
Chapter 197 - Monke And Another Raid (8)

~ Third Person POV ~

Standing atop the ramparts, Jionni glared at the horizon, countless human soldiers marching towards the town. Beside him, Mariona gripped the gun turret's grip with slightly trembling hands.

Inziz stood behind her, her right hand grasping the handle of the zweihander resting on her shoulder. Scowling, she looked at the man responsible for her misery at the hands of goblins. Sure, she saw some living within her savior's Dungeon, but that hatred was pushed aside to give way to her festering rage bubbling within her core.

'I will enjoy watching you die.' Inziz swore as her eyes rested upon the figure of the blood-drenched man, an insane smile plastered on his face.

"Mariona, fire at will." Mariona obeyed, her eyes filled with contempt at the soldiers marching towards her home.

"With pleasure." Mariona's arm stopped trembling and she pressed the triggers, a hail of bullets storming down towards the soldiers.

Their shields already raised, they waited for the attack to impact, confident that their shields would hold.

The bullets made contact, and quickly made swiss cheese of the magical barrier surrounding them. The bullets then shredded the metal shields the soldiers used, even going as far as to puncture their armor as well.

Dozens of human soldiers fell down with blood-curdling screams, blood spraying out as bullets riddled holes in those unfortunate enough to get hit.

The other soldiers who weren't made victims by the bullet storm quickly dodged to the side and took cover behind some trees. They hoped the thickness of the trunks would keep them safe from the unknown yet deadly attack.

"What the hell is that!?"

"I don't know! Just take cover! Maybe they'll run ou-" The soldier's reply was cut short by a bullet, finally puncturing through the trunk and piercing her head.

"Shit! Retreat! Retreat!" One soldier yelled, his fear giving way to panic, only for his plea to be cut short by Linuel, who immediately beheaded the man.

"Don't retreat! Everybody forward! There's only one attacker atop the ramparts!" Linuel growled out as more soldiers fell like flies. "Reach the wall! They won't be able to hit you there!"

Taking the lead, Linuel dashed through the forest and quickly entered an open area, giving the defenders a clear line of sight to his figure.

Mariona, manning the gun turret, immediately set her sights on the man, while Inziz scoffed.

"No way you would kill him with that toy. Focus on the other cannon fodder." Mariona raised an eyebrow at her statement, but otherwise followed through.

Inziz was the one who knew the most about the man, after all.

Some bullets managed to land on Linuel's form, only to have no effect on the man. Mariona was glad she followed Inziz; otherwise, more time would've been wasted by targeting the man instead of those pesky soldiers.

Jionni noticed something glowing from within the tree lines and saw it heading their way. Moving to intercept, he was stopped by Inziz, who gave him a smirk.

"No need." Inziz's hair fluttered roughly in the wind as magic bolts impacted the barrier. Mariona yelped, but otherwise, continued pelting the soldiers who were now coming out of the trees to rush in suicidally with bullets. "See?"

Jionni stared at her with eyebrows raised, before snorting.

"Color me impressed. For a girl who just got out of a coma, you sure are at the top of your game." Jionni snickered, and Inziz laughed.

"Ha! Coma or not, dragonewts are just born different."

"And that second sexual organ?" Jionni questioned, to which the dragonewt shrugged.

"Eh, I'm the last of my tribe. I'm pretty sure Drakhan already told you why." Inziz materialized the dagger connected to the said person before dematerializing it. "Plus, it makes for some of the best situations in bed."

I sighed the moment Inziz licked her lips.

'Why am I surrounded by horny females everywhere I go?' Jionni thought back to the women in his life who were all horny and in dire need of the bonk stick.

"Anyway, bed talk later, fighting now." Jionni glared at the man who was still rushing to the battlefield while ignoring the various arrows, ballistae arrows, and bullets that sometimes headed his way.

Jionni's archers on the wall and ballistae joined the fight when Mariona started firing, although all of them were less impactful than Mariona's gun turret.

Another explosion caught their ears, and the two of them quickly looked to the side, only to see a burning tower with goblins and orcs all burning to death.

"Shit." Jionni gritted his teeth as Inziz raised her eyebrow.

'No love lost if goblins or orcs died.' That's what Inziz thought, but Jionni seemed particularly hurt by the occurrence.

'Fuck… My DP…' If Inziz had learned about what Jionni thought, then she would've chuckled.

Gathering her mana, Inziz quickly made a barrier that spread all around the ramparts, with the thickest concentration located at Mariona's spot.

"Inziz, Linuel seems to be approaching. Do you want to join?"

"Nah. As long as I can see him die, I don't care who deals the killing blow." Inziz shrugged, and Jionni nodded, before quickly scaling down the stairs to meet with Nicholas.

At the bottom, Nicholas and the other monster leaders looked at the burning rampart tower.

"Damn… Our first casualties…" Nicholas clicked his tongue as Gobun and Qog lamented the fact that some of their own died at the hands of these human invaders.

"No need to worry. We all knew this would happen eventually." Qog groaned as he got over his lament quickly. "Monsters like us all die daily, either by hunting, getting hunted, or just plain bad luck. Such is the way of our life."

Qog got all the monsters in the area nodding, throwing the humans and demi-humans for a loop.

"Sorry for your loss." Nicholas could do nothing but offer his condolences to the monsters. Laughing out loud, Qog patted the man's shoulder.

Nicholas groaned at the weight.

"Ha! First time a human ever expressed that to us." Looking around, the rest of the monsters chuckled at Nicholas, albeit all of them expressed their thanks to the man who cared.

"Nicholas." They heard their leader's voice and swiftly moved to listen. "I'm heading out. I need to take their leader's attention off of you all."

"… We don't have much of a choice, do we?" Nicholas shrugged along with the rest of the monster leaders.

"No. If my instincts are serving me right, he can kill all of you before dying. Something I'm not too keen on happening." Jionni surmised as another explosion hit their ears. Looking above, they saw another tower being pelted by magic bolts, although it was still standing strong thanks to Inziz's barrier.

"I trust you all will handle the underlings?" Nicholas snickered.

"Oh, trust me. We will." Jionni smiled before vanishing.

Heading back up the rampart, Jionni prepared to take a leap off the wall, already getting ready to enter Flamegod mode.

'Invisibility won't work on the bastard. I guess going in guns a blazing is the only way.' Leaping off the wall, flame began coating his body shrouded by Drakhan's cloak, the shadows coming alive as the flames turned a darker color.

Eyeing Linuel, who was still charging through the fields like a madman, continuing to ignore the dying screams of his subordinates, Jionni puckered his lips as his feet touched the ground.

A loud crashing sound entered the ears of all present, but none of the soldiers stopped moving in favor of reaching the walls faster to avoid the rain of death coming their way.

As a crater formed below his feet, Jionni rose to his full height, a giant war hammer resting on his shoulders as shadowy flames licked his surroundings.

"Come at me." Jionni growled quietly as he launched himself towards Linuel, who grinned like a maniac upon seeing him.

"Finally! Time to see if your blood would satiate my blade!" Linuel cackled as he readied himself to receive the incoming attack.

Hammer and sword met, and a veritable shockwave emanated from them, throwing the charging soldiers around them off balance.

Not wasting this opportunity, the archers let loose a storm of arrows while Mariona continued to rain bullet after bullet upon the exposed soldiers.

"I knew it! You are strong!" Linuel licked his lips as the two of them disengaged. "And you got me good too!"

A stinging pain coursed through Linuel's leg. Upon closer inspection, he saw his greaves were charred black, with his blackened skin showing.

Shrugging off the damage, Linuel got into another stance, his eyes solely focused on the monster in front of him.

"Show me what you can do!" Linuel launched himself at Jionni, who scowled and channeled magic through his body…

Before manipulating the entire earth around them.

Craters appeared haphazardly around the monster, whose rock-solid stance refused to budge as the earth trembled. This caused more humans to stumble at their charge, giving the defenders a chance to kill more soldiers.

But for each soldier killed, more would pop up, and at this rate, they would reach the wall in under a minute.

Blocking an attack from Linuel, Jionni shoved him off harshly and attacked with his hammer.

With his form broken, all Linuel could do was block the attack with his sword.

'Gorilla Go Smash! Cannon Blow! Colossus Wrath!' Activating all three skills in unison, Jionni roared out and smashed his hammer against Linuel, sending him flying at high speeds, breaking the sound-barrier.

His body broke through trees like a ragdoll, various bones crunching at the devastating blow that would kill any veteran fighter in under a second.

The soldiers halted upon seeing the scene, their eyes wide in fear and disbelief.

Before roaring laughter graced their ears.

"Yes! YES! This is what I crave!" Linuel stood up, his body broken and bloodied, limbs bent at unnatural angles that would put a normal man out of commission. "GIVE ME MORE!"

His eyes catching the scene, all Jionni could do was curse the world for having this kind of enemy.

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