
Chapter 556: An Invitation Or A Trap?

Chapter 556: An Invitation Or A Trap?

(Alpha Star System- Planet Gaia)

(N’rean City- Grand Royal Hotel)

“Babe… do you want me to go down to the kitchen and pick up some breakfast?” Sophie quietly whispered as she grabbed the blanket covering Cleo’s body.

The princess groaned and opened her eyes. She shot a resentful look at her girlfriend who just smiled guilty.

Sophie pulled away the blanket and Cleo’s exhausted body came into view.

Cleo was smeared with love juices, her two plump breasts were heaving slightly, and dozens of reddish marks covered her body.

What stood out the most to Sophie were Cleo’s nipples that had turned from a light pink colour to an angry red after she had played and sucked on them for hours last night.

Cleo did not look like a royal princess but rather a fair maiden who had been ravaged endlessly by a beast.

“Seen enough?” Cleo hoarsely whispered as she felt her legs tremble slightly.

Sophie’s golden eyes were beginning to turn pink, but she quickly looked away before the temptation proved to be too much to resist.

“Sorry honey… I may… have gone a bit too far last night…” Sophie apologised profusely as she leaned forward and gently pressed a kiss against Cleo’s forehead.

“Go get me that breakfast and I’ll forgive you,” Cleo teased lightly as she raised up her hand and stroked Sophie’s cheek.

The hybrid girl gave a mock salute and then headed for the bathroom to put on some clothes.

Cleo leaned back against the bedrest and let out a heavy sigh. She could not believe that she was still not a match for Sophie’s insatiable lust in bed.

Clearly, she needed to increase the speed of her cultivation and start working out more.

Well… it’s not like there were no benefits to have an overly passionate girlfriend.

Cleo bit her lips as a few pleasant memories flashed across her mind. She remembered screaming out her lungs as one orgasm hit after the other.

How was Sophie so good at sex?

The princess made a silent vow to herself to look up some techniques on the Virtual Net to hopefully turn the tide of battle next time.

“Okay babe I’m leaving now!” a cheerful voice broke Cleo out of her stupor.

She looked up to see Sophie waving at her from the front of the room. The hybrid girl wore a simple white blouse and a pair of dark green track pants.

It was a simple outfit and yet Cleo could not help but think that she looked devastatingly beautiful almost like a queen.

“See you soon,” Cleo replied with a warm smile. The door opened and then closed as Sophie left the hotel room.

The princess yawned sleepily and reached for her wrist communicator that was on the bedstand next to her.

She absentmindedly powered it on, and a notification appeared on the screen. Cleo furrowed her brows as she saw that the sender was one of her siblings.

Cleo did not trust the members of her family and for good reason.

She had grown up in the Imperial Palace Complex and saw exactly how brother would turn against brother for that stupid throne.

The princess hesitated for a moment and then decided to at least open up the message to see what was inside.

Cleo tapped the screen and a holographic projection appeared in mid air. In the middle of the screen was a handsome young man with a crop of curly black hair.

He looked very familiar, and it only took Cleo a few seconds to realise that this person was the crown prince.

The crown prince in the recording wore an expensive black suit with a plain green tie that matched the colour of his eyes.

“Greetings my dear sibling,” Prince Theseus softly spoke.

“If you have received this message then I would like to formally invite you to a private ball that will be held on my estate.”

“This will be a small affair with only members of the royal family so please do not bring any uninvited guests.”

“I look forward to hearing your reply.”

The recording ended with the prince placing a hand across his chest and staring at a certain direction.

Cleo replayed the message a few times and a frown flashed across her face.

The competition to decide the future leader of the human side of the Federation would begin next year.

Every member of the royal family technically had the chance to become the next emperor or empress unless they chose not to participate.

Why would the crown prince want to gather some of his competitors together in one place?

Even if he was looking for allies…

His first choice should be other nobles instead of the Imperial Family.

Cleo was not a stupid person and the more she looked at the invitation, the more she thought that it seemed like a trap.

She was self-aware enough to realise that her connection to Duke Peterlor because of his daughter was probably enough to attract the crown prince’s attention.

But Cleo had no plans on being used a link to drag House Peterlor into the fight for succession. Especially since the duke was maintaining a neutral position.

Cleo tried to sit up, but her body was still exhausted from the night before, so she eventually gave up trying to move.

She tapped the recording to make a copy and then sent that copy to Duke Peterlor with a short message explaining her thoughts.

It would be impolite to ignore the crown prince’s message and Cleo wasn’t sure what words to use to politely turn him down.

Just as the princess was waiting for the duke to reply, the door to the room swung open and Sophie entered holding a large metallic tray in her hand.

“Cleo! I’m back!” Sophie cheerfully spoke in a sing-song voice as she showed off the breakfast on the tray.

Four large slices of bread, a reddish soup with bits of vegetables floating around, two scrambled eggs, some sausages, and a tiny cake.

It was truly a large breakfast.

At least for a person with a normal diet, Sophie wasn’t going to tell her girlfriend that she had already eaten five similarly sized meals in the kitchen earlier.

“Babe are you alright? Is something on your mind?” Sophie asked as she noticed that her girlfriend was noticeably silent.

“Sorry… I just received a message from the crown prince,” Cleo explained as she smiled sweetly at Sophie.

“Your brother?” Sophie asked in confusion as she raised one eyebrow.

“Yeah… but I’ve never talked to him before. I wasn’t exactly important enough to mingle with the more powerful princes and princesses,” Cleo said calmly as she played with her fingers.

“Now he apparently wants to invite me to a private banquet at his estate…”

Sophie placed the tray down on the table next to the couch in the middle of the hotel room and then walked towards her girlfriend.

“So, what are you going to do?” she asked curiously.

“Politely decline… this is clearly a ploy to get your dad involved in the struggles for the throne and I want no part in it,” Cleo whispered softly.

Sophie listened carefully as her girlfriend explained her suspicions about the event and nodded appropriately during the conversation.

Sometimes she forgot that Cleo was a member of the royal family which meant that she had to deal with petty schemes and politics.

Sophie knew that her girlfriend had no desire for the throne, but she could not help but think that Cleo would make a good queen…

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