
Chapter 262 - Why?

I saw nothing.

There wasn\'t anyone here. 

The roof was dark, and I couldn\'t make out much.

There wasn\'t any smell in the air and there was no sound. 

There were three paths leading out of this room. One path led me here, the two others were supposedly leading to other places. 

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" I shouted out.

Maybe I should have given my purpose first as it asked but I had a feeling this thing wasn\'t friendly and the fact that it could speak my language only made me feel more suspicious.


What the hell was an asser!?

"Such insolence!"

But he or she didn\'t even come out.

The voice actually rang out and reverberated inside the whole room, so I couldn\'t quite tell if it was coming from above me or from within one of the two paths. 

I was a little spooked at first but now I didn\'t feel much. As long as this person didn\'t attack me, I wasn\'t going to try anything funny.

"Look, I mean no trouble. I\'m just here to find someone." I steadily released alpha particles to see if they were near or not but so far- nothing. The rules of this world were different so it was possible my particles weren\'t going to cut it, or it was also possible that this person just wasn\'t present in this room.

"[rove it."


"[Rove it! Rove that you\'re telling the truth!]

Oh, prove!


I had a feeling he couldn\'t pronounce the letter \'p\'. 

"I don\'t know!" It was almost like the person just had a mental fog or something.

I didn\'t know whether to be amazed or disappointed. In the end, I picked both.

I headed for one of the paths. 

The voice didn\'t say anything. So, instead, I switched my direction to the second path.

"Sto[! Don\'t take a ste[ further or I will kill the [erson you came here for."

I stopped. That sounded like a bluff but I couldn\'t really risk it. So instead, "I came looking for a guy who was trapped here for quite a while."

I tried to bluff.

"What- really? Go on?"

\'Oh, you like that, don\'t you?\'

"I\'m his grandchild- you see." Obviously, I made all this up.

It was odd but I could tell that the voice actually belonged to a man. Then again, that was just me assuming.

And I was also assuming this guy was old. I really hope this worked. 

"And you have a way to get off this rock?" His voice was much calmer. 

I sucked at pretending but- for once, I felt like this was going good.

"I do but you\'ll have to show yourself first and help me find that man."

A snort resounded and someone fell to the ground from the ceiling.

"You don\'t look like my blood but I guess beggars can\'t be choosers." An old man fell from the ceiling. He was half of my size: beard just tall as him, totally gray. 

\'Did he just admit I\'m his grandchild while also mocking me?\'

He didn\'t look wrinkly but instead, he had this mischievous grin and a very bald head. He was human- at least going by the looks.

And I\'d struck gold! \'Bingo.\' Who\'d have thunk my little skit would actually work. 

I was terrible at acting, so I had to try extra hard. "Yu-you\'re my grandpa!?" I slowly went towards him for a hug. Acting way too surprised. 

The plan was, I\'d hug him, catch him off guard and then trap him in my barrier. Ultimately questioning him about this world and Marg.

I kind of didn\'t want to even go near him though- and there was a very good reason for that. 

"Hold it there, squirt." He flashed his worn-out teeth and pointed a gun at me- an old gun. I\'d only seen those black things with triggers in museums. "I\'m still a virgin, so that\'s a load of cra[." He grinned. "You\'re here for the girl, aincha?" Even up close his voice was really weird. And his accent was even weirder. 

I guess I was stupid to think my otherworldly skit was going to get us anything. 

But it did give me a very valuable reason to not feel embarrassed.

I sighed and unsheathed my saber. "Look, you\'re right. I\'m here for the girl. And I\'d appreciate if you\'d lead me to her. And who knows, I might be kind enough to get you off this rock in that case."

I did a careful reconnaissance but no one else was in the room. Now that the man was in front of me, my particles were picking him up. And more importantly, he smelled!

I could almost throw up but I had to bear with it. 

"HA!" He snorted. "Like I\'d fall for that. Do you have any idea what this [lace is, boy? And you think a squirt like you could esca[e? This is the null, you moron. Everything comes in, nothing goes out." He stopped grinning. "But you don\'t happen to be a teleporter, do you?"

For someone who just mocked me nonstop, he sure was asking a lot: and he was also very intelligent. But I had to be careful about this. 

"No, but I can fly."

He looked at me, a bit dazed, and then burst out snorting. "Uh-huh." He wiped a tear. "In that case, say goodbye to freedom forever, sonny. As for the missy, she\'s inside." He turned around and kept walking towards one of the paths.

This encounter was weird at its best. 

And did he just brush this whole thing off like it was nothing? Also, he was weirdly trusting of me, enough to, actually show me his back.

That was very suspicious indeed. 

"She\'s okay, right?"

I walked right behind him but kept my guard up.

This old man was both weird and I had a feeling he was dangerous. He knew a lot about this world and I could get information from him, but at the same time, I felt like I had to be wary of him. 

His clothes weren\'t torn, but they weren\'t in that great shape either. And he probably didn\'t shower for years. 

"You\'ll see."

We walked for exactly nine minutes and after that, we ended up in a room. A rather tidy room, with virtually nothing but a bed, a stool, and a table: all three were carved from the rock. It didn\'t even have a door. It was just a corner that was decorated like a room. 

There was no fridge, no appliances, and definitely nothing of note other than just one thing.

And that one thing was Marg- sleeping soundly on the bed. 

My eyes lit up seeing her, my heart raced faster. I was about to go to her but-

"You still haven\'t told me who you are kid and what\'s your relationship with the girl." The man held his gun at my neck. I wasn\'t worried about that as I had my barriers. 

But this guy sure was dangerous, that much was for sure. 

"She\'s my girlfriend and we\'re getting married in a week. Or at least we were supposed to."

I examined his reaction carefully. If he turned out to be a foe, I had to dispose of him quickly. Now that I\'d found Marg, I didn\'t need him.

He grinned and put it away. "Really?" He stopped grinning. "I guess I\'m just unlucky."  He sighed. "Welcome to my humble abode. Make yourselves at home and then get out." It didn\'t take him a moment to just cheer up. 

The guy was really random.

"Marg- you okay?"

I went over to her; she was as pale as paper. 

I shook her gently but it didn\'t work.

I shook her a bit vigorously- "MARG!" But no, that didn\'t work either.

"She\'s frozen, kid. There\'s nothing you can do about it." The guy sat down on the stone stool and held his chin as he stared at us. 

"What?" Marg wasn\'t even remotely cold. Her body was warm and her heart was beating like she was asleep. "What the hell do you mean?"

"She\'s frozen by this world\'s standards. In this world, you don\'t need food or water to survive. But once you run out of energy- that happens and you fall asleep for forever. Kind of like dying."




"Stop shouting. I\'m hearing people speak after forty years, you shouting ain\'t helping." He let out a pained groan as he picked his ear with his pinkie. 

\'Hey, you can pronounce P!\'

My heart sank and my body oddly went cold. "Isn\'t there anything we can do about it?"

I came here- I came here for her. I traveled with misery, heartache, and hope. I knew I\'d find her, I believed in that. 

But now- now that I found her, why did I feel even worse?

Why did I fear she won\'t wake up?


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