
Chapter 92: Departures And Goodbyes

Chapter 92: Departures And Goodbyes

(Transport Ship 013- Hangar 005)

Mechanical buzzes and noises were heard as mini spaceships constantly flowed out of the port and travelled to the planet below.

Each spaceship was carrying students who took part in the entrance exam and left the hangar at regular intervals.

This process would repeat until all the native students on planet Gaia were transported safely back home.

“I’m going to miss you girls,” Astrid teared up while giving Sophie and Qiana a big hug.

The transport ship had arrived at the drop off point closest to planet Gaia which meant that it was finally time for both Qiana and Sophie to return home.

Rachel was the first of the group to leave when the transport ship arrived at her home planet a few days before and her parting was quite bittersweet.

Sophie and Qiana were assigned to the same space vessel so they would be travelling down to the surface together while Astrid would need to wait until the transport ship finally reached the Hydra Star Cluster.

It seemed that the exam at Site 03 was still ongoing as Cleo had yet to reply to any of Sophie’s messages.

“Don’t forget to send a message once you finally decide what university you are going to attend,” Sophie reminded the girls.

Astrid had received an offer from all four universities while Qiana, Rachel and Sophie had only received three offers.

This was to be expected as none of the trio had the mana talent required to be considered for a spot in Mer University.

Sophie was thrilled to be offered a spot in the elite class for both Tantibus and Zrudread University while Atlas University had offered her a regular spot at the main campus.

Zrudread University had also thrown in a scholarship offer!

The girls had all exchanged contact information and planned to keep in touch regularly during the summer break.

“Make sure to call me everyday!” Astrid whined softly.

The Mendolesa girl was in an extremely low mood at the thought of not seeing her new friends for a couple of months.

“Try not to miss me too much wolf girl,” Qiana teased while playfully running her hand through Astrid’s fur.

“I’ll try to find some new novels to recommend the next time we meet.”

The two avid boy-love fans had spent their remaining time on the transport ship reading two new novels called ‘Sensei in the Boys Academy’ and ‘The CEO Is A Bottom!’

Sophie was curious and tried to read some chapters but….

The taste was way too heavy!

Especially that CEO one!

Rachel had also said that she would bring some gifts the next time they met but her gift was not one that Sophie was particularly thrilled about.

The shape-shifting girl’s version of a gift was apparently the promise to transform into the naked version of whatever celebrity they had a crush on.

Her roommates had all politely declined the generous offer.

“I’m planning on taking this summer to figure out what branch of magic to specialise in,” Astrid vowed.

Qiana also talked about her goals this summer and Sophie just stood at the side looking at the flirty girls while feeling like a third wheel.

Sophie’s wristband buzzed softly, and two notifications popped up.

[Please Board The Vessel R-367]

[Departure Time – 5 minutes]

“Looks like it’s time to go,” Sophie gently brushed Astrid’s fur one more time and turned around to join the queue.

Qiana gazed into the eyes of the Mendolesa girl with a strange emotion and opened her mouth to say something….

But the words just died in her throat.

She shook her head slightly and just said a formal goodbye before joining Sophie in the queue.

The spaceships were about the size of a small bus with a slick exterior made of a carbon- aluminum alloy.

Stepping through the entrance door was accompanied by a green light that scanned the students entering inside.

The scan would match their DNA to the information on file to ensure that no student was travelling on the wrong spaceship.

Quafes were able to mimic the outer appearance and even organs but their DNA structure was fundamentally unique to their species.

Sophie gazed out of the window and waved goodbye to Astrid who was still staring mournfully at them while her tail drooped down in sadness.

Qiana’s eyes slightly reddened at the sight and choked out a small sob as she raised her hand in farewell.

It did not take long for the other eighteen students to board the ship and soon the ship’s AI gave out an announcement.

[All students are accounted for]

[Preparing for departure in 5…4…3…2…1….]

[Estimated arrival time – 20 minutes]

With a loud boom, the thrusters at the back of the spaceship ignited and the vessel shot out of the hangar at a frightening speed.

Sophie gazed out of the window and could see the transport ship getting further and further away in the distance.

It was a complex feeling to realise that her journey was now over. The months she had spent onboard the ship with her new friends seemed to pass by in a blink.

“I’m definitely getting together for a high school reunion with my friends sometime in July.”

“What are you going to do when you go back?”

“Pray that my mom doesn’t kill me for failing to pass!

Excited chatter was heard from the students around her as most had felt slightly homesick during the long months and were glad to be returning.

Sophie had bought a small backpack in addition to her two luggage bags and stored the Frostwing egg inside.

Wider cracks had appeared on the surface of the blue egg and Sophie could swear that a soft cooing noise could be heard from the inside.

Out of the corner of her eye, Sophie could see Qiana staring at the communicator in her hand with a crestfallen expression.

“Do you want to talk?” Sophie asked carefully.

“No,” came the abrupt response.

Sophie could tell that the quiet girl was in a bad mood, so she tried her best to distract her by spending the rest of the trip pointing at the beautiful stars outside of the window.

Her plan seemed to work as Qiana started to brighten up and Sophie also begun to tell dirty jokes she found on the virtual net.

Sophie had already came to the realization that this seemingly quiet and polite- looking girl….

Was quite perverted!

She would need to light a small candle in prayer for Astrid in the future.

Buzz! Buzz!

Originally Sophie planned to ignore the new messages but a quick look at the sender caused her heart to race as she sat upright in shock.

The messages were from Cleo!

Sophie opened her communicator and laughed softly at the new nicknames Cleo had set in the chat window.

Cutie Princess: [Hi Sophie!]

Cutie Princess: [My exam finally ended…. guess who got sixth place :D]

Spider Lady: [ Awesome!]

Spider Lady: [ I came third in my testing site]

Cutie Princess: [ Seems like I will need to hug your thighs in the future lol]

Cutie Princess: [ Not that I mind….]

Spider Lady: [ Actually when you come back….do you want to go to an amusement park together]

Sophie’s palms were slightly sweaty as she typed out the next couple lines of text while holding her breath nervously.

Spider Lady: [ Not as friends…like an actual date…]

Cutie Princess: [ ……]

Cutie Princess: [ Yes! Yes! Yes!]

“Hey…who are you talking to?” Qiana asked when she noticed that her friend was slightly distracted and sneaking glances at her communicator.

“Um…nothing Qiana!” Sophie quickly responded.

She had gotten a date with a princess!





(Meanwhile at the airport)

“Are you okay milord?” Katarina asked with concern.

The duke said nothing, but his brows furrowed slightly as he tapped the sides of his pants with his fingers.

Why was his overprotective father sense starting to tingle?!

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