
Chapter 210: Love And Pampering

Chapter 210: Love And Pampering

(Zrudread University)

(Forest Lord Kingdom Park- Maze Complex

“What the hell?” Sophie could not help but inwardly curse as she saw the unexpected obstacle blocking their path.

Moon had turned around and now the duo had arrived back at the place with the side passageway.

The area where Moon had encountered the mechanical abomination and its two children.

The original plan was to fly pass the side passageway and take a right turn instead of a left at the last intersection on the main path.

But fate had other plans in mind.

The mechanical beast had crawled out of the opening and was now blocking up the road with its bulky frame.

Multiple red eyes stared intensely at the little frostwing bat that had now cautiously slowed down and landed on the floor.

The two metallic snakes were coiled around their father’s shoulders and making robotic hissing noises.

It almost sounded like they were laughing at Moon.

Sophie paused for a moment as she tried to figure out the next step. 

The metalloid barrier was too tough to destroy so the way back was not an option.

And it was unlikely that Moon could defeat that hulking monstrosity so that meant that the only course of action was to accept the shortcut route.

But which child should they take….

The son or the daughter?

“Moon which snake do you want to pick?” Sophie whispered into Moon’s mind.

“The reddish-brown one!” Moon immediately replied.

He didn’t like how the green snake kept looking at him with the same expression that mommy had when she took Cleo to bed.

Pure hunger.

[Which child will you choose to accompany you?] the monstrosity groaned and shuffled towards Moon at a slow pace.

Its body composed of a mishmash of cogs and ill fitted robotic parts caused its movements to be jerky and unsteady.

Squeak! Squeak!

Moon flapped his wings and pointed at the reddish-brown snake currently closing her eyes with a comfortable expression.

[The choice has been made] the robotic voice growled.

The reddish-brown snake opened its eyes and slithered down the body of its father with startling speed and grace.

Moon backed up slightly as the metallic creature circled his location with an unknown emotion hidden within its eyes.

The mechanical abomination groaned,

[Enter the passageway now]

The reddish-brown snake bowed its head towards the mechanical abomination and then disappeared into the tunnel.

“Moon when we enter the passageway be prepared to activate your frozen domain ability at the very second that I tell you to,” Sophie instructed.

Moon nodded his head in agreement and secretly circulated a wave of frost energy around his dantian.

It would only take a brief moment to unleash the full force of his frozen domain attack. 

This was Sophie’s trump card to deal with a betrayal by the snake or an unexpected situation arising.

She knew that the companion sent by the mechanical abomination could not be trusted.

Hopefully, her instincts should be able to warn her of any immediate threats.

Moon rose into the air and followed the snake into the dimly lit tunnel. 

There was a whirring noise and then the entrance to the tunnel was suddenly closed behind him.

He was now trapped in the tunnel!

The dim light was not a problem as Moon had excellent night vision and could rely on echolocation to scout ahead.

Click! Click!

Click! Click!

Moon constantly emitted clicking noises from his mouth and perked his ears up to listen to the soundwaves bouncing off the nearby objects.

This allowed him to create a mental image of his surrounding environment based solely on the sound received.

The reddish-brown snake was moving at quite the pace, so Moon was having some difficulty keeping up.

“Drop down now!” Sophie suddenly yelled in his mind.


Moon’s body acted before he could even process the command as he dived towards the floor just as an object passed over his head.

With a dull thud the object embedded itself into the wall right in front of him. 

Moon shivered in fright glanced at the wall to see what this mysterious threat was.

It was a dart with a sharp pointed needle with a mysterious purple liquid coating its tip. 

Moon immediately started to tremble, and Sophie could feel his panicked emotions.

“Moon baby…. you need to trust me,” Sophie whispered and tried to calm him down.

“I will spread my senses out from your body and tell you what direction to fly in to avoid the traps.”

“Will you trust me?”

Moon’s body still shook slightly but as he heard the warm comforting voice of his mommy, his fears gradually started to lessen.

Sophie could feel his agitated state begin to calm down and inwardly let out a small sigh of relief.

Truthfully, her instincts had warned her a bit too late of the danger but luckily it turned out to be fine.

Maybe it had something to do with the fact that she was not in her body that was the reason why her danger sense felt less effective.

Traps and unknown dangers lay ahead but Sophie knew what had to be done to avoid them. 

She needed to fully focus like never before on the warning signs given by her danger sense.

The reddish-brown snake was waiting up ahead but the look it gave Moon was one of disappointment.

The tunnel had now split into four different paths and the snake was currently laying down patiently at the outermost left path.

It seems as though Moon’s companion was saddened that the dart had not taken him out.

Moon growled and was about to pounce on that stupid robotic thing when his mom’s voice whispered in his mind,

“Don’t attack it for now… we need that snake to navigate through the shortcut.”


The reddish-brown snake rattled its tail and slithered into a much darker tunnel. 

Moon followed behind but soon could not help but wrinkle up his little nose.

There was an unpleasant odour coming from somewhere up ahead that could only be described as a mix of rotten meat and eggs.

The scent was so bad that Moon’s eyes involuntarily started to tear up and Sophie was even feeling sorry for him.

She was currently sharing Moon’s senses, so the nasty smell was something that she also had to bear with.

Who knew that this midterm exam would be so fucking awful.

Sophie guilty admitted that Moon definitely deserved some love and pampering once it was over.

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