
Chapter 728 Manipulating Probability

(Planet Caorn- Rex Island)

(Grand Colosseum)

"Nonsense," Amelia snarled angrily as she raised up her blaster pistol and pointed it directly at Jessie\'s forehead.

"Go ahead... pull the trigger," Jessie whispered softly as she walked towards the Mendolesa girl and leaned forward until her forehead touched the tip of the gun.

"Do it."

Amelia\'s paws trembled ever so slightly as she heard the calmness in the voice of her opponent.

She did not look afraid even though a gun was pressed up against her forehead.

Probability manipulation?

Amelia had never heard of a cultivation technique that gave one the ability to manipulate probability.

Jessie must be lying.

The Mendolesa girl took in a deep breath and then pulled the trigger.

Nothing happened.

Amelia pulled the trigger several times in a row, but her blaster pistol appeared to be jammed.

No plasma rounds left the barrel and Jessie waited patiently as if quietly amused by the unexpected situation.

She stepped away from the bewildered Mendolesa girl and shrugged her shoulders. Her cloudy, unfocused eyes seemed to stare right into Amelia\'s soul.

"Do you want to try again?" Jessie asked quietly as she stretched out her arms and lightly cracked her knuckles.

Amelia growled and placed the pistol back in the pocket of her black armour. She knelt down and retrieved her great sword.

The entire time that she was picking up her weapon, Jessie made no move to attack and waited patiently for her opponent to get ready.

Amelia felt offended and a surge of anger bubbled up in her heart. Was Jessie looking down on her?

Her paws wrapped around the hilt of her sword as she cautiously took one single step forward.

Jessie smiled sweetly and her posture was relaxed. She was full of openings and seemed completely unaware of the tense atmosphere.

Doom Swordsmanship- Meteor Strike!

Amelia swung her sword in the direction of the blind girl and a large wave of sword qi burst out of the tip of her blade.

This energy formed in the shape of a comet that accelerated faster and faster until it became a streak of light.

A thunderous boom echoed through the arena as the wave of energy broke the sound barrier with immense momentum.

Just as the fearsome attack was about to fall on Jessie\'s body, a large chunk of the arena\'s ceiling fell down.

The enormous chunk of rubble landed directly on the wave of sword energy and crushed it beneath its weight.

Dirt and sand particles flew up in the air and Amelia had to squint to see what was happening.

Eventually the sand clouds settle back down on the ground and she could see a pile of rubble directly in front of a calm looking girl.

"Nice attack," Jessie clapped her hands together and applauded.

She was being genuine but to Amelia her tone seemed like mockery. In her mind, her opponent only said those words to belittle her technique.

To show the world just how ineffective it was.

The Mendolesa girl tossed back her head and roared angrily. Her cries echoed through the arena and large cracks began to appear on the ground beneath her feet.

She could not afford to hold back.

St. Alexander\'s Body Technique- Final Form!

The qi in her body became to circulate through her meridians in a certain pattern and her black fur turned into a blood-red colour.

This was the result of a body technique that would allow her to enter a state of extreme physical enhancement.

Her strength, speed, agility, and endurance would all receive a massive boost in this new form.

The downside of technique was that it would not deactivate until every last strand of qi in her dantian had been drained away.

Amelia could feel her body throbbing with power and a confident smile flashed across her face.

So, what if her opponent could manipulate probability?

She would simply crush and destroy all of the obstacles in her path.

Amelia growled once more and then rushed forward. Black lightning crackled around her massive frame as she accelerated rapidly.

Within the span of five seconds, she barrelled through the enormous pile of rubble and vaporised the pieces of the ceiling into dust.

Jessie\'s face appeared on the other side of the pile. The blind girl had the same peaceful expression as if this was all within her predictions.

"Take this!" Amelia shouted loudly. She swung her blade at her opponent who did not flinch or move a single centimetre.

Amelia\'s sword was covered by arcs of lightning and she resembled a thunder god from the ancient Mendolesa mythos.

Another earthquake rocked the arena, this time it was so violent that large gaping cracks appeared on the arena\'s floor.

Amelia stumbled but managed to retain her balance and follow through with her attack. Her sword inched closer and closer.

She could see in her mind\'s eye what would happen next. Jessie would be neatly beheaded, and she would advance to the semi-finals.

Except... that\'s not what happened.

Jessie tripped on a rock and fell backwards to the ground. The sword passed harmlessly mere inches away from her flesh.

The sword slash used so much force that Amelia lost her balance and could not stop her body from moving forward with the momentum of the swing.

What awaited her was a large gaping chasm that had been formed from the earthquake.

Amelia tried to stop herself from falling but her enormous strength was now a fatal weakness.

The ground crumbled beneath her feet under the intense pressure radiating off her body and she fell into the dark abyss.

She landed several hundred metres underground with a heavy thump. Jessie got up from the ground and brushed off the dirt from her uniform.

She approached the edge of the chasm and waited patiently. It would take her opponent several minutes to climb back out and the clock was ticking.

Her body technique continually drained qi from her dantian to maintain that powerful state so it was only a matter of time before her victory was assured.

This fight had been too easy.





(Hydra Star System- Planet Eleron)

(Elite Student Housing Complex- Mansion 456 Y)

"Well that is a very strong ability," Cleo remarked as she snuggled up against Sophie and rested her chin on her girlfriend\'s upper arm.

"Hmm... I wouldn\'t be so sure..." Sophie muttered quietly as she observed the end of the fight.

Amelia\'s qi eventually ran out and she was defeated by a simple palm strike from Jessie that landed in the middle of her chest.

"Didn\'t you notice something strange about the fight?" Sophie spoke softly as she wrapped her arms around her girlfriend\'s body.

"Yeah... the freak accidents, earthquakes, and the malfunctioning gun? I honestly didn\'t even know that blaster pistols could jam," Cleo laughed gently as she spoke.

"That\'s true but... I couldn\'t help but notice that those events happened as soon as Amelia tried to attack Jessie," Sophie told Cleo about her hypothesis.

"I suspect that her ability is a self- protective one. Otherwise why not manipulate the odds of reality to defeat her opponent immediately."

"Why wait and prolong the fight until her enemy ran out of qi?

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