
Chapter 385: The Consequences Of Failure

Chapter 385: The Consequences Of Failure

(Earth Federation- Alpha Star System)

(Planet Thy’rean Atlantis- Unknown Location)

A round table was placed in the middle of a magnificent open hall that was softly lit by the warm rays of sunlight that entered through the open window.

Twenty chairs were placed an equal distance apart and each seat was occupied by impeccably dressed gentlemen and wealthy ladies.

Mechanical butlers and android servants moved swiftly through the room and tended to every need of the esteemed individuals seated on the chairs.

Food, wine, refreshments, and even light massages. 

Soft classical music filled the atmosphere with both class and prestige. These men and women were no strangers to displays of luxury.

As members of the nobility, they enjoyed a level of wealth and privilege that was far beyond what the average citizen of the Earth Federation would ever see in their lifetime.

Still there was a noticeable sense of tension in the air that caused frowns and furrowed eyebrows to appear on the faces of these nobles.

In front of each person was a flat rectangular metalloid device that displayed the latest reports about the current situation in the Unovan Syndicate.

Most of the news was quite favourable. 

The Imperial Army had suffered no significant casualties or losses and it was only a matter of time before planet Oreciuam Prime was captured.

This was a fantastic development. Planet Oreciuam Prime contained a warp gate that led straight to the inner regions of the Unovan Syndicate.

It would serve as a launch point for the invasion. Everything was proceeding exactly as Commander Stewart anticipated and yet…

There was one piece of news that completely soured the mood.

“Preposterous! How is it possible that a mere hybrid trash escaped a void cultivator?!” an enraged shout erupted from the man sitting to the far left.

The middle-aged gentleman reached for his golden chalice and downed the entire contents in one gulp.

“Is there a possibility of a traitor within our midst? It makes no sense that such a carefully planned ambush failed,” an elderly woman offered a more reasonable explanation.

“Inform our spies to continue looking for any sign of the girl. I don’t believe that she can escape from the battlefield without someone noticing,” a hoarse voice muttered.

“I told you that we should have sent more men! This entire operation could not be left in the hands of such a loose cannon!” another voice added.

“How many people are required for the assassination of a child merely in the qi tide stage! Are you suggesting that we send two void stage cultivators instead of one?!” came the fierce reply.

Arguments erupted as each member of the order expressed their own opinions about what should be the next course of action.

The Grand Tutor sighed lightly as he quietly leaned back against the wooden frame of his chair and just observed his fellow nobles squabbling like petty children.

The older man placed a wrinkled finger to his temples and began to rub gently. This failure was indeed a shocking development.

Duke Peterlor’s daughter truly appeared to be just as resourceful as her father. 

Both were like cockroaches that seemed to find a way to survive even when thrown into dangerous life and death situations.

Unlike the rest of the Human Supremacy society, the Grand Tutor actually held a high opinion of Duke Peterlor’s offspring.

Her talent was impressive even among the top young cultivators of the Federation and it was clear that her potential was frightening.

This is all the more reason why she needed to perish. The hybrid rights movement would have a powerful figure to rally around should she live and become the successor to a dukedom.

Those in power knew that there were dangerous undercurrents hiding behind the outwardly peaceful state of the Federation.

Emperor Sisrelis’ suicide and the death or disappearance of so many heirs to high noble families had created an immense power vacuum in the political sphere.

Duke Peterlor’s faction could be somewhat contained by the late emperor’s indifference to governing but now it was impossible to stop his influence from spreading.

The Grand Tutor’s hands trembled slightly with rage as he remembered the confident smirk on that self-righteous duke’s face.

His position among the royal family was on shaky ground. Already there were nobles who were like sharks that sensed blood in the water.

They were eager to take his place in a position that he had held for centuries.

The late emperor may have allowed him to act as essentially the prime minister but the new one may see him as nothing more than a relic of a bygone era.

“We don’t want Duke Peterlor and his allies to find out that our hands were behind this operation so after two days stop all actions,” the Grand Tutor spoke firmly.

“Make sure that cleanup agents are dispatched to the battlefield and inform our spies to conceal any evidence of our actions.”

The Grand Tutor’s calm tone echoed through the open hall and silenced the loud argumentative voices.

“In addition to the teams searching on the battlefield send a message to Commander Stewart and inform him to check all starships that pass through the temporary outpost for any suspicious individuals.”

“It is unlikely that Duke Peterlor’s daughter would be foolish enough to stowaway on any military vessels but we cannot rule out the possibility that the duke also has agents inside the army.”

The Grand Tutor knew that his words carried immense weight in the order. He was one of the founding members and had been serving in a leadership position for the last two hundred years.

“Utterly ridiculous!” a nasal voice suddenly yelled. 

This lone voice of opposition belonged to a noble seated at the far right of the round table. 

He was a relatively handsome man but his perfect facial features had clearly been augmented by artificial skin grafts. 

He wore a gaudy robe that was adorned with rainbow coloured jewellery that shimmered and sparkled under the light.

Count Belios… a major noble from the backwater region of Planet Euclipsis.

The other nobles in the room reacted with shock but the Grand Tutor’s face remained an expressionless mask.

“Stopping the operation after two days? If I didn’t know any better I would think that you were afraid of Duke Peterlor!” Count Belios snarled.

“In fact, what do we have to fear from that man? The combined forces under our command can burn his territory to the ground.”

“You have led us for how many years and what do you have to show for it? NOTHING!”

An indifferent smile flashed across the face of the Grand Tutor as he lowered his head to address the count with a soft whisper,

“Do you think that you are capable of leading us then? Do you truly believe that the other noble factions will stand idly by if we end up provoking a civil war?” 

“Or more importantly… tell me… what is your plan if the Ascendants get involved?”

The room instantly froze as the mere mention of the pillars of the Federation was enough to send a chill down the spines of everyone present.

Ascendant stage cultivators. 

Three simple words but hardly enough to convey the sheer terror hidden behind them.

They could not be considered as mortals or some would argue even as human. The Ascendants had the power to turn entire planets to ash with a mere wave of their palms.

Cultivators may think of themselves as pursing immortality but only the Ascendants could claim to have succeeded.

Naturally they disdained to get involved in the petty disputes of the Federation but should a faction intentionally create instability by provoking a civil war then there was only one solution.

Complete annihilation.

Successfully assassinating Duke Peterlor or his daughter would not draw their attention but a full out war between the two sides on the other hand…

Count Belios’ face whitened as he stammered out a few sullen words of apology before taking out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his brows.

The Grand Tutor did not pursue the matter further and felt no sense of victory from putting that arrogant fool in his place.

In a certain sense he was right. 

Duke Peterlor’s faction had been putting them on the defensive for a long time now and more aggressive moves were called for. 

Any faction that was led by the youngest god stage cultivator in the Federation’s history would be seen as attractive to the nobles in the neutral camp.

The lack of tangible results in addition to the older age of the nobles in the Human Supremacy faction were both causes of concern.

Count Belios may be the first to openly say his doubts but there would be others that would follow soon…

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