
Chapter 546: The Long Journey Home

Chapter 546: The Long Journey Home

(Hydra Star System- Outer Regions)

(L’rean Transit Station- Unnamed Local Restaurant And Bar)

“Let me get your strongest drink,” Sophie said happily as she swiped her card against the reader to transfer some credits.

The Mendolesa warrior behind the counter nodded and then headed for the back of the bar where he picked three bottles from the wall.

He used his furry paws to easily slice open the top of the bottles before pouring all three into a large metalloid mixer.

He shook the mixer a few times before pouring its contents into a large glass that was around two feet tall.

“Here you go… be careful…” the Mendolesa man growled as he handed the drink over to the hybrid girl.

Sophie politely thanked him and then headed over to the seat in the corner of the room where Cleo was currently sitting.

She could hear the whispers coming from the other patrons inside the restaurant as she walked pass them.

“Damn… why is it so crowded today?”

“Didn’t you hear? A bunch of rich folks got killed on planet Vrean so now most of the survivors are going home…”

“Planet Vrean? Where the fuck is that?”

“Bro… you’ve been living in this sector for twenty years… learn some basic geography…”

This unnamed local restaurant was right in the middle of a busy transit station where dozens of starships would visit to refuel and pick up new passengers.

This is where Sophie, Cleo, and the other passengers onboard the S.S Defiance were dropped off as the remainder of the cruise was cancelled.

The two girls had booked a flight to the alpha star system which would leave in the next few hours.

So, in order to kill some time, Sophie had to decided to take her girlfriend out so that they could enjoy themselves.

This restaurant may not be particularly big, but it was quite clean and the atmosphere inside wasn’t rough.

“What did you get?” Cleo asked curiously as she stared at the enormous drink in Sophie’s hand with an expression of disbelief.

“I told the barkeeper to make me the strongest drink…” Sophie confessed as she held up the glass with a wink.

She sat down opposite to her girlfriend and gently placed the two-feet tall glass on the table.

The liquid inside the glass was an angry red colour and it would occasionally bubble.

“We got about four hours left until the starship arrives… should be wander around for a bit or stay here?” Sophie asked casually.

“I think we should stay… there aren’t really many sights to explore on a transit station… plus I’m feeling a tad lazy…” Cleo yawned sleepily as she rubbed her eyes.

Sophie lifted up the enormous glass and took a large gulp of the liquid inside.

Her throat immediately felt as though it was on fire, and she could feel the powerful drink slide down into her stomach.

The hybrid girl waited in anticipation of a small buzz or even a minor indication that she would be affected by the alcohol…

But got nothing.

Sophie let out a heavy sigh and continued to drink with a crestfallen expression on her face.

There were some disadvantages to having a physiology that broke down all toxins that entered her system.

It was impossible to get drunk!

“Have… have you been in contact with your mother recently?” Sophie hesitantly asked as she saw Cleo staring at her wrist communicator.

“No… she disappeared shortly after Emperor Sisrelis died… I’m guessing that she realised that her investment wasn’t going to pay off…” Cleo spoke coldly as a harsh glint surfaced in her eyes.

“She is still alive… that I’m pretty sure about… but I think that I most likely will never hear from her again…”

Cleo reached for a piece of chocolate on the plate in front of her and took a small bite. The sweet taste of the chocolate contrasted with the bitter feeling in her heart.

Her mother was undoubtedly a terrible person, but a small part of Cleo wished that it was possible to have some closure.

Sophie leaned forward and gently held Cleo’s hands. She looked her girlfriend directly in her piercing green eyes and planted a soft kiss against her lips.

“Don’t worry babe… I’m always here for you…” Sophie promised lovingly as she stroked the underside of Cleo’s palm.

The princess gave her sweet smile before picking up a piece of chocolate and pushing it in her lover’s mouth.

Sophie chewed slowly and took another gulp from the drink in front of her. The fiery heat from the drink went surprisingly well with the chocolate.

Four hours soon passed as the pair laughed and made light conversation.

Sophie had told Cleo about her strange dream the night before and it was a topic that both girls were intentionally avoiding.

To put it mildly, Cleo was not a big fan of the mysterious entity that had caused so many problems in Sophie’s life.

Finally, Sophie checked her wrist communicator and gestured towards her girlfriend that it was time to leave.

“Thanks for the drink!” Sophie yelled at the Mendolesa barkeeper behind the counter.

The Mendolesa warrior smiled, and his sharpened fangs gleamed under the dim lighting in the restaurant.

“Come back soon!” the barkeeper replied cheerfully.

Sophie nodded at him and then held Cleo’s hand as they walked out of the restaurant.

There was a bit of a crowd outside, but Sophie’s bladed appendages managed to create a decent amount of space around their bodies.

“Alright let’s see… gate forty-five… gate forty-six…” Sophie muttered quietly as she checked the map of the station on her communicator.

The transit station was a massive labyrinth of metalloid corridors and passageways that led to various teleportation rooms.

Sophie held Cleo’s hand tightly as the pair made several turns before arriving at a large door with the number fifty etched onto its outer surface.

The hybrid girl accessed her wrist communicator and pulled up the digital receipt of the tickets that she had bought.

She tilted her wrist communicator in the direction of the door and a beam of blue light shot forward and entered the device on her wrist.

The door swung open to reveal a state-of-the-art teleportation facility with a Mendolesa girl who was fiddling with a few buttons on a console.

The teleporter had golden rings around the transfer zone and each ring had numerous strange symbols painted along its edges.

“Are you two here for starship No.135?” the Mendolesa girl asked politely without looking up from the console.

“Yes… it is the spacecraft that is heading for the Alpha Star System,” Sophie explained softly.

“Alright just step on then… you are quite fortunate since that starship is scheduled to leave in ten minutes,” the Mendolesa girl replied.

Sophie led Cleo to stand in the middle of the golden rings and then a powerful humming noise filled the room.

The rings slowly levitated upwards from the ground and gradually Sophie and Cleo’s bodies began to dissolve into particles of light.

It was time to begin the long journey home…

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