
Chapter 699 Barely Holding On

(Planet Caorn- Elysium Archipelago)

(Hotel Mariena- Penthouse Suite)

"Finally, to conclude the meeting. Continue operating as per usual and send out messages of assurance to the population of your planets," Sophie calmly spoke.

"There will be no upheaval and none of you are in danger of losing your jobs. However…"

The hybrid girl\'s voice trailed off and her golden eyes were engulfed by a deep hue of crimson red.

The men and women on the other side of the conference call all felt shivers run down their spines as Sophie looked at them without saying a word.

She was the daughter of Duke Peterlor.

No… she was to be the duchess.

Their new boss and the one who would decide their fates.

"I will not tolerate betrayal," Sophie sternly warned as she allowed a trace of bloodlust to leak out in her voice.

The conference call went eerily silent as Sophie gave out her violent warning.

"Of course my lady…" one of the planet administrators finally broke the tense atmosphere with a polite bow of her head.

"We will be loyal," another quickly spoke up.

The rest either nodded or gave verbal affirmations.

Sophie did not allow the cold expression on her face to crack and merely hummed in acknowledgement.

She exchanged a few more words and then ended the group call.

The screen of her wrist communicator went dark and the hotel room was now completely quiet.

Sophie sat down on the edge of her bed and slowly exhaled. She stretched out her hands and massaged the back of her neck.

Two hours.

That was how long the meeting with the planet administrators went.

They were the ones in charge of the day to day activities on the various planets and lunar colonies under the  control of House Peterlor.

Fortunately, these high-level employees were personally hired by her father so Sophie did not have a hard time convincing them to stay.

But… she wasn\'t her father.

Sophie was not foolish enough to assume that their loyalty to her father would automatically mean that they were loyal to herself.

​ In the short term she needed to either earn their loyalty or make them too afraid to leave.

The hybrid girl let out another heavy sigh and had to resist the urge to fall down on the bed and close her eyes.

She felt exhausted.

Cultivators in the qi tide stage and above no longer required the need to sleep and yet Sophie felt as though she was on the verge of collapse.

She did not even have time to properly process what was going on. How could she when she needed to prevent House Peterlor from collapsing?

Her father was dead… he had died in combat.

Maybe… maybe… he was still alive?

Sophie absentmindedly touched the star-shaped amulet hanging from her neck and slowly closed her eyes.

She began to circulate her qi in a specific pattern according to the Spider Whisper Art.

The amulet around her chest got hotter and hotter until the metal felt as though it would burn a hole in her skin.

When Sophie opened her eyes, she found herself floating in the infinite void inside the amulet\'s space.

The only object of note inside the darkness was the massive stone tablet in the middle of the empty space.

"Mom!" Sophie cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted. She did not know if this would work but she had to try.

Her father had a mark on his body from her mom. It was the same mark that was branded on Cleo\'s chest.

Sophie was able to feel if her girlfriend was safe and alive so hopefully her mom would be able to do the same for her father.

"Mom!" Sophie yelled again as if her voice would somehow be able to travel through the void and reach princess Thai\'lle all those light years away.

She got no reply.

"Hunter Goddess! I know you can hear me!" Sophie shouted desperately as she felt something in her heart crack.

"Please send me to my mom! I\'m begging you… please… I need to speak to her!"

Sophie yelled and yelled until her throat went sore. She did not even notice the desperation on her face or the way her pupils trembled violently.

Finally, her cries were answered.

A warm loving pair of translucent arms wrapped around Sophie\'s body and held her in a tight embrace.

[My darling vessel…]

A cold but melodic voice echoed through the darkness and seemed to come from all directions at once.

[I\'m sorry but right now your qi is too unstable to send your astral body to your mother\'s side]

"Hunter goddess… is my father alive?" Sophie\'s voice trailed off to a mere whisper as she asked the question burning in her heart.

Her fingers curled up into a tight fist as the silence lingered.

There was a part of her that was afraid of the Hunter Goddess\'s answer. Would it be better not to know? That way she could keep the hope alive.

[My child… I\'m sorry… but I am not all knowing…]

The Hunter Goddess\'s voice was cold and yet… Sophie could swear that there was a tinge of sadness in her tone.

[Get some rest my darling vessel… the darkness of your heart will eventually be filled with light]

[All wounds and losses will eventually be healed with time]

The space around Sophie shattered into a thousand pieces and she found herself back in the real world.

Sophie gently touched the sides of her cheeks and discovered that they were wet. She had been crying.

The hybrid girl placed her face in her palms and wiped away all the traces of her tears. She did not know what to do now.

All she could do was wait until she properly transitioned to the void stage and then hopefully the Hunter Goddess would be able to help her.

In the meantime… she would not be able to find out the truth.

It was that sense of uncertainty that felt the worst about the entire situation.

If there had been a body or even a witness, then Sophie would have some sense of closure or finality.

Instead… she only had the reports from the Imperial Army and the sensational articles written by journalists on the Virtual Net.

Knock! Knock!

"Can I come in?" a soft voice asked quietly on the other side of the door.

Sophie drew in a shuddering breath and tapped a button on the screen of her wrist communicator.

The doors to her room slid open and Astrid walked inside with her tail lowered and a concerned expression on her wolfish face.

"I just heard the news," the Mendolesa girl gently spoke as she walked over to Sophie and placed her paws around her shoulders.

"I\'m sorry."

Astrid pulled Sophie into a tight hug and all the hybrid girl could think about was how soft her friend\'s fur felt.

It was like being wrapped up in a warm blanket.

"Qiana, Cleo and Rachel are still completing the second stage but I\'m sure that they will come up as soon as they get back," Astrid continued to speak even as Sophie did not reply.

"Of course… that\'s all up to you. If you want space to yourself to grieve… we understand."

"Thank you," Sophie replied hoarsely as she leaned into Astrid\'s shoulders and stared outside the window.

It was a perfect day.

The sun was dipping towards the horizon and waves crashed against the shoreline. It didn\'t make any sense.

Her father had died… why did the outside world look so normal?

Astrid and Sophie stayed in a comfortable atmosphere of silence even as the shadows grew longer, and the first stars began to appear in the night sky.

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