
Chapter 93 - The Call.

She licked her lips as she thought about it all. Yes, she could be pregnant there was a possibility that she realised that she had never really pay attention to using protection while doing that but he had no right to talk to her about it. He was not a friend but someone who has mainly given her information that should have had in the first place.

"Do you think that it's going to be easy for you to go to college along with the child?" He threw that her making her stiffen. "What makes you think that it is going to be easy? What will you do when the child just sprouts fur out of nowhere in public?"


His words hit a nerve and by her expression, she was sure that he knew that because after that we continue to talk about it.

That was a possibility and she would have no idea what to do if the child that. To think of it it was most likely going to happen.

"The child is going to need his father to go out because we are talking about supernatural species. They need a connection to one parent that is belonging to the same bloodline to feel the connection! You think a child is a joke?" He scoffed and glared at her. "Supernatural pregnancy is very hard for humans to go especially when you are not committed to your mate in full terms. You won't be able to get up from the bed or even survive it!"

That sent a shiver down her spine. Her heart skipped a beat at that.

She turned around and walked to the kitchen with speed and a trembling lip along with the tears that were ready to slip.

His words at settlor cause and effect on hair fall stop the possibility of having a child was daunting enough but having a supernatural child opened up a whole world of possibilities that she knew she could not take on by herself.

She would need Xavier which was exactly what she now assumed she wanted.

She took out a glass and filled it with water and drank to her fill. Trying to calm herself down was difficult when her mind was racing into different corners. She had no idea how to reign all of her thoughts in one direction.

"You need to take the test. We need to know if you can make it to the window or not." He spoke from somewhere near her but she knew that she had not stepped into the kitchen yet.

"I don't . . ." She sighed and drank more water. Why could she not just confront Xavier about it? What were the most do the gruesome thing he could do? Rip her apart? Imprisonment?

"I don't think that I want to go away . . ." She spoke out loud. At the end of the day, Adaline realised that she did love Xavier and so what if he was one of the supernatural? At the end of the day, that could somehow work in their favour.


She turned to him and pointed at the kits. "I don't need them." She said, "you know what I've had enough of this. I will go and talk to him about all of this and demand answers. The least he can do is kill me or rip me apart o—or just impression me which is something that we will see if it happens but for now, talking to him is more important." She spoke with a firm voice. Not even a word of it all portrayed that she was nervous or anxious about the talk.

He stared at her in disbelief at what she has just said. He shook his head and looked away for a second out of shock. "Do you even know what you are talking about? Do you think that people don't watch out for you when you are out of the house? He has people watching over you!"

Her eyebrows shot up at that. "Excuse me?" She said. It was common knowledge that people would after glance at who was walking away and it was something she found out to be completely normal because she touched people as well but what Noah just said was completely out of the blue and wrong!

He nodded, staring into her eyes. "Yes. Go out with me right now to the grocery store and you will find his call coming to you and asking you where you are and with who!"

She scoffed, refusing to believe that. The last time that they had had this fight was because of Marshall, Xavier had promised her that he would do better. She had believed him and by far he has shown her what she wanted to see which is why she was ready to put him to the test because she knew that she was going to prove Noah wrong about it.

"Okay," she agreed, "Let's go then." She knew that he would not all have. She believed her love more.


"Did you have to bring a grocery list along?" Noah grumbled as moved the cart around and followed Adeline wherever she went.

Adeline shrugged and put another item into the cart. "I had to come here anyway. Grab that for me." She pointed at the cereal that was two shelves above her.

"You are short," Noah commented as he stretched out his arm towering over her.

She didn't comment on that and simply moved forward.

By far Xavier had not called her which only made her resolve stronger about it because they had been here for the past 30 minutes and halfway done through her list. She knows knew definitely that he was not going to call especially to ask who she was with and it only made her belief stronger regarding just telling him what she knew and being done with all of this drama. She sighed and dumped the cereal in.

Her phone vibrated and she stopped walking. The goosebumps came and she licked her lips. She slowly took it out and there it was on the screen.

Xavier was calling her.

"Told ya." Noah chirped from behind.

She sighed and picked up. There was a possibility that this could be for something else as well.

"Where are you?" She heard him say to her and found a slight change in his voice. It was not as heavy as it usually was and often on calls, it was difficult to understand it.

"The Grocery store," she answered his question first and then asked her own, "is something wrong with your voice? Did you catch a cold?"

She heard him scoff and an uneasy feeling rose in her chest telling her that this was not him. But how could it be possible because this was his phone number and it somehow matched his voice too?

"No, I fucking didn't." He gritted and she felt her breathing quicken up. He was never like this. "Who are you with at the grocery store?"

When she heard that question she briefly glanced towards Noah. He was deciding between a pack of gummy worms and gummy bears.

"With no one." She whispered but the chock was still there. How was he talking to her like this? Why now when never before and he wants to coddle her!

She heard him scoff again making her frown even more. "How about you—"

"I am excusing you to this time for talking to me like that. The next time you do wait I will make sure that you will regret it!" She hissed and hung up on him without thinking twice about it.

After her mother had died her aunt from her father's side had taken the reigns. Her aunty Tessa always made sure that Adaline knew the difference between a dominant man and a mentally abusing one.

Aunt explained to her that dominance did not mean hitting someone to get the upper hand but someone who was going to take care of her and it would mean that he would both scold and chide her when necessary but hitting was never going to be an option. There was a limit that he would never cross and Adeline was aware of it.

Her aunt had even mentioned the use of degrading words while having sex was okay, if and okay she wanted it.

She knew he was not like that, then who was that?

"Are you going to take the test now?" Noah asked her and she jumped.

Should she? It wasn't possible that someone else could have attended his phone in the same voice but her heart refused to believe it.

"Hey," Noah tapped her shoulder, "Everything okay?" His forehead was creased in worry and she shook her head. They moved forward to the checkout and she paid for everything.

She placed everything on the kitchen shelf not in the mood to place them in the pantry. She took the brown bag and slowly walked to the bathroom.

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