
Chapter 163 - 163 Complicated... (2)

Ava and Eli tiptoed through the dark corridors of the bunker, listening intently for the sound of the NPC’s footsteps. They hoped to make a quick purchase of the all-important mana potions and flee the dungeon before the third wave of the city siege began. The echoing footsteps grew louder, and the two adventurers picked up their pace, darting around corners and dodging obstacles as they pursued the source of the sound.

Unfortunately, Ava and Eli’s pursuit came to a sudden halt as they found themselves facing a dead end. The tunnels of the bunker were like labyrinths, designed to confuse and disorient any outsiders who dared to venture within. Only the residents of the city had a thorough understanding of the twisting pathways, and the only way for a player like Ava and Eli to navigate them was to fully explore the map.

Eli cast a sidelong glance at her friend, whose face was set in a stony mask, illuminated by the bright blue gleam of her eyes in the dimly lit tunnel. She cleared her throat and made a suggestion, her voice very low, almost like a whisper.

“Should we just ask Leo for directions?”

Eli spoke with a touch of hesitance, his gaze fixed on Ava’s face. The suggestion had barely escaped his lips before he saw the transformation that came over his friend. Ava’s expression crumbled, and she bit down hard on her bottom lip, her eyes blazing with a fierce light that hinted at a fierce inner struggle.

“I... We don’t need his help, it will cost too much money...”

Ava hesitated, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke. Her face was set in a determined frown, and her eyes burned with a fierce inner struggle.

Eli studied Ava intently, sensing that there was more to her reluctance than just the cost. She knew her well enough to understand the tell-tale signs of her discomfort. Despite her brave facade, her black wings twitched involuntarily, as if they were being forcibly restrained. Eli was certain that Ava was lying to herself and that the real reason she didn’t want to ask Leo for help was far deeper and more personal.


“Ava... Can you tell me a lie?”

Eli’s voice was tinged with curiosity, as she watched her intently. An idea had suddenly occurred to her. Was the action of her twitching wings just a one-time occurrence, or was it another strange thing implemented in the game?

Ava stared at her, as if she had been struck by a sudden realization. Her eyes widened, and her expression was one of disbelief.


She said nothing, but the look on her face was enough to communicate her confusion and surprise.

“I’m a princess...”

Ava muttered the first lie that came to her mind, whilst studying her friend’s reaction. Eli’s expression immediately brightened into a smile, and she began to giggle, trying to stifle it with her hands, but to no avail.

“I’m so happy to be your friend! It’s like reading one of those romance manga!”

Eli exclaimed, wiping away the tears of joy that had formed in the corners of her eyes.

Ava watched as Eli attempted to suppress her laughter, and she sighed heavily, her mood growing even more sour.

“What was the point of even asking the question?”

She muttered to herself.

Seeing her friend’s expression, Eli decided not to leave her in the dark, her tone light and playful.

“Oh, it’s nothing! Not like your wings twitch every time you lie!”

A giggle escaped her fingers, causing Ava’s muscles to stiffen. She met Eli’s gaze, searching for any signs of dishonesty, but her friend seemed genuinely sincere.


Ava took a kneeling position, covering her face with her hands, so the world wouldn’t witness her face that was the color of a tomato.

‘Why me?’

Ava’s thoughts swirled with confusion and frustration. She simply couldn’t comprehend why her lies had to come with a physical manifestation, a betraying twitch of her wings. Why was the universe conspiring against her in this way?

Just then, she felt a tap on her back, and she turned to see Eli, a look of comfort on her face. However, just as Ava was starting to feel a sliver of relief, a giggle escaped from Eli’s lips, causing Ava to shoot her a stern look.

Ava proceeded to do a few experiments, trying with all her might to control her twitching wings, but to no avail. The muscles seemed to have a mind of their own, betraying her every time she told a lie.

“I wonder if Leo knows about this...”

Eli mused, her words striking a chord of fear in Ava’s heart. Of course he knew, Ava thought to herself. There was no doubt in her mind that Leo, as knowledgeable as he was about almost everything in the game, was aware of this weakness of hers.

Ava grumbled, feeling betrayed by her own wings. The thought that everyone could easily tell when she was lying simply by looking at her appearance was a constant source of distress.

Lost in her thoughts, Ava was torn between the option of seeking Leo’s help and the fear of speaking to him. She felt a complex array of emotions that she couldn’t quite identify, but what she did know was that she didn’t want to confront them. She was reluctant to approach Leo and confront the truth, but at the same time, she couldn’t ignore her mounting frustration with her distrustful wings.

Ava surrendered her attempts to control her wings and gestured for Eli to follow her. Despite discovering a new weakness, her countenance was brighter and more relaxed, her mood reflected in her expression.

Eli observed the change in Ava’s demeanor and silently remarked to herself.

‘At least she’s troubled, not angry...’

She hummed the intro tune to one of her favorite love serials, filling the air with its melodic notes. The serial was her favorite, a tale of love and adventure. Luckily Ava had no knowledge from where the tune originated or else she might’ve used one of her bolts to punish Eli.



Countless human skeletons emerged from the ground, blanketing the once lush green fields with their bony remains. Even Leo, was taken aback by the sheer number of skeletons that had appeared during the third wave. He remembered from his previous life that the enemy count should have been far lower. Could it be that the game developers had adjusted the numbers to match the increasing strength of the players?

Leo’s thoughts were interrupted as the first skeleton lunged towards the players, reminding him of the task at hand. He raised his hand, dark silhouettes swirling in his shadow.

‘Kill every skeleton in sight, except for the one wearing a robe... leave that to me’

Leo issued a few commands and watched as the soldiers sprang into action with military precision. The sounds of clashing swords and crunching bones filled the air as they charged forward, striking down every skeleton in their path with swift, decisive blows. The players surveyed their surroundings, trying to locate Leo, but he was nowhere to be seen.

He was concealed in the shadows, his Shadow Cloak and Gloves providing him with an excellent cover in the dim moonlight. He was being cautious, choosing to hold back and wait for the main boss to make its entrance before engaging in combat. In the meantime, he focused on accumulating contribution points by deploying his disposable soldiers.

The use of these soldiers came at a significant cost in terms of Shadow Energy, but Leo was unwavering in his belief that they would not fall. He was confident in their abilities and knew that they would be able to hold their own, at least until the appearance of the boss.

Leo’s gaze swept over the battlefield, taking in the various player figures battling against the skeleton horde. Suddenly, his attention was drawn to a figure, a demon, brandishing a massive mace. The demon’s eyes also locked onto Leo, and he knew that he had been discovered.


For a fleeting moment, Leo was taken aback by the realization that someone had discovered his hiding place. But he quickly regained his composure, a flicker of understanding passing through his mind. The demon likely had invested most of his Skill Points into the Sense attribute, allowing him to detect Leo’s presence even in the shadows.

Leo had expected the demon to simply ignore him and continue the battle against the skeletons. But as he watched, the demon shifted his attention from the horde, turning his gaze towards Leo. The demon started walking towards him.

‘What now?’

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