
Chapter 554 - 13.52

[Twelve years later]

"Young Master…. Wake up…." 

Jean could hear the sound of someone calling him while he was asleep. He ignored it because he was still sleepy. He didn\'t have any intention to wake up early anyway because it was the weekend. 

"Young Master… Birthday…" that deep but gentle voice told him.

Jean opened his eyes immediately, looked around his room, and saw Wolf standing at the side of the bed. He was wearing his silver knight armor, complete with that badge he never took off on his chest.

\'Jean Favorite\'s Badge.\'

Wolf was very tall, probably almost 190 centimeters, and he had short crimson hair. He looked scary for most people, a giant with a fierce gaze and extraordinary strength and skill as a knight. But for the likes of Jean, he only saw a big, shy guy serving him every day. 

Wolf\'s cheeks reddened a bit after his Young Master stared at him for too long. 

"Y—Young Master… please don\'t stare…. too much…." Wolf said as he bowed his head. "Wolf… embarrassed…."

\'Ah yeah, he still has that speech development problem. I think that\'s permanent,\' Jean thought. Though it didn\'t dismiss the quality for Jean nonetheless.

Jean rubbed his eyes and stretched his body. He was so tired yesterday since Big brother Maximillien always gave him a lot of homework. He had been tutored by the best tutors the Empire could offer since six years ago when he was just 11 years old. 

"Young Master\'s…. attire…." Wolf went out and brought Jean\'s attire for today\'s birthday party. It was his sweet seventeen today, and Maximillien wanted his little brother to look regal and noble, just like him.

So the Archduke ordered the tailor to make the same attire for both Maximillien and Jean, with only slight differences in color and detail. Because Jean didn\'t like the color of black, especially after seeing his Big brother wearing all black almost every day. So he got the dark navy one with gold thread and red on the inside, while Maximillien went on full black.

"I sometimes think that my brother\'s taste is so boring…." Jean complained. He got up from the bed and then stretched some more before unbuttoning his pajama. 

He glanced at Wolf, who was staring at him with his deep gaze, then he grinned mischievously, "Wolf, do you want to see my body? I don\'t mind."

"Wolf\'s cheeks and ears blushed tomato red, he immediately rushed out of the room, leaving Jean alone."

Jean chuckled. He took off his pajama and went to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. 

After he was done, he took the attire and started wearing it by himself. He refused to be tended by a maid or a butler because he was mature enough to do everything himself.

It was just his Big brother who still babied him.

Pupa materialized in front of Yunyu, who was busy fitting his Young master attire. It circled around Yunyu and said, "I didn\'t realize that you look fairly okay as you hit seventeen years old."

"What do you mean fairly okay? I\'m absolutely gorgeous," Yunyu said. 

"No, I just hoped that somehow you accidentally fell and broke your nose or something. It will make you look better," Pupa commented.

"If you\'re a tsundere, just say it, Pupa," Yunyu rolled his eyes as he put on the gloves. "Anyway, you can help me by telling me the Fatemeters of all the main leads."

[Pupa: Maximillien Eau Saumont\'s Fatemeter is 50%.]

[Pupa: Wolf Dietrich\'s Fatemeter is 50%.]

[Pupa: Raphael De Argent\'s Fatemeter is 50%.]

"Ish, twelve years have passed, and none of them even spare me 1% of their Fatemeter. What is this?!"

"Maybe because they are yet to realize their love? 50% equals to be in love, but sometimes, it\'s hard when the masters of the world are dense and ignorant. It\'s your just to make them fall in love harder to you," Pupa replied.

"I know, I know, I will try my best~," Yunyu said lazily as he put on his shoes. He checked himself on the mirror. 

Jean Eau Saumont, seventeen years old, was fairly tall, as he stood around 178 centimeters. He still had his gorgeous pink hair that always smelled like strawberry or rose. Whenever he was happy, there would be many kinds of beautiful flowers blossoming on his hair.

But his eyes gradually turned glimmering pink, just like his hair. There was no explanation about this, but it did make his eyes one of a kind beauty in the Empire. 

Other than that, he was still the same gorgeous, well-loved Young Master Jean Eau Saumont.

Yunyu slicked his hair and praised himself on the mirror, "Ah~ what a beautiful man I am, no wonder I have three men—"

"Four," Pupa interrupted, reminding him about Matthew.

"No wonder I have four men chasing after me~" Yunyu giggled. 

"Don\'t forget to maintain your cute and elegant persona as Jean Eau Saumont. You\'re always cursing, farting, and burping when nobody is around."

"Heh? That\'s human things to do, Pupa. Also, my elegance is what we call persona because it\'s not 100% real!" Yunyu defended himself. 

"Alright, it\'s time to attend my sweet seventeen."

Jean walked to the door, and he opened it. He saw Wolf standing in the corridor, waiting for him.

"Wolf, let\'s go~," Jean said. 

Wolf raised his head, and when he was attacked by Jean\'s stunning visual, Wolf was stupefied for a good while. He kept staring at Young Master Jean dazedly, "Young… Master…"


"G—Gorgeous…." Wolf complimented his Young Master shyly. He complimented his Young Master every day, but it was different when his Young Master finally hit his sweet seventeen. 

It was the sign that Young Master Jean was an adult, not a kid anymore. And Wolf finally realized that he had accompanied Young Master Jean for twelve years. Time passed. Yet, he regretted nothing. 

"Hehe, Of course, I am gorgeous," Jean agreed. He put circled his hands around Wolf\'s arm and said, "Let\'s go, Wolf, everyone must\'ve been waiting for us!" 

"Not… us… it\'s your birthday… Young Master…"

Wolf gulped as he could smell that intoxicating rose fragrance coming from Young Master Jean\'s hair. They walked together to the main hall, where the sweet seventeen party was held. 

Wolf stopped in front of the big door leading to the main hall. Wolf stood behind Young Master Jean, while the Elder Magus bowed his head politely at Jean. He was going to be the one who announced the arrival of Young Master Jean to his seventeenth birthday. 

Since Maximillien and Jean didn\'t have any older relatives, the Archduke asked Elder Magus to announce their seventeenth birthday, both for Maximillien and Jean\'s birthday.

"You look well, Young Master," the Elder Magus said.

"Same as you, grandpa!" 

The Elder Magus patted Jean\'s head, "You\'re as lively as ever."

The Elder Magus opened the door with his magic, and he walked first to the main hall.

Everyone\'s attentions were at him as he cleared his throat, about to announce the arrival of the beloved Young Master of Eau Saumont. 

"Honorable guests, please welcome the Young Master of Eau Saumont who has reached the mature age of seventeen years old, Jean Eau Saumont."

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