the scythe and black cloak on the ground. He picked up the cloak and asked, "Sei Sei, did you rob the fuckin grim reaper or something? Why do you have this stuff?"

Lady Ching Sei, "...."

She angrily grabbed the cloak out of his hand and stuffed it back into her storage before picking up the scythe. What was she supposed to say? That she bought this to scare a couple of kids who were making fun of sister Meili? She couldn\'t tolerate bullying even from bear children. They most definitely won\'t be mocking anyone else after this.

Just as she put away her things the door that was open suddenly closed and the creepy place fell into darkness. The scare level rose sharply after that reminding them what kind of place they were in.

As their eyes adjusted to the darkness they heard scratching sounds coming from one of the tunnels. It was then that they suddenly realised that the Nocru was absolutely alive and this mission wasn\'t going to be as simple.

The four of them followed the sound only to be met by a juncture splitting into two tunnels. There was no question what they were going to do next. "Split up," said Ji Yao as he grabbed his sword and picked one tunnel.

He and Lan Wu entered one of the dark tunnels anticipating anything. They didn\'t know what sort of person they were dealing with and the kind of strength they possess but one thing was for certain, the person couldn\'t be of a sound mind after being locked up in here for who knows how long.

They were especially careful with their steps but somehow they still managed to step on something. When they both looked down it was like a sticky mush spread all over the ground.

Ji Yao stepped back as a blazing electric flame spread all over his blade. The dark tunnel was suddenly flooded by light revealing its secrets. On the ground was a partially eaten water buffalo that was rotting hence the sticky fluid was clotted blood from the animal.

Lan Wu bent down and observe the carcass while Ji Yao looked up. This animal was the food provided by these royal bastards. Judging from the pile of bones beneath the carcass they did this often. They were treating him like a beast.

On the roof of the tunnel was a hole that went up to the surface. It was a structure like a well sealed off with a thick latrion disc.

In fact, they were several other levels that were separated by latrion discs. When it was feeding time they would uncover the first layer and toss the animal in before closing it up. Then using a series of pulleys they would open one layer at a time until the animal reached the bottom of the well and fell into the tunnel.

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