
Chapter 206 - Monke And A Near Riot

"So, what do you want to know?" I asked Catalina, who was busy slurping down some noodles we had bought inside the Human Town.

"Ebriting!" I raised an eyebrow, and Catalina swallowed her food. "Everything!"

"Well, why not?" Slurping down some noodles and some delicious broth, I recalled the various items I could list off from the top of my head, before slapping myself in the forehead. "Right, I forgot that existed."

Catalina tilted her head, and I dove into the Dungeon Market. Buying a book that had brief descriptions of the technology on Earth, I smirked as the book materialized in my hands. Giving the book to Catalina, who had her lips pursed as she glared at the book, I spoke.

"Here, this book contains most of the technology humans have made during their time. Including the military grade versions." Catalina pouted as she accepted the book. "What? I can't tell you everything? I was just a civilian when I died."

"Killjoy." Catalina pocketed the book inside her satchel, which was enchanted with space-expanding magic, as seen by the large book being put inside without any problems. "Thanks for the book, anyway."

"You're welcome, Lina." Snarking out a comment, I was rewarded with a playful punch on the shoulder as Catalina continued slurping down some noodles.

An idea forming in my mind, I smirked, garnering the attention of both Drake and Catalina.

"I know that look." Drake raised an eyebrow as he drank some of the broth by lifting the bowl to his mouth. "What's the grand idea that's popped up in your head now?"

"Simple, watch some news." Drake and Catalina looked at me, confused. Buying a TV that was connected with the satellite on Earth, Drake realized my intentions as a grin formed on his face.

"Oh, you bastard. I'm loving your idea." Drake laughed while Catalina still had question marks floating above her head.

"What? What are you two talking about?" I shrugged and grabbed the remote before turning the TV on.

"Watching the reactions of the inhabitants." The screen instantly showed a news station that was busy discussing my appearance, with a photogenic lady being the news anchor for the station.

"This just in: President Mason Down has issued a…" The lady continued blabbering the decision of the president in a very urgent manner, her tone of speech indicating how serious the scenario was.

"So, the country is in DEFCON 4. At least the president is taking measures for his country. Who knows what would happen if another Dungeon Master decided to say 'fuck all' and invade a few cities?"

Both Drake and Catalina scowled at the fact. The two of them were averse to needless violence, and since they knew that we were here to strengthen our Dungeons instead of inciting war and panic, attacking the natives was something both of them didn't want to do.

If the natives attack first, however, then the gloves are off.

"Ah right, forgot that the funniest reactions are from the forums or live videos on another media platform." Clicking on the remote, I accessed the MyTube website and saw at least a few mytubers reacting live to the news. "Ohoho… This will be fun."

After clicking on a famous mytuber, who also happens to be a Vtuber, the three of us were bombarded with a loud screech.

"EEEELLLLVVEEESSSS!!! YES! THEY ARE REAL!" The female Vtuber yelled loudly into the mic, causing our eardrums to burst slightly.

"Holy hell! That's a pair of lungs the girl has on her." Catalina flattened the ears on top of her head as she tried to block the noise.

Both Drake and I covered our ears with our hands, not expecting the sudden earrape to occur.

"Change channel?"

"Change channel." I nodded at Drake's proposal and looked for another mytuber, still a Vtuber, to watch.

This time, the Vtuber was still female, but quieter and, overall, less ear-rapey.

"I saw cat ears! Real cat ears! Do you think if you begged management hard enough, they'd allow you to travel abroad and meet-Oh hell no, chat!" The Vtuber's model did an X with her arms as her eyes turned into '> <' symbols. "I don't think management will even let me near a possible life-threatening hazard."

At that point, I switched to another mytuber, who was recording his video live at the scene.

"Bro, a lot of people over here are riotin'! The police are getting overwhelmed by the second!" The mytuber quickly zoomed in and saw a police officer smack a black guy with a baton. "Police brutality!"

"Yep, that officer's fucked." Drake nodded in agreement as I stated flatly.

"Why? All I see is a guard doing his best to uphold the law?"

I stared at the sweet, summer child that was Catalina. Giving her the most pitying look I could ever conceive, she stared back at me with a confused expression.

"What? What did I say?" I sighed and patted her head, playing with her cat ears while I was at it.

"Laws in this world are… Backwards, sometimes. I still remember the law that says if you ever think that someone is threatening you, you have the right to kill them. Give them a warning shot, however, and then you'll be the one in trouble."

Catalina gaped at me, her jaw dropping to the floor.

"That's… That is fucked up."

"Tell me about it." Drake clicked his tongue as he continued to watch the minor riot. "Uh, Jionni, shouldn't you do something about this?"

"… Maybe? But I doubt the president would want me out for the time being." I looked at the screen one more time, seeing that more of the police forces were getting ready to use non-lethal force. "On second thought, I might need to do it now."

Gulping down the last of the noodles, I stood up from my seat and hurriedly created a Master's Path heading towards the entrance of my Dungeon. I was running when I noticed Drake and Catalina following me to the path.

"Use the passageway leading to the Monster Town. Only I can use this passage." With both of them nodding, they separated from me and left me all by myself.

Not perturbed by that, I continued with running.




Reaching the first floor of the school building, I saw that the riot outside had intensified. I don't know why the fuck would people riot like this just because they saw a glimpse of supernatural creatures, but humans will be humans.

Stepping out of the school, I eyed every single human in sight that froze upon seeing my figure. Even the police officers stopped their struggle as they eyed me with wariness.

"Why the fuck is there a riot going on here?" My words shocked all of those present, with some of the people beginning to voice their righteous opinions. 'Great, just my luck.'

"Okay, plan B." I sighed and approached the line of police officers, who all looked like they wanted to be anywhere but near me, but their profession wouldn't allow it.

Stopping in front of the humans, who were now nervously trembling slightly at my daunting form, I leaned in next to a police officer and gave him simple words.

"Let your leaders know I'm bringing one lucky person into my Dungeon so he can record more of the things inside." The officer looked at me like I was plotting something, but seeing no other choice, he nodded and grabbed his radio.

After a few arguments and a potential promotion lost to the officer, he nodded and I looked upon each human within the vicinity.

"Alright! I have a proposition for all of you." I raised my voice, catching the attention of every single pedestrian in the area. "I will call one of you to accompany me into my home. While inside, I will allow you to record anything you see with your cameras."

"You." Pointing at a human who was recording the whole thing live, another person who was probably also a mytuber, I made a come hither gesture. "Come over here."

The person stiffened up slightly, but nonetheless acquiesced to my demand. Standing in front of me, the man looked nervous as all hell.

"Finally, we made it." Behind me, I heard Catalina voice out with relief, the entirety of the human populace looking at the catwoman with increased attention. "Jion, you got things handled here?"

"Eh, the big 'ol bag of muscles will take care of it." Drake shrugged beside Catalina, his gauntlets nowhere to be seen.

"Thanks for your vote of encouragement, Drake." I rolled my eyes before looking back at the nervous human in front of me. "What's your name?"


"Oh, alright, G-Gary. Come follow us and we'll make it worth your while." Intentionally messing up his name, the mytuber did nothing to correct my words as he wordlessly followed my lead, his phone recording everything in HD.

"Will it stop the riot?" Once I was next to the entrance where Drake and Catalina were waiting for me, the man whispered in my ear his worries.

"I don't know. I just hope it will. I can't predict the people here in the 21st century, after all."

As we walked, the man continued to record the scene happening right in front of me. A few minutes of walking later, and we were finally in front of the portal leading to my Dungeon.

"So, do you have anything to ask so far?"

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