
Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Xiao Chen exhaled deeply, sullenly bypassing the crowd as he shifted towards the door.

No one blocked him, and there wouldn’t be anyone who would do so.

In the tranquil night, the Boston ivy eagerly grew all over the walls, as if it thought no one would notice it if it didn’t make any sound. However, it wasn’t the common yellow-green color, but rather a black and purple berry color. It blended into the night, so people couldn’t see it clearly.

The entire library building was enveloped in the Boston ivy. It passed through the windowsill and slowly invaded the room. There was so much that it was terrifying.

At the same time, white fog spread over the entire campus.

Xiao Chen headed towards the main gate of the library building. Surprisingly, the lights in the building, which didn’t have power, would suddenly work as he walked by. Basically, wherever he went, they would automatically turn on. The instant he left, the area would return to darkness, like the lights were only voice-activated.

Xiao Chen pursed his lips.

Actually, he already had the answer in his heart.

The shadow under his feet split into two. The new shadow slowly condensed into a solid form, with vague facial features and a body shape.

Xiao Chen dipped his head and could see the black shadow cuddling his waist. If it was someone who had a weak mind, they would probably be so scared that they would faint.

Xiao Chen directly turned around to face the black shadow. The surrounding lights were on, so he could clearly see the other’s appearance.

The facial features of the shadow were natural and three-dimensional, but Xiao Chen felt that there was a mist in front of him that wouldn’t let him see the details or remember anything.

“You.” He directly touched the shadow’s face, attentively and seriously studying it. He could sense that he was holding something, but there was no temperature to it.

The black shadow didn’t speak, and let Xiao Chen’s hand move up and down on his face.

“You are Xu Sheng, right?” Xiao Chen’s voice was normal, but if one paid close attention, there would be a tension that was difficult to describe.

The mist covering Xiao Chen’s eyes dissipated, and the shadow’s original looks were exposed to the air.


Xiao Chen didn’t expect the other party to reply so straightforwardly. He remained blankly in place, his hand slipping from the black shadow’s face back to his side.

Without making any noise, the two stood like this foolishly, neither uttering a word.

Xiao Chen didn’t know what to say, and Xu Sheng was waiting for the other to do so.

“I’m sorry.” Xiao Chen stiffly opened his mouth, lowering his head. His fingers tightly clutched Xu Sheng’s shoulders.

If it weren’t for him, Xu Sheng wouldn’t have died.

The black shadow loosened his grip on Xiao Chen’s waist, using his own hands to gently grab Xiao Chen’s. He placed them in his palms, and then squatted down in a semi-kneeling posture, his head leaning against Xiao Chen’s stomach.

It was as pious as paying respects to a god.

Xiao Chen heard him whisper this.

“In this world, only you should not say sorry to me.”

You are my sole salvation.

Gao Xuhan calmed down and looked at Yang Jie’s distant body in a daze.

She had a bold idea. Since the movie ended after everyone died, then did that mean that she could go home after that happened?

The people around her sat on the ground expressionlessly. They didn’t even dare to close their eyes. Even if they needed to pinch themselves, they would stay awake.

After all, during the night, it wouldn’t be safe.

Gao Xuhan took out a small knife she had stumbled upon in the library, squeezing it intensely.

She didn’t want to die, and she couldn’t die.

But she didn’t notice that the curly-haired girl, who had been the first to find her in the library and was now sitting across from her, was staring at her without even blinking. The girl had been in the same position for three whole minutes.

A faint light came by. The pupils of the curly-haired girl carried hints of a bloody color, and when she raised the corners of her mouth, sharp fangs appeared. This was just like a vampire waiting for an opportunity to hunt.

Her sight drifted from Gao Xuhan to Yang Jie’s body, which had already lost temperature.

She strongly inhaled, licking her teeth with the tip of her tongue. She gasped, as if she was unexpectedly fascinated.

A random girl was startled by the curly-haired girl’s abrupt actions, and she couldn’t help but scoot backwards to the wall. At this exact moment, the curly-haired girl, Zhou Ping, steadily raised her head, tilting it so that her curls were thrown behind.

Her eyes were fully displayed. Before the random girl could do anything, her shoulder had been savagely bitten by Zhou Ping.

“AHHHHHHHHHH!” Her screams frightened the drowsy people nearby.

“Save me, save me!!! Save me quickly!!” The girl used both her hands and feet to try and get rid of Zhou Ping, pulling the other’s hair. But Zhou Ping seemed to have lost awareness, and merely continued to enjoy sucking the girl’s fresh blood. The struggling hands appeared to disturb her meal and irritate her, so Zhou Ping directly seized the girl’s neck to stop her.

Perhaps she was too forceful, because the other actually ceased breathing.

But Zhou Ping was very happy, and resumed eating. The speed at which she sucked blood was astonishing.

Within the time it took to burn incense, the random girl had turned into a dried corpse before everyone’s sight.

Then, Zhou Ping tossed the body away and rubbed her belly.

Still hungry...

She lifted her head and greedily examined the people in the library.


“Save our lives!”


Xu Sheng’s eyes suddenly opened. In his arms, he held Xiao Chen, who had fallen asleep.

And their surroundings began to reassemble, from an ordinary classroom to a bedroom. If Xiao Chen had woken up, he would have discovered that it was similar to his own bedroom.

Xu Sheng carefully covered him with a blanket, before his own body gradually became insubstantial, turning into black mist. Only a vaguely human figure remained.

“The fifth.” Xu Sheng didn’t know what he had felt, and started to part his lips.

The Bible says that there are seven things that God hates: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

And the 13th-century Dominican priest St. Thomas Aquinas cited seven capital vices: pride, envy, wrath, sloth, greed, gluttony, and lust.

Bai Qiaoqiao’s pride and prejudice ruined Xu Sheng, Liu Chunming’s sloth led him to ignore his students’ bullying, and Yang Jie’s envy pushed Xu Sheng into the abyss.

Everyone has committed one of the seven deadly sins!

“Gluttony has begun to smoke.” Xu Sheng curved the corner of his mouth.

The nightmare has also started.

Binge eating is an evil desire that will bite back.

T/N: Who do you think the last three are? (¬‿¬)

Original movie killing order, courtesy of Gao Xuhan:

Bai Qiaoqiao → Liu Chunming → Wang Tong → Zhou Qingqing → Li Ni → Xiao Chen → Massacre.

Current killing order:

Bai Qiaoqiao (pride) → Liu Chunming (sloth) → Yang Jie (envy) → Zhou Ping (gluttony) → ??? → ??? → ???

“covering your ears to steal a bell”: the story

掩耳盗铃, which is to cover your ears while stealing a bell. It is a rather well-known idiom, and means deceiving yourself, or trying to conceal something that can’t be concealed. It comes from Master Lu’s Spring and Autumn Annals, an encyclopedic Chinese classic text compiled around 239 BC under the support of Qin Dynasty Chancellor Lu Buwei. Here is the full story: A thief wanted to steal the Fan family’s valuable and large bell, so he decided to smash it so that he could carry it home. But when he hit it, the loud clang surprised him and he covered his ears, thereby muffling the sound. He decided to use some cloth to plug his ears, foolishly thinking it silenced the bell so that he could hit it without anyone noticing. Neighbors soon heard the sound and caught the thief in the act.

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