
Chapter 575: Cleo's 'Sister' Makes An Appearance

Chapter 575: Cleo’s ‘Sister’ Makes An Appearance

(Alpha Star System- Planet Gaia)

(N’rean City- National History Museum)

Sophie leaned against the back of her chair as she stretched out her arms and yawned sleepily. 

Noise and conversation echoed through the massive open space from the other tourists in the room. 

The hybrid girl reached into her pocket and pulled out two small nutrient vials. She twisted the cap off the first vial and swallowed its contents with a single gulp.

It didn’t take long before she lifted up the second vial and swallowed its contents as well. 

These were both Grade S nutrient vials with each capable of sustaining a person with enough nutrients and calories for two days.

Unfortunately, Sophie was still hungry even after swallowing two. 

Cultivation was supposed to make one free of desires, but it seemed as though her Arachnais- human physiology demanded a lot of calories to sustain itself.

Sophie’s eyes wandered around the room as she waited for Cleo and Rachel to return. 

She was currently sitting down in front of a long white table with several empty chairs next to her.

This was the cafeteria inside the National History Museum and there were several stalls and restaurants located along the walls.

The other two girls wanted to grab something to eat after exploring the Ancient Earth display room and Sophie couldn’t agree more.

She wanted to line up with them, but Cleo insisted that she grab the seats instead. Sophie agreed after her girlfriend kissed her on the cheek and promised to bring back a surprise.

Damn… she was really a pushover for that princess…

A gentle smile flashed across Sophie’s lips as she could not help but picture Cleo’s beautiful face and the mischievous twinkle that usually appeared in her eyes.

Spending time with her girlfriend and Rachel was such a pleasant experience. This vacation may have not started off peacefully but now it was nothing but relaxing.

Sophie’s thoughts wandered over to what she had seen in the Ancient Earth era displays and her brows furrowed.

There were some close guesses but the majority of the items on display were never used by the humans in Sui Meng’s time.

But it wasn’t surprising that so much culture, history and art was lost. 

The Draxes had enslaved humans for such a long time that when they returned to Earth there was basically no traces of their civilisation left.

All of those skyscrapers, stadiums, cultural centers… the achievements of humanity were all lost to the sands of time.

It really made one think about life and mortality.

How many other alien civilisations were out there that lived, laughed, and created amazing inventions only to eventually disappear without a trace.

Sophie tapped her fingers against the side of the table as she lost herself in those thoughts. It was a rare moment of contemplation for the hybrid girl.

In a way she was the last remnant of the ancient Earth humans since she possessed Sui Meng’s memories.

Should she spread the knowledge inside her mind? The only issue was that she would sound absolutely crazy.

Honestly, she didn’t understand how Cleo believed her when it sounded so insane that another person had travelled through time and taken over her body.

Sophie’s train of thought was eventually interrupted by the soft hand that rubbed gently against her shoulder.

She turned her head and saw Cleo smiling at her with a grin that resembled a Cheshire cat. 

The princess was holding a large tray with several bowls of steaming hot soup and noodles.

“Surprise babe!” Cleo said cheerfully as she rested the tray down on the table in front of Sophie.

“Honey… you know that they say the way to a woman’s heart is through her stomach,” Sophie replied with a teasing smile.

“Consider me captured…”

Rachel rolled her eyes and giggled as she saw her friends flirting with one another. She sat down next to Sophie and unwrapped the sandwich that was in her palm.

Cleo sat down on the other side and soon the girls began to talk about their plans for the rest of the day.

“Is there anywhere else in the museum that you want to visit?” Sophie asked curiously as she reached for the spoon next to the bowls.

“Hmm… I was thinking that we could explore the hall where they show the records about the brave men and women who fought against Draxi empire,” Rachel replied quietly.

“I think that it might be interesting to see if I can recognise some of the names…”

“The hall of heroes, right? I heard that there is an enormous holographic plaque in the middle of the room with the names of the major revolutionary leaders,” Cleo chimed in.

“If it wasn’t for them, we would all still be slaves to our Draxi overlords,” Sophie muttered thoughtfully as she lifted up the spoon to her mouth.

The bowl in front of her was still steaming and inside was a warm orange liquid with bits of vegetables and meat floating around.

Sophie blew on her spoon gently and then tasted the liquid. Mhmmm…. it was extremely delicious.

The meat was cooked thoroughly and melted away in her mouth while the vegetables provided a freshness and crunch.

“Excuse me is this table occupied?” a sweet voice asked.

Sophie lifted up her head and saw an attractive girl standing in front of her table holding a tray with a simple meal on it.

This mysterious girl had piercing green eyes that were identical to Cleo’s and there was a faint resemblance in her appearance that was obvious for all to see.

She also possessed black hair, a lean physique and sharp angular features that combined to create a great beauty that was hard to ignore.

Her demeanor resembled a member of the imperial family or a highborn noble since she carried herself about with dignity and class.

“Sure… that’s no problem,” Sophie hesitantly replied. The girl sat down across from them and rested her tray delicately on the table.

“It is an honour to meet you sister,” the mysterious girl spoke.

“Oh? Are you also one of my siblings?” Cleo smiled politely but her piercing green eyes swept up and down the length of the girl’s body.

There was a clear warning in her gaze, but the girl seemed to be unaffected by Cleo’s subtle hint.

“You may not remember me, but I saw you for the first time a few years ago when you were practicing your mental force in the palace gardens,” the girl said with a strange tone.

“My name is Princess Ana Sisrelis, and it is a pleasure to meet you again.”

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