
Chapter 272 - The Comments

"I guess Jasmine needs more time and a little more push to discover her feelings for JK. JK will only believe that she loves him if she says it out," Jeff said.

"I wonder when this their push and pull will stop," Steve said. With the way things are, none of them was in the mood to joke or play.

Because of the way Jackson treated her, Jasmine completely forgot to call the worried Catherine who has been trying every means to contact her.

The next day, Jasmine still did not go downstairs for breakfast. Her worried mother had to go to her room to call her.

"Jasmine, open up!" Mrs Avans said as she knocked on the door. She knocked on the door for the second time.

"Jasmine, do you believe that I will have the bodyguards break down the door if you dare continue to stay quiet?" Mrs Avans said on her third knock. After waiting for a few minutes she heard approaching footsteps.

Mrs Avans was surprised when she saw the condition Jasmine was in after she opened the door.

"It has just been a few hours since I saw you and you have become so haggard and pale. What has come over you, Jasmine? You are not always this way," Mrs Avans said as she raised her hand and caressed Jasmine's face.

"And why are your eyes swollen? Did you perhaps cry throughout the night?" Mrs Avans asked in a worried tone.

"I am fine. I just don't have the appetite...,"

"How could you say that when you missed two meals. Just look at how lean you have become," Mrs Avans said as she examined Jasmine.

"I am...,"

"As long as you agree to come downstairs for breakfast I won't ask you what is wrong again so come let's go. Your dad is waiting for you," Mrs Avans said as she tried to pull Jasmine along with her but Jasmine did not move an inch.

"Mum, how could I come downstairs looking this way and besides I haven't taken care of my teeth neither have I showered. I look like a total mess so go have dinner with father. I will come downstairs for my meal later," Jasmine tried to chase her mother away with this excuse.

"It's not a bad thing if you look less beautiful for a day. Take care of your teeth and afterwards come downstairs because neither your father nor I will eat until you join us for breakfast," Mrs Avans said unwaveringly. Mrs Avans left immediately not allowing Jasmine to keep arguing with her.

Jasmine sluggishly walked back into the room.

She went downstairs to join her parents for dinner after she had taken care of her teeth and do her hair nicely. They ate dinner in silence. The moment Jasmine saw that her father was done eating, she spoke.

"Father, won't you return my cell phone to me now? I am not a kid anymore that you could just seize my phone. I will be twenty-five years in less than two months so won't you stop treating me like a child," Jasmine said but she did not raise her voice beyond her normal tone.

"Maybe, I will think about your suggestion when you start behaving like an adult," Mr Avans said without sparing Jasmine a glance. He stood up and left the dining afterwards.

"He will return all the things he took from you later. In fact, he had wanted to return it to you earlier but for fear that you will read all the harsh comments people say about you online, he decided to keep them for a much longer time," Mrs Avans said.

"Mum, I know that father is your husband but you don't have to lie to make him look good in front of me because no matter what you said I will never believe it," Jasmine said as she left before her mother could speak.

"But I wasn't lying," Mrs Avans muttered after Jasmine had left.

After her meal, Jasmine showered and got prepared for the press conference which was about two hours away. When she finished everything it was about thirty minutes to the press conference.

Just like her mother had said her father really released her cell phone to her. She was a bit surprised but she did not let it show.

Inside the car, Jasmine sitting beside her father decided to navigate the internet for the first time and see what people said about her. She began reading the comments underneath the post.

"How could she do such a thing when she is engaged to another man?"

"What a shameless woman she is to make out in front of her father and fiancee? She is cruel? Does she even have a heart?"

"How could the daughter of a conglomerate family act so uncultured like her? She is nothing like her sister or other daughters of a wealthy family? Is she even the real daughter of the Avans?"

"She is a shame to womanhood? She should be ashamed of herself,"

"It is a known fact that Young Master Kai and Young Master Jackson were good friends. I heard from a good friend that the two got into a huge fight because of her which is why their relationship is bad now. What an evil witch she is,"

"CEO Jackson is a dignified and respected man, I am sure she must have flirted and stalked him until he was completely enticed by her. I heard this is what she is good at the most,"

"She is a two-face b*tch. She is not worthy of being loved,"

Jasmine read all the harsh comments below the posted video. She was so glad that out of all the comments she read, she did not see anyone speak badly about Jackson.

"Stop reading that because they are just saying a bunch of nonsense," Mr Avans who peeped and saw what Jasmine was reading said.

"I know that which is why I am not going to get affected by their silly words," Jasmine said firmly as she wound down the glass and look outside.

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