
Chapter 125 Temple Maidens

Cyrus replied to Eve as well as every human watching at the same time, "The reason for all these Name Titles belonging to men is extremely simple. It is because they can\'t join my Origin Lust Sword Temple; only women can!"

Everyone was shocked at this revelation as it finally dawned upon them. They had all been engrossed in the Origin Lust Sword Dynasty\'s structure that they almost forgot about the Origin Lust Sword Temple, which was the true heart of this dimension!

Now all those women who seemed to have lost their souls quickly regained it, and they were even more spirited than those dissatisfied men around them who were clearly gloating at their misfortune a moment ago.

No one thought that misfortune was actually turned into fortune this fast.

"My Origin Lust Sword is very special as only women can go through trials in it and join its rank and could gain many benefits even more than the men in Dynasty. If any of you men are unhappy with it, then you are free to challenge my decision and even change it as long as you can defeat me."

Cyrus\'s impassive voice was extremely overbearing, which was like sharp knives to every men\'s ears, but they could do nothing as they all knew Cyrus was not to be trifle with.

It was his dimension and his rules, and since he was bestowing so many benefits, they were even more inclined to keep their mouth shut.

Besides, Cyrus had already given all the men so many benefits already, so giving on the temple seemed not a big deal despite knowing that the temple was the biggest opportunity in the entire dimension.

While the women present were looking at Cyrus with worshiping eyes as he clearly didn\'t do them injustice at all.

"Is that true no men can join the temple?" Eve asked in disbelief, as she clearly had no idea about the temple\'s structure at all.

"Why don\'t you ask your Elder System? It was the one who decided this rule, not me." Cyrus quickly washed his hands clean of this blame and turned the canon mouth which was naturally Eve, toward the system.

Content with the mobs\' silence, he continued, "Since we all agree to the arrangement, let\'s move forward.

"Because of the special features of my temple and gender restriction, every woman in the dimension will have the status of Tier-1 Temple Maiden before she would become a true member of the Temple.

"Temple Maiden will hold a very special status in the Dynasty as they can\'t be harmed or killed unless they have committed some heinous crime. They can directly raise their voice against injustice done by even a King, and their voices will be heard.

"Furthermore, like the nine named titles, Temple Maiden will also have nine tiers. Tier-1 is akin to a Baron, while Tier-9 will be akin to a King.

"Only by defeating a corresponding named title holder can a tier will be increased, and it has to be done step by step. No one can jump tiers.

"However, you men don\'t have to be worried as you won\'t lose your titles or fiefs even if you lose to a Temple Maiden.

"However, they can still demand one thing from you, and you have no right to reject them. As long as you have that thing in your possession, you have to give it away no matter how reluctant you are.

"Despite a Temple Maiden status, it didn\'t mean the women had the right to exploit this status and my protection. The challenge rules will be applied to the Temple Maiden the same as they applied to the men.

"Although I\'m biased towards women, and it also seemed I\'m hoarding them and giving them too much power and advantages, it wasn\'t the case at all.

"If I found out about anyone taking advantage of the benefits given to them, your end would be just like anyone who broke the rules of my dimension and exploited my kindness. The same goes for the women who will end up joining the true ranks of the temple.

"Furthermore, the cultivation techniques I\'m going to impart in the dynasty are not something that can be cultivated alone. I mean, they can cultivate alone, but they can be cultivated even faster by a pair.

"As for the members of the temple, I want every woman to keep in mind that once you choose to enter my temple, you will have no right to look at other men or have any relationship as you will belong to me.

"But joining the temple will also not going to easy since it is akin to joining my harem, so choose wisely. If you want to be part of the temple, you will forever be part of the temple. There is no turning back.

"While you all can do anything while being the Temple Maiden, I don\'t care, nor will I interfere with any men\'s relationship. But if your wife or even mother wants to join the temple, you can\'t stop them since it is their right as someone with Temple Maiden status.

"So, I\'ll give you all a fair warning, keep your spouse happy, or they can leave you for me, and I have no intricacy in accepting them. Expect that the Temple Maidens can join any organizations in the Dynast, same as the men, and learn alchemy.

"The Temple Trials will be opened every 30 days without intervals until all the open spots are filled. However, the trials will only be opened after the Dynasty structure is fully formed and it will be up and running.

"Let\'s start by building the Imperial City according to the general structure I have given to you guys. The sooner you\'ll build the city, the sooner you all can start cultivating.

"As to organizing this massive projection and distributing jobs and rations, you guys have three days to figure it out among yourself. I\'ll be seeing you guys in three days, and violence is prohibited for now, but three days later, this might change if I don\'t get the results!"

Done saying, Cyrus snapped his figures, and he, with the five ladies behind him, vanished under everyone\'s dumbfounded eyes!

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